Reasons ???: Reunion (10)

"Haha. He's fine... It's just allergies." She tried to smile and respond calmly, acting as if nothing was wrong. But the moment her eyes glanced at the face behind the book, she froze when she saw a dog's head attached to a man's body.


"What?! what?! what happened?" The shopkeeper asked, flustered by Ivy's yell. 

"Aaaaaaahchoo... haha. Sorry to startle you. I think I'm coming down with something as well. I think we should go now before we spread to others. It's time to go, Hope!" Ivy yelled while trying to contain her smile. 

"Eh... But Hope's not finished yet..." 

"Oh? okay..." The shopkeeper gave them a funny look but decided to overlook their bizarre behaviour since this was not his first encounter with eccentric customers. 

"Well then, please hand over that book. I need to register the book number before you purchase it."