Reason 24.7: Dark plans are awaiting for me


the King unleashed his monsters to the world


The Duke POV





While they joyfully hug each other, suddenly a hostile growl entered the building.

They turn their backs and saw a monster wolf with a fiery tail entering the bar.

"What is that?" She said as she furrowed her brows with caution when she saw the strange being.

"Stand back, Lisa," Douglas said as he gently pushes her behind him. "No matter what happens, don't come out from the counter. I'll protect you."

Then the fiery wolf charges towards the muscle man, attempting to bite his neck.

But the muscle man stops his bite by grabbing it's two sharp fangs. 

And as he firmly grabs its two sabre tooth, he gave it a 360-degree spin and swung it out through the door.