Reasons ???: Witch Hunting (9)

"But you promise!" 

The group returned to the cottage after Ivy finished her test. She managed to pass the challenge with flying colours, but her grandfather wasn't convinced since the girl said she would not use a real bullet. Therefore, the grandfather and granddaughter are currently at the dining table having a discussion.

"Why does it matter? You said as long as I can protect myself, I can live on my own and join the guild. I've already passed the test, and I didn't even miss a single target." 

"Ha~ you don't understand..." Omer heaved a heavy sigh while rubbing his forehead, "You already know how dangerous our line of work is, so how do you expect me to let you go on any mission with a water gun?" 

"But it's not just a water gun. I can shoot rocks too, and also...!"