Reason 26: The Bad End -1

"Damn it. He got away." Gregory cursed as he watches the fugitive slips away.

"Miss Ivy, are you alright?" He anxiously asks then immediately covered her with his coat.

"I'm alright. Quickly go help Father. He's bleeding really badly."

"My man already carried him away. It's just you now. Come, I'll carry you out..."

"No," Ivy said determinedly. "Go help Leon instead. He needs your help more than I do."

"But you–"

"Go–" She firmly pushes him away, "I'll be fine with your men by my side. So quickly go help him."

"Ha— Ok, ok." He sighs in amazement and smile, "I guess there is no point fighting with you. But try not to overexert yourself, okay?"

"Okay. Please be careful." Ivy said with deep concern on her face.

"Don't worry. Just leave the bad guys to us now."

After leaving Ivy in good hands, Gregory quickly lunges himself towards the stage to aid the Prince.