Reasons ???: Witch Hunting (1)


Gregory's eyes and ears widened at the same time the moment he heard that name. 

He immediately turned the knob to open the door, but the door was locked. 

"*BANG!* *BANG!* Gracie! Open this door right now!" He yelled as he banged his fist on the door. 

"It's brother, quickly. You have to go!" 

Upon hearing his sister's words, Gregory knew he could not miss this opportunity to catch the missing girl, and so he raised his foot and stomped on the door as hard as he could. 

  *CRASHED* He burst into the room and immediately saw his sister with a stranger in a hooded garment running towards the bathroom door.

"STOP!" He yelled, "Please. Miss Ivy. Please just stop running for a moment. I promise I won't come any closer, so, please. I just want to talk." 

Although the girl already had her hands on the doorknob, she took a quick peek behind to ensure that the boy remained at a distance.