Chapter 6: At the Bowels of the Black Tower

A beautiful, dignified-looking woman of around early 20s of age, (Earth years) with red hair and a thin, wire-like tiara on her head rose from her throne at the other end of the room and went down the dais to approach me. She flashed a warm smile as she greeted, "Oh, I knew it was you, the Legendary Commoner General, Lord Kuro of Arles, in the flesh! I bid you welcome to my lands!"

"Your Excellency…" I bowed before her as a sign of respect…though I'm not sure if I did that right.

"Please! Please!" Lady Margaret gestured for one of her beastman servants (I think they're from the dog tribe) to come over and bring us drinks, "Have a taste of our Lightflower wine, good Sir! I heard what happened to you!"

"'What happened to me?' What do you mean by that, Your Excellency?"

"Ah, please, just call me Margaret. And let's have a seat first; I know you're tired from your journey, Lord Kuro." the Duchess then had another two of her beastman servants to bring me a velvet chair to sit upon, which they positioned beside the throne. Once she saw that I'm comfortable, she sat on her throne again and continued our conversation.

"How's the wine?" she asked.

"It's great!" Well the wine tasted great. It's good, especially when paired with the pastries the servants brought to us.

"I'm glad you liked it." Lady Margaret grabbed the wine flask from her servant and poured it on my cup herself, "Have some more, milord!"

"Err…thanks?" I'm honestly flabbergasted by her treatment of me. If I remember, the nobles back in Chersea hated my guts because of my commoner background. Her overtures were highly suspicious, and her intent was as clear as day…

"Ah…Lord Kuro, the Fist of the North Lands, the Hero of Arles…the Legendary Commoner General who vanquished the Empire and the undead." the noblewoman was all-smiles as she showered me with praises, "I can't believe that you'd come to my lands one day…"

"Your Excellency, I don't mean to be rude to you, but may I ask what do you need from me?"

"Oh! Yes, right!" she chuckled, trying to hide her surprise when I asked that question, "Well, as you may have known by now, no one can cross into Chersea as of the moment. I'm aware of your intent because of your talks to our Master Merchant here."

Wow…talk about a stalker. It seemed like my movements are being tracked, eh?

"Yes, it's unfortunate, but I guess I have to live with it for a while," I told her.

"If that's so, would you like to work under me and become my vassal?" Lady Margaret's eyes never wavered when she pressed that question on me, "I've heard of your ideas, of your famed intelligence that moves even the Saints themselves! When I learned you came to my lands, I thought, 'why don't I try to get you to work with me'?"

While I'm quite shocked by what she said, I'm immediately countered her with, "Is there anything wrong with your lands, Your Excellency?" From what I observed, there's nothing wrong with this fief…yet.

"Ah, you've heard it from Madame Bellefort herself." the noblewoman's face turned serious, "I'm always on the lookout for men of intelligence! You know, just in case, for the future of my lands…"

"Hmm…" I pondered for a while, and then asked, "Your Excellency, is this 'future' you're talking about connected to the closure of the crossing between Chersea and Cherwind?"

Lady Margaret was visibly taken aback when I put that question before her. Despite that, she was delighted to see that I could guess what's on her mind, "My! You're really what they say, milord! How did you know it's connected to that?"

"Well, based on my observation, your fief is prosperous because it's the terminus of the caravans coming from Chersea. People talk good of you, Your Excellency, and they see you as a wise, benevolent ruler of this land. Of course, no ruler would wish to see their subjects go through hardships, or they'd lose their support, as well as their source of income. And since you wanted me to work under you, I assume it's in preparation when things go awry because of the suspended trade."

Lady Margaret and her chamberlain exchanged looks and then stared at me in awe, "Jarvis, did you just hear Lord Kuro?"

"Yes, Your Excellency! He said all the things you're going to tell him!"

The noblewoman laughed heartily, and then told me, "I…I'm really in awe of you, Lord Kuro! So, would you like to work with me, for the future of this colony?"

"Well, Your Excellency, if I remember, you said that you're aware of what happened to me."

"Yes. And isn't it you were kidnapped by some bear-woman? These beastmen barbarians sure are a handful!"

"My apologies Your Excellency, but you got one thing wrong. I was kidnapped indeed, but by the Beastman Saint, Ruro of the Wolf herself."

"What?" Lady Margaret rose from her throne, "But that wasn't what Lady Kashca Telis told me! She said that you were kidnapped by a bear-woman and there's a high possibility that you would be hidden here, and they were here days ago to 'rescue' you!"

"If that were true, I won't be trying to catch a ride into Chersea."

"Hmm…something's not right with your story and Her Holiness Ruro.'" she remained silent for a few moments, contemplating. But then, Lady Margaret continued, as if dismissing my concern, "In any case, since you won't be able to cross into Chersea for the meantime, would you like to work for me?"

"With all due respect, Your Excellency, I'm in danger here. I'd have to decline your offer."

"If protection's your concern, I could negotiate with Her Holiness to leave you alone." she offered, "In case you don't know, the human colonies of Cherwind might be small, but we can fight…should things get bad. I also got my men armed with the most dangerous weapon yet invented, the demon weapons."

"I wish no bloodshed and ill-will between humans and beastmen." I reiterated, remembering full well of Missy's fate, "Though I'm human, I sympathize with the fate of the beastfolk. Plus, this is their land."

"Hmm…so am I, milord. Alright, how about I offer you the best land in Cherwind as your personal fief? And women! You may get anyone you wish!" Lady Margaret showered me with proposals, "And of course, that's included in the protection I'm offering you! Only accept my offer."

"My apologies, Your Excellency."

"Okay…please don't be hasty in your decision, Your Lordship." she then turned to all inside the throne room, "Everyone out!"


At once, the duchess' chamberlain and servants took a bow and exited the room. Suspecting that something was up, my hand quickly reached for my dagger, though I never pulled it out…for now.


I kept myself on alert just in case something went wrong. I watched as the people around us left the throne room; the chamberlain, the duchess' servants, as well as the soldiers (that I didn't notice) who were hiding behind the pillars…

"I commend you for making me pull my ace on you, milord!" Lady Margaret chuckled, "But yes, I'm willing to throw everything just to get your allegiance."

"…" My mind was racing if I were to pull my dagger. I mean, she's alone with me, right?

But I need not worry.

The duchess pulled her 'ace'. She seductively leaned forward and made sure her ample breasts were exposed enough before me, "Why don't I…you know, offer myself to you? I'm sure you could find me up to your liking…"

"Err…milady, I don't think you should be doing this…

"Why not? Don't you know I like you, Sir Kuro? Ever since I met you back in Nerfes, I couldn't stop thinking about you…" As if to increase her tempo, she even began caressing my face, and purposefully exposed her thighs to me…


Goodness…this turned into a weird…and dangerous, direction. Lady Margaret was indeed beautiful; she's a woman who's confident in herself, and she knew how to use her 'assets.'

I have to put a stop to this, and soon. I don't want to be unfaithful to Maddie…

Without further ado, I took the noblewoman's hand, kissed it, and kneeled before her, "My apologies, Your Excellency. While I do find you attractive, let it be known that I look up to you with respect. So, I have to decline once again."


I think that stopped Lady Margaret's attempts.


Good thing that it's only us inside the throne room at the moment. I guess the chamberlain and her servants and guards went somewhere else. But in any case, I think I protected the honor of the duchess?

"Hmm…you really are what they say." Lady Margaret sighed, "Back in Chersea, the nobility has been talking about your kindness and impartiality to everyone, even to those who hated you."

"My apologies, Your Excellency. Please understand that I really wanted to help; it's just the circumstances that don't permit me to."

"I understand, Your Lordship." the noblewoman's eyes were downcast, "It's just that…it's a pity that you won't agree to my proposals…" She clapped her hands.


The beastmen servants suddenly appeared, and they were quick to move. They immediately restrained my arms even before I could say 'knife'. One of them even made sure I was disarmed by taking the matchlock pistol and dagger from my waist, and they forced me to kneel.

God! These beastmen sure are strong! I can't even flail my arms!

"Lord Kuro, I really wish you would work with me…" her expression was full of sadness, yet I could feel that she was faking it, "However, if I can't convince you…then no one will."

"What are you doing, Your Excellency?"

"Milord!" Lady Margaret's voice suddenly changed tone. From a warm, friendly voice, she was now getting annoyed, "Let me tell you that Lady Kashca Telis approached me to alert them of your whereabouts! I could've handed you to them right now, but decided not to! And this is how you repay me?"

"We could have other terms—"

"I wanted your oath of fealty to me, and me alone!" she was stomping her feet like a child.

Oh dear, this wasn't good…I did not even tell you to do that for me, you know? "But, Your Excellency, if it's another situation, then I can—"

"Well, you only have two choices, I believe." she interrupted, grabbing my face, "You work for me, or you would rot in the dungeon! You choose!"

I remained silent as Lady Margaret held my face in a vice-like grip.

"Hmph! I wanted to hear your answer about this matter tomorrow, after breakfast." she told me, "Until then, you should consider your final decision…in the dungeon!"

Well, great. I guess I shouldn't have pissed her off earlier, huh?


I didn't even resist, as I was being dragged by the beastmen servants into the bowels of the Black Tower of Malvette. I mean, what's the use? The fortress was heavily guarded, and these servants could also pin me down with no effort at all.

Now I understand what happened when Ursura fought and turned those fox tribesmen into a gory mush of flesh, bone, and blood…

"We are truly sorry for this, Lord Kuro…" I heard one of the beastmen servants tell me.


"Please accept our apologies." said another, "Even as we wanted to free you, we couldn't disobey our Mistress. We're forced-slaves, bound to follow her orders by an inviolable contract."

"What do you mean by that?" I'm confused about what's happening.

"Well, this is our first time to see a human noble sympathize with our plight, even if it's only through your words, Lord Kuro." the elder-looking dog-beastman with white hair explained. He was the one who confiscated my weapons.

"Yes…and here we thought all humans wanted to enslave and kill us all." the other, younger dog-beastman added. He held my arms behind my back and seemed to do it with no effort at all.

"Huh?" my interest was suddenly piqued by their words. Looks like there's something I should know about this land, Cherwind, "Why do you say that? Did something happen between your race and the humans before?"

"We thought that you humans came to our land to help us." the younger beastman told me, "Your people exterminated the monsters that roam Chersea, after all."

"But, what the humans did was to colonize our land, take our women, and enslave us." the elder beastman said further, "My wife and daughters are all violated and dead when we tried to fight back."

"Oh…" Something heavy and painful shot through my chest when I heard that, "Look, I'm really sorry for what happened to you and your family."

"It's all fine, Lord Kuro. Nothing we can do about it anymore." the elder beastman sadly reassured me.

"Your character really proves your legend, Your Lordship!"

I was surprised when I heard that, "Even you guys know about me?"

"We do. You're Lord Kuro, the human champion who saved Chersea from the undead, and a great inventor who made the demon weapon."

"Ha? I invented the demon weapon?"

"You don't?"

I nodded, "I only showed the humans how to use it in battle."

"So you're the one who caused the humans to defeat us!"

"It doesn't matter, Vulhex. I'm sure Lord Kuro doesn't know that his people would use those weapons to enslave us. You know how he tried to reason with our Mistress about our race's welfare."

"Right…my apologies, Your Lordship." the younger beastman was quick to apologize, and he added, "I could not even get angry lately…"

"See? Even our emotions are controlled, Lord Kuro."

"I'm sorry about that. But Mister—"

"Just call me Alein, a former elder of the Canus Dog Tribe. Vulhex here is my son." the elder servant-slave explained, "I don't think 'Mister' would be a fitting title to me, for we are not free folk."

"I don't see you as slaves, to be honest." I told them, "I grew up in a world that is free of them. So please allow me to call you with respect."

"Such a good human…" Vulhex commented.

"In any case, what happened for you to become slaves?"

"Ah, it's a long story, Lord Kuro." Alein's expression turned nostalgic, "However, it's almost the same as to every other beastmen tribe that was subjugated by your people. The humans tried to take land from us, we fought back, got defeated, and were enslaved."

"Before, we beastfolk could match the humans in a battle in terms of strength. They could send to us armies of armored knights, yet we can defeat them all." Vulhex added, "But everything turned around when your people started using the demon weapons. They could now kill us in one shot and from afar."

Hearing those stories made me feel even worse. I thought I was helping, but those innovations I brought to Chersea caused the suffering of another race, and their dead was a stain in my hands…even if I did not directly kill their loved ones.

"I'm…really sorry." was all that I could say. However, I knew that no amount of apologies could appease the damage I've done to the beastmen people.

"Please don't be, milord." Alein reassured me, "While indeed it was a bad thing that happened to us, we understand that the weak would always be devoured by the mighty. Here, it is us who are weak."

"It's the will of the Saint, my father." Vulhex said, "We couldn't possibly go against her. It was the Saint Ruro of the Wolf who knows about our fates, and we would follow her to the grave…"

"Indeed, my son. We should just obey; it is our fate."

I could only stare at them, bewildered, when I heard them console each other. Goodness, how did it come to this? Ruro…what the fuck did you do to your own race?


The beastmen servant-slaves specifically chose the dungeon cell that was nearby a narrow slit serving as the 'window' to the outside. I know that this was because of their sympathies towards my plight; at least my suffering would be lighter than the others who were also imprisoned in that place.


The Black Tower's dungeon was dark, smelly, and I could hear the horrible noises of those who were incarcerated. Some were pleading to be let out, others were screaming—either in horror or because of their lost sanity. The stink was of another level. I could smell the mixture of dung, sweat, and decaying flesh; maybe some prisoners had already died and were just left there rotting.

This place made the dungeon under the Rubinforth manor a 'hotel' compared to this.

Indeed, those beastmen servants were a godsend. The cell they gave me was a better place than the rest of the dungeon…


I sat near the slit so as not to suffocate from the bad air. I might puke anytime, but I controlled myself. I mean, it's painful in the chest if I did puke…

Taking a peek from where I was, I surmised that maybe this was at the side of the hill where the Black Tower stood. I could feel the fresh breeze that was blowing from the outside, as well as make out the roof of the houses that dotted the streets of the city of Malvette below.


I don't know for how long would I stay here, but after hearing the servants' story and remembering Missy's fate, I am determined to refuse the Duchess' offer. While I understand she had nothing to do with the system, that she tolerated it was something I wouldn't agree with…

…and I'm sure so is Maddie.


My mind slowly drifted from my current situation and into the lush, green gardens of the Holy Palatial Gardens.

The elegant palaces that stood inside that enclave…

The maids that seemed to be always in a hurry, and the paladins doing their rounds…

Maddie, Lily, and Eris' lovely forms, gently smiling at me the moment I arrive home…


I never thought that all these times, I'm taking them for granted.


I could feel my eyes well up. My chest was heavy, and my body was exhausted from a lot of things that I learned today.

God…I miss my girls…


I was awakened by the clanging of the steel bars of the door to my cell. While I was still half-asleep, I asked myself if it's already the time for me to 'decide' working for the Duchess of Malvette or not.

Once again, I saw Alein and Vulhex enter the cell. They had grim expressions on their faces.

"Is it time?" I asked.

Vulhex shook his head. But it was Alein who answered me, "Our apologies for disturbing your sleep, Lord Kuro, however, if you may share this place with another prisoner?"

Now that they mentioned it, I saw they were carrying someone with them. Vulhex had a torch, so I could see that it was a girl, naked and limp. Her short hair was dirty and unruly, with her face filled with black-and-blue bruises…as well as her entire body.

"What the hell?" I couldn't help but blurt out. From her injuries, I could guess that the girl might die if we didn't do something. Though I had nothing much to offer, I quickly made a space inside my cell for them to lay her down.

Vulhex explained, "This poor beast-girl was brought over by our Mistress' men."

"I bet she was beaten and raped mercilessly by those bastards." Alein's voice was heavy and full of pain. His words also confirmed what I feared.

"Can you bring me the light, Vulhex?" I wanted to check on the girl if I could do something, or at least send her to the afterlife with less suffering.

The young dog-boy took the torch and raised it above us so that I could fully see the girl's condition. However…

"What…the fuck…"

Alein and Vulhex stared at me as I staggered back, weakened, once I saw who the girl was…

"Your Lordship? Someone you knew?"

"Y-Yes…" I couldn't describe the feeling I had in my chest. I wanted to cry while I'm also raging mad. Various emotions were welling up; it felt like I could kill someone. Seeing the face of someone I knew, in that condition, was a nightmare, "She's…the one…who helped me…U-Ursura."