Reason 15: We are Not Living In A Fairy Tale


Witches in Jail - Pt3


Ivy squeezed her heart as she felt severely attacked by all the girls' harsh words. 

Then everyone in the prison cell asked, "So what happened next?" 

"Ya, come on. Please continue. I'm curious to know what did he do to change her mind?"Rosa looks at Ivy with anticipation. 

"Well..." Ivy showed a playful grin and said, "One day, out of the blue, he suddenly forcefully kiss her!" 

Everyone *GASP!* and *SHOCK!* then they *Kyaaaa!!* like a group of girls reacting to a scene from a romantic television drama. 

"This is so exhilarating! So how did she react to his kiss?" 

"Uhm well..." she showed an awkward face, "because it was her first kiss, and he suddenly forced it upon her, so she.. well, she punch him." 

"Hehe..." Rosa started giggling while the others followed along.