Reasons ???: Back Together (5) or Not?

While Prince Leon was having a mental breakdown in the toilet, Ivy was watching her two familiars sleeping adorably next to each other on her bed. 

"Hehe. How cute." She said as she saw how the little fairy slept soundly on top of Hero. Hope has never shown any interest in anything apart from her world of books. Therefore, Ivy was surprised that little fairy would set her books aside to accompany the dog. 

It all started when Ivy locked herself in her room as she felt depressed, knowing that she needed the Goddess's jewel to survive her condition. At that time, Hope would read to Ivy every day as she wanted to cheer her up, and Hero accompanied them. 

After that, Hero grew to like listening to Hope reading aloud, and he would often visit her at her small library world. Even Hope, who usually likes to keep to herself, comes to appreciate having someone to share her experiences with.