
><>3rd person POV<><

::: Previously: A humanoid being of dark matter arrived at the brand new castle of the new Nether King; the king over a land which had never bowed to one being ever before. There, the two talked like old friends, finally getting to the subject of taking over the other realms. :::

For an immortal, years seem like only days. Several years later the new Nether King and the void being met up again. They had visited one another occasionally, the void being going about the three realms freely while the new king constricted to his lands. But, he planned to change his schedule with this new goal in mind.

"There you are, Herobrine." The dark humanoid hovered down in cloud form towards the balcony the Nether King was standing on. The castle had been much more decorated since then, standing out and looking even more majestic, not afraid to show the riches of it's builder. However, the decorations did not make the castle any less scary. In fact, they only made it that much more threatening.

"Ugh, there you are. Do you have the sword?" Herobrine asked, no longer in bandages. The void would have rolled it's eyes if it could.

"Uh, duh! No need to be such a party pooper. I just showed up after like, three months?"

"Four years." The Nether king corrected.

"Right." The void said, landing in front of the lord, turning into it's humanoid form.

"Ah, sorry. It has been a while hasn't it?"

"Indeed.. Anyways, where is that map of mine?"

"Just past these doors. Come on." Herobrine smiled a little. The humanoid then followed the king into the castle, and sure enough, on the other side of the two large glass doors was a large table with a glowing map on top. "Here it is. Our plan still on it." Herobrine pointed down at the table as he came closer to it. The two then stood on opposite sides of the large square table, looking at it closely. The map looked to be enchanted, creating the illusion of a 3D effect, with divots for rivers and bumps for mountains. Together they talked in hushed tones with one another, mumbling so they couldn't catch any possible spys' attention. It was the final planning phase; extra secret. "Alright, after that, it is pretty simple. I just fly to his flank and take him out. Simple." Herobrine finally smiles. The void nods and it's eyes scrunch in joy as well.

"Great. I will gather together my squad. Oh, and, here's that sword you wanted. Specially made. It took a lot of energy so you better be thankful." It chuckled, pulling out an obsidian sword with dark purple enchantments. "Made from the finest End Sky." It boasted with a hint of pride.

"Thank you." Herobrine thanked as he grasped it's handle, marveling at the blade and the soft enchantment waves gliding across it's surface. "I will put it to good use." He smiled, placing the sword on his back. The humanoid's eyes flickered with joy, and it turned back into a ball of black smog and flew off.


Several hours later the being landed in the Over World. It was night, the night sky perfectly hiding the void's descent. Once it landed, the being walked through the deathly quiet forest. Monsters roamed near it but they did not attack. The being finally stopped at an old warehouse. Dim firelight shining through the large open arch where wagons could be driven through. Inside, the faint noises of a few masculine voices sung somberly. The song they were singing was about being out of place, a misfit, or something related.

Once the being walked in, those singing stopped instantly and the others just sitting or standing around the fire quickly turned their heads. It looked like some decent amount of outlaws or bounty-hunters. Right away, everyone stood at attention, waiting for the being to speak.

"At ease..." The void sighed, taking a seat casually on some crates. Everyone looked a little confused, but loosened up and sat back down or leaned against the walls again. They did not continue singing though. The void just watched, studying how these humans behaved. Unlike most immortals, the void being was fascinated by how the humans acted so differently from the other creatures. It liked their sporadic behavior and unpredictable motives. No two humans were the same. That was why it had made it's team consisting of humans alone in the first place. Of course, being evil, only the bandits or bounty-hunters would care to join, and that was all it needed. It had spent the last ten or so years building up it's team, teaching them the arts of enchanting and potions, figuring out each of their skills and assigning them to the best roles for them. The void thought it best to raise up a small well-trained team that trusted one another rather than a massive army with faceless individuals who did nothing but follow their master like puppets. That was the only quarrel the void could think up against Herobrine. With so many soldiers, he saw Herobrine as a bit reckless at times.

"Soooo, is there a mission, or are you just going to stare at us all until you get bored?" The youngest crew member asked. He was only about eighteen years old. The void being snapped it's head up to look the young man in the eyes, then over the rest of them; then, it stood.

"The plan has been set up. I will need you fifteen to fight alongside me and Herobrine." It informed.

"We get to fight with Herobrine?!" The second youngest, only nineteen, asked with an excited smile on his face. Several others were smiling as well.

"..Yes.." The void being answered plainly. A few cheered in excitement, eager to fight alongside the now most feared immortal. No, he was more than that. He was higher on the podium than a mere immortal. He was the creator of darkness. The one who had made the Nether and the monsters all those years ago before being forced by his brother into a hundred-year slumber. In a way, it was exciting for the dark void to be such great friends with the god of darkness. It was great to be seen as helpful, as an equal. Especially since even it had no idea what it was. Where it fit on the podium. The void, was internally excited, happy to have a place: as Herobrine's partner in crime.