Chapter 1.5: An Attempt to Defy the Heavens

***The Holy Palatial Gardens***

Silence enveloped the entire courtyard of the Saint's Palace, as companies of fully-armed and equipped members of the Paladins Corps stood in attention. Their banners and pennons flew where the gentle winds blew, as several people walked amidst the pathways that led to the palace's patio.


At the end of that path was the esteemed Great Saint of Chersea, Madelaine Ann Rubinforth. On her hand was her staff; its gold plates and aquamarine stones shone brightly whenever the sun's rays hit it. Flanking the Saint was the head maid of the Palatial Gardens, Lilyhaven Tamriel von Leese, and Kuro's young maid, Eris Braunhauer.


Raising her staff, Maddie gently hit the ground with it, and brought forth a gentle rain of turquoise petals, declaring, "May the heavens bless your visit to this holy ground this day, oh great monarchs of Chersea! I, the Saint of Chersea, Madelaine Ann Rubinforth, bids you welcome!"

The royals that came to visit kneeled before her, as a sign of reverence and respect. Then the paladins saluted the new arrivals. After that, the royals stood up and broke all protocols by hugging the surprised Maddie.

"We heard what had happened to you and James!" the former 2nd Prince of Nerfes, King Simon Hugh Reed, said to her, "I rushed from Meldech to know the truth!"

"Your Holiness…" it was the Queen of Amaranth, Jessica, "When the Lord Kuro disappeared, we also rushed from Amaranth. However, we are more horrified when the news of King James' betrayal reached us while still on the journey."

"Ah, everything is fine…though, James…I don't know him anymore!" Maddie told them, "And even Ruro betrayed me by conspiring to abduct Kuro!"

"I told you that dog couldn't be trusted!" Maddie's father, the Duke of Rubinforth added, "She's the bane of our house since the time of Jimmy Nee!"

"Father, though she may have betrayed me, I still wanted to know Ruro's reasons."

"Hmph!" was the old man's reply.

"Anyway, is there any news about James?" Simon asked, "The common folk in Nerfes was in an uproar upon learning what he did. We already sent armies to quell the unrest, but I'm afraid this would continue as long as Lord Kuro is missing."

"Even in Amaranth, Your Holiness, the people are demanding justice for the Lord Kuro!" Jessica revealed, as well.

Maddie reassured them, "I already ordered the Paladin Corps to search for James. After what he has done, I believe he needs to face justice…even though he's our friend."

Simon could see the sadness in the Saint's eyes as she said that; deep inside, he knew she didn't want for these things to happen. Yet, James crossed the line he was not prepared to cross…

"I understand Maddie."

"I…I'm sorry, Simon. I know how you feel about him, but…"

"What James had done is wrong." the new king of Nerfes steeled his resolve, "As the one who has jurisdiction over him, I'm in favor of meting out punishment for causing harm to the Saint."

Lily and Maddie could only look at Simon with sympathy. They knew he was trying his best not to involve his feelings over the issue.

"Heh, my son-in-law is really famous!" the Duke of Rubinforth suddenly cried out, causing the sad atmosphere between friends to disappear, "That vermin should've known better not to cross swords with him!"

"Father, James had Kuro abducted, not fight him."

"Ah, the idea's there!"

Everyone laughed at the jokes being cracked by the Duke of Rubinforth. However, all of them knew it was just a thin veil over the problem that Maddie was experiencing. Because of that, they were there to be with her for the time being.

"Uhm, Lily, and Eris, could you please escort Their Majesties to their rooms? There will be refreshments and snacks waiting until lunch."

"Please follow me Your Majesties." At once, the maids bowed and went to guide their guests to their respective rooms.


After dealing with her visitors' accommodations, Maddie was about to return to her private chambers, only for her head maid to stop her.

"Maddie, I think we need to talk."

"Uhm…can't it wait for later? I'm kind of busy for the moment."

"Well, I just want to ask if you're okay." Lily's grip on her friend's arm tightened, "You've been keeping to yourself lately. I know you're deeply concerned for Kuro's safety, but I'm also worrying about you."

"I-I'm fine…"

"You're not."

"I appreciate your concern, but don't be." Maddie smiled and shook her head, "I was just…doing some things in my room."



"Your Holiness!" at that point, Eris could not keep to herself anymore and entered the conversation, "While I won't contest the truth on your answer to Lady Lily's question, I believe she has the reason to ask about you."


"Yes." the young maid nodded, "Like for example, those eye bags under your eyes. Are you still sleeping well? And you seldom appear in your exercise sessions, yet you are getting thinner. Are you properly eating your food? Good thing your father and friends didn't notice that you're wearing a disguise spell!"

"Uhm…we-well, you s-see, I…y-you know—"

"Allow me to explain to them what's happening."


The two maids were surprised to hear another person join their talk. When they turned, they saw the figure of no other than the Saint of Darkness, Natasha, walking towards them.

"Natasha! I thought I told you to stay hidden in my room!" Maddie protested.

"Ah, you can't do that forever Maddie!" the Saint of Darkness countered, "It'll be hard to hide my presence here, especially now that your father and friends also came."

"Y-Your Holiness!" Lily and Eris were quick to kneel, "Had we known that you were coming, we would have properly prepared for your arrival!"

"Ah, no! It's fine, really! I don't mind about that." Natasha laughed gently as she patted their shoulders, "Actually, I've been here since five days ago, at the request of your stubborn Saint over there."


"You know something about Her Holiness' condition?" it was Eris who asked.

"Yes." Natasha smirked, "In case you don't know, Saint Maddie is performing some illegal experiments with a few spells, to find the solution to the closed crossings between Chersea and Cherwind."

Lily and Eris exchanged confused looks before directing their stares at Maddie as if they intended to melt her soul. The human saint, however, maintained her silence.

"Maddie, what did Her Holiness mean by 'illegal'?" Lily demanded an answer.

"Oh, it's just about going against some rules established in heaven." it was Natasha who replied.

"What? Is this true?" the head maid had a horrified look on her face, as well as Eris.

Maddie closed her eyes, sighed, and quietly nodded.

"But…you know that's against the laws of heaven!"

The human Saint never said a word. She just looked away from her friend. It was Natasha who spoke…

"See, Maddie, I don't think you should do those things, you know?" the Saint of Darkness embraced her holy friend, "Let the others do it, defying the heavens. Let me do it."