The next morning Varden awoke to the sound of a knock on the door. Varden sprang out of his bed but then remembered the day before and slipped some clothes on. He grabbed his sword and shield and when he was ready, he opened the door.
Drayden was standing there and smiled at him remembering what had happened yesterday morning. She said, " I am here to wake you both up."
He stepped outside and shut the door. Then he pulled her close and kissed her. Varden said, " I hardly slept the wink last night, I couldn't keep my mind off of you."
She pulled slightly away and quickly change the subject she said, " Argus will be waiting for us if we'd don't hurry."
Varden asked, " Will we have a chance to talk tonight?"
Drayden replied, " We should be able to talk later." They had a parting glance then he went back into his room.
Varden went over and woke up Drake they both got dressed in their armor and when they had everything together, they went over and knocked on Drayden's door.
She answered it and said, " Well let's go." Then they set off to make their way to Argus's castle.
When they got there the drawbridge was down in the gate was closed, but Argus was nowhere to be seen. Varden yelled out in the guard came running and open the gate. The guard led them through the castle to the training room where Argus was yelling at his students.
They heard him saying, " I have been gone for two days, and all you have learned is that one spell, and you still don't even have that right yet! Just for that, I have something special planned for you. In 6 hours, this will hatch and anyone that doesn't perform the spell correctly will be in trouble. It will follow you one by one and bite at you until you do the spell correctly or it will chase you out of the castle and don't even bother coming back. This is a very basic spell and if you can't get it right then I can't teach you anything better." And as he walked out of the room he said to the others, " Let's go!" Everyone could tell how upset he still was.
On their way out Varden asked, " What was that in the egg?"
Argus said, " It is called the wizard's helper, and its purpose is to help train young apprentice magicians."
Varden asked, " How does it work?"
Argus told him, " You cast the spell of the helper then you cast this spell that you were trying to teach."
They talked all the way to the castle. Varden found himself walking faster than the others, and he didn't seem to tire. He then remembered the gem that he had gotten from Argus. He was feeling so good he knew that it was worth whatever he paid for it.
When they got to the castle, they went to the southwest corner tower. After Drake had checked things Varden open the door and looked in it was just like the other tower that they had gone through yesterday.
The first room was empty except for a bunch of footprints in the dust. The tracks looked fresh, and as if they were made by three different size boots. That meant there were three other people wandering around inside the castle tower.
There was something about this tower that was different from the first tower that they had gone through. It was that there was no dust in the hall and stairs at all but in the rooms, there was a lot of dust so that had to mean that something was cleaning it. When they reached the second floor there was no sign that anyone had bothered this door. Drake checked it and found that it was trapped he carefully disabled the trap and told Varden it was safe now. Drake searched the room but the only thing that he found was the trap.
The third on the fourth floor was empty except for footprints in the dust and when they reached the fifth floor, they heard someone talking. Drake checked the door and said it was okay. Varden opened the door a little and saw three men talking. He recognized them from the town bar. The largest one of them said," Hello."
Varden stepped forward and said, " Hello. How are you doing?"
The large man said, " We are doing great, and we have been finding lots of treasure in the tower."
Varden said, " Yes there does seem to be allowed of treasure here."
The large man said, " We have cleared out everything in the tower up to this floor, except for the second because it was trapped. We haven't run into any monsters yet but we're ready in case we do." While he patted the sword at his side.
Varden pulled his party aside and asked them if they wanted to have these three join their party. No one objected to them joining their party, so he decided to ask them. Varden went over to them and asked," Do you want to join the parties together?"
He replied, " We will have to talk it over and think about it for a while."
Varden's party not wanting to stand around and wait for an answer, so they left the room. They continued on to the sixth floor. Drake checked the door and said that it wasn't trapped but it was locked. Drake told the others to get prepared he was going to pick it. It took a little time, but he finally managed to get the door open.
Varden opened the door and looked in and saw a man sitting on the far side of the room. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked very hairy dirty and rugged looking. He didn't have any weapons and armor or shield. By his appearance, it looked as if he had been in a lot of fights lately and lost most of them.
They entered the room. Varden asked him, " What has happened to you."
" Oh my god, I'm so happy to see someone I thought I'd be trapped here till I died. My name is Wolfram by the way. My party and I were exploring the main castle when some wolves attacked us. I must have been knocked out for a while because the next thing I can remember is waking up here locked in this room. I can't remember anything more than that."
Varden pulled the others aside and asked if they wanted him to join their party.
Drayden said, " I have a bad feeling about him, and I don't want him joining us."
Varden argued, " He has explored part of the castle and he could tell us part of the danger, traps, and the monsters that are in it."
Drayden still said, "It is a bad idea to have him join the party."
Varden said, " He needs our help, and as long as he doesn't cause any trouble, and gives the information, he should be allowed to join the party."
Drayden looked at him again and saw how desperately he needed to be out of there, so she finally agreed to him joining the party at least for now but she still didn't like it.
Varden asked Wolfram, " How many people were there in your party?"
Wolfram answered, " There were 11 of us at the start but now I'm not sure how many are left. They all arrived on the island two weeks ago and has been over a week since we started exploring the castle. We thought with such a large party that we wouldn't have any trouble defeating anything that came along. But I guess we were wrong."
Varden asked him, " Have you heard anything from the others, any of them?"
Wolfram said, " No, but I was planning on going back to the castle and trying to find them."
Varden asked, " What type of adventure were you?"
Wolfram said. " I am a fighter, but I am new at it."
Varden said, " My name is Varden, and this is Drake, over there is Argus and the cleric talking to me is Drayden. We are planning to go to the castle, but we thought that going through the towers first would help build the team better at least until we get used to each other. "
Varden asked him, " Do you want to join our party? Everyone gets an even share except for Argus gets any magic items that he wants and 10% of the treasure with an additional hundred gold coins per day."
Wolfram asked, " Why does Argus get such a large share?"
Varden answered, " That's because he is a wizard and has most of the power and the knowledge to save us and that is what he demanded to join." Varden asked him again, " So do you want to join our party or not? You are free to go if that is what you want."
Wolfram said, " Yes I do, at least for now."
Drake searches the room but didn't find anything. Varden gave Wolfram his old sword and shield
that he had in his pack. Wolfram thanked him.
They went up to the seventh floor. Varden kept Wolfram close by him because he wanted to make sure that he kept out of trouble. Varden opened the door and across a room were five small sacks just sitting against the wall. It all seemed too easy with the sacks laying they're out in the open without even a trap at the door. Varden called Drake over to lead the way. They gathered the sacks and Drake checked the room, finding a small diamond along the wall. He could have easily hidden it and kept it for himself, but he added it with the rest of the treasure.
The eighth floor was empty, so they started going to the ninth floor when they found themselves trapped between two grayish blobs. One of them was going up the steps the other was coming down. They knew that these were the things that have been keeping the stairs clean. One of them must have gone past them while they were in one of the rooms.
Drayden and Argus turned to fight the one that was coming up the steps while Varden, Wolfram, and Drake faced off against the one that was coming down the steps.
Drayden swung her mace it ripped easily through the blob tearing a chunk out of it, but the thing just kept coming.
Argus cast a spell then rubbed his hands together and they started on fire then he touched the blob. The blob burst into flames and then started shrinking until it was gone, leaving behind only the things it had not digested. Wolfram swung at the blob and managed to cut a small chunk of it that just made the blob move toward him and the sort he was using started smoking. Drake cut a huge chunk out of the blob, but it kept moving towards Wolfram.
A feeling came over Varden as if he knew what to do. He took a step forward and then threw his sword in the air. The sword flew up into the air and took on a life of its own it hovered over the blob and started spinning then went straight down into the center of it. The crystal started blowing and flashing several colors. The blob began to go and change colors to match the crystal in the sword. It kept going brighter and brighter till finally it exploded and blew slime everywhere. As Varden reached out his hand to get the sword the sword flew up to meet his hand as if he had called to it.
In the slime was a golden bracelet with large gems all the way around it. Drake went over and picked it up and packed it with the other treasure. They made their way to the door and Drake checked it. The door was okay, so he told Varden to go ahead. When Varden looked in he saw what looked like 10 large ugly humans.
They seem to be arguing amongst themselves, but Varden couldn't tell what they were saying. Varden quietly closed the door and told the others what he had seen. Including the weapons that they had. Most of them had very long swords, but from what he could see they were not made very well. Varden and the others prepared for anything before entering the room.
As soon as everyone was ready Varden opened the door. He carefully opens the door, and they all quietly entered the room. The creatures didn't notice them, they were too busy fighting amongst themselves. Varden tried to talk to them, but they didn't understand what he was saying so they just attacked.
Argus was prepared and ready for this to happen, he pointed at the ceiling and shot a sphere of light and when it hit the ceiling it exploded and lit up the whole room in a blinding light that left the entire ceiling glowing from the effects. All the creatures were instantly blinded for a minute and that gave them a chance to kill some of them and even out the numbers. They all managed to kill at least one except for Varden that killed three.
There was one of them that stood a foot taller than the others and he was telling the others what to do. One of them took a swing at Varden's head and as Varden went to block the blade with his own his sword cut right through the creature's sword and killed it.
The second one attacked Drayden she blocked with her shield and then killed it with her mace.
The third hit Wolfram and sent him flying back into Drake which knocked both of them down.
Argus took a handful of powder from a sack and threw it and two of them instantly fell to the floor. All that remained standing were the leader and one other.
The leader pushed the other one toward Drayden. Then it took a swing at Varden. Varden stepped back swung his sword three times and cut the leader's sword into four pieces. It dropped the handle and yelled something.
Argus stepped forward and said, " These are orcs, and they are big but not real bright. It just told the other to surrender."
The leader Orc stepped up to Varden and handed him a large sack and mumbled something.
Argus translated, " The leader is wondering if you would take the treasure for their freedom."
Varden said, " Tell him that they can go free as long as they leave people alone from now on."
Argus told them what Varden said so they started to leave when Argus stopped them. He told them that the other two were not dead they were just asleep, so they carried the others out.
Drake checked the room and didn't find anything. So, they went to the 10th floor and Drake checked the door and said it was okay.
Varden opened the door and peeked in, he didn't see anything, so we opened the door and when inside. As he got through the door he saw the image again, but this time was much stronger. The image said, "You should have left when you had the chance now for this, I will destroy you and the town in every single human on this island."
Then a ball of fire came from the far side of the room and went straight for the door. They quickly grabbed Varden and pulled them out the door and slammed it shut then cleared the doorway. In the second the door disintegrated, and the ball of fire hit the wall and exploded, and everyone went flying back down the stairs.
Argus had a sprained ankle and wrist, and he was lucky to be standing behind the others.
Drake had some minor burns and several cuts on his face, hands, and legs, and there was a piece of stone embedded in his arm.
Drayden was mostly shielded from the blast by Varden but she still one up with a broken arm from when she hit the stairs.
Wolfram had some serious burns covering most of his body and the ad lots of cuts a broken hand and jaw and he was finding it hard to move.
Varden got most of the blast it hit him so hard, that he blew over the others landing farther down the stairs. He got up and dusted himself off as if nothing had happened. He only had several scratches, but nothing serious. He went back up to help the others to their feet.
They looked at him and wondered how he would be so lucky to have the blast so close and only get a few scratches. It was unbelievable that anyone could even survive let alone be undamaged.
Drake decided to keep a closer eye on him. He didn't believe that anyone could be that lucky. When everyone was on their feet Varden went back up the stairs.
Drayden started healing them. The first thing she started with was the broken arm, it took a little time but as soon as she finished, she started to work on the others.
When Varden reached the 10th floor the imagery appeared again and said," So you were not destroyed. You just got a little taste of my power. You better turn back now, or you'll taste the full extent of my power and so will every other human!"
The image started to fade in Varden yelled out. " WAIT!" That image faded back in and demanded to know what it was to wait for.
Varden asked, " Why are you doing this?" The image just faded out without a word. Varden was just left standing there wondering what it meant. Why something so powerful and had such control over what seemed to be everything was bothering with this little town?
After a while, the others joined him one by one as Drayden finished healing them. Drake checked the room and only found a single gold coin lying on the floor. Everyone was sore and tired, and it was getting late, so they decided to go back to town. It was strange even though they had not collected that much treasure today it was taking longer to search everything.
As they reached Argus's castle gates, they started walking through when Wolfram was held in place and couldn't move either way.
At first, they didn't notice that Wolfram was trapped till he yelled out in everyone turned and saw him. Varden asked Argus, " What is going on with the gate?"
Argus said, " Well let's see… It isn't that he is evil or something else would have happened."
Then Argus remembered what it was, and he said, " It is that he is under some kind of curse. He will not be allowed into my castle until he can easily walk through the gate." Then Argus waved his hand and mumbled something and told Wolfram to turn around and wait outside the gate.
The rest of them continued into the castle and while they were walking in Varden asked about the gate.
Argus said," That is a protection spell to keep out thieves, assassins, and evil things and there's a special surprise for those who try and get over my walls." Then he had a vicious smile.
The first place in the castle that they stopped was his training room as Argus wanted to check on his students and see how many were left. When they went into the room, they saw five students gathered together on one side of the room. There was only one on the other side. The student was sweating desperately trying to cast the spell. The small monster was slowly getting closer, biting at him. Inches before the creature got to him the student finely was able to cast this spell correctly and the creature backed off.
The three went to the counting room and Argus took the bracelet into his lab. By the time Argus returned to the others they had the treasure they had collected counted.
Drake asked Argus, " What do you know about the bracelet?"
Argus said, "The bracelet was a magic bracelet of attraction. When you put it on it will lead you to some form of treasure. Which type I'm not quite sure."
Drake asked Argus, " How much for the bracelet?"
Argus said, " It will cost you all of your share for today plus 400 gold coins later."
Drake agreed and Argus handed him the bracelet, it sparkled in his eyes, and he had an incredible urge to put it on it was calling to him. They separated up the shares collecting Wolfram's share separately. They took what was left back to the vault that Argus had provided for them. They got Wolfram's share together and headed out of the castle.
Drayden asked, "What are we going to do with Wolfram? There must be something wrong with him if he can't even get through the gates to the castle."
They both agreed with her. Varden said, " He hasn't caused any trouble yet and he should be given a chance, but they just have to keep a close eye on him."
Drake agreed and said, " It looks like we could use as many adventurers with us as we can get. Even though the shares will be smaller it looks like what we're up against is going to take a lot of power to take down. It looks like he is not holding back and just letting everyone else fight either."
Drayden agreed on that point. By the time they got to the gate, they'd decided what to do about Wolfram. They decided to let him continue with them as long as he doesn't cause any trouble.
As they reached Wolfram, he was just sitting there waiting for them. When he saw them, he stood up and the first thing he did was ask them about the gate and why he couldn't get through.
At first, no one said anything till Drake finally spoke up and said, " We don't know for sure what is going on with the gate all Argus told us is that his gait is set up for protection."
They handed Wolfram his share of the treasure. He looked at it and said, " All this is mine."
They made their way back into town and headed for the inn. They made their way through the bar and up to the bartender. The bartender said, " Hi, how have you been doing?"
Varden basically told him what they had been doing and what they ran into. Then he introduced Wolfram.
Wolfram asked the bartender about a room. The bartender went upstairs with them and showed Wolfram's room, it was next to Varden and Drake's rooms.
Varden asked Wolfram, " Are you going to go exploring with us tomorrow?"
Wolfram said, " Yes. As long as you let me, I will need to get some better gear though. I have to go back and find out what happened to the rest of my colleagues."
Varden told Wolfram that they would wake him up in the morning. And they all went into their separate rooms.
Varden took off his armor and set his sword and shield in the corner and then went over to Drayden's room.
He knocked on the door and when she answered it, she was dressed in her nightgown with a very thin robe. She said, " I'm glad that you decided to stop by, please come in."
He went in and she closed the door. He turned around and kissed her. An overpowering feeling came over Varden one he had never felt before. When he finished kissing her, they just held each other for a while and then kissed again. They went over and sat on the bed and started kissing some more.
Varden got caught up in the moment and slipped her robe off her shoulders while they were kissing.
When they stop kissing, she noticed what he had done she slapped his face and demanded he leaves her room as tears streamed down her face. He was ashamed of what he had done, and he knew better, but he just couldn't help himself. He went back to his room didn't say anything to Drake and just went to bed and to sleep.