Reason ???: The Ball (5)

While Ivy was having a private chat with the Emperor, the boys had their own private talk on the side. 


The Prince wall slams his friend as he forced him to a corner to start his interrogation. 

"Explain yourself."

The Prince glared at his friend closely, intimidating him with his dark malicious eyes. 

"What were you two talking about, and why did she link arms with you just now?"

"N-now calm down. okay..." Gregory pushes the angry prince away, then he calmly explained, "We were just having a little bit of fun. It helps takes her mind off since it's difficult for her to be with people right now. Especially among the nobles. You know how it is."

"Tsk. Those nobles again." The Prince furrowed his brows angrily, "One day, I'll have one of their tongues cut off to set an example."

"You know she won't like that," Gregory said to stop the Prince, knowing that he was serious about it.