Chapter 8: The Lands of the Avinus

The final legs of our journey were—hands down—the most dangerous parts of our travels. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain ranges on the other side, we immediately began the search for anything we could use for a boat. That led us to some dangerous regions inhabited by the harpies.

"What the fuck? I didn't know these accursed creatures had advanced to this area!" Ursura cried out as we scattered to avoid the diving monsters, "Don't let them grab you by the head!"

"Alright!" was all that I could say while trying to dodge the harpies' talons, "Damn it! I couldn't load my gun properly!"

The harpies of Cherwind were fast and powerful flying monsters. They had heads like humans and teeth similar to sharks. Their talons were strong enough to crush rocks, and when in flight, it's almost impossible to keep track of them. Our only chance to kill them, was when they swoop down their intended victims, and then counter-attack.

"I told you to heal that right hand of yours!"

"Not that, you idiot!" I countered, "Of course I trained myself to load this gu—I mean, demon weapon! It's just that, it's hard to load it while running!"

"Hah! If I were you, I'd use a sword instead!"

"If I were you, I'd shut up and do something instead!"

"Uhh…I don't think it's the time to argue." it was Minahaba, who was hiding behind a rock with us and was watching the other orphans separated from our group. "Rishnu and Teviki were trapped behind that tree stump, and the harpies are surrounding them."

"Chief! Let me help!" Yufa grabbed the gun and held it out for me, "Put that powder in, hurry!"


"Kyaaa!!!" Someone from the other group screamed.

"Chief, it was Rishnu! We need to help them!"

"Wait—did Teviki just bit that harpy?" the falcon-girl marveled.

"Don't ask; let's help them!" Ursura and I sprang up from our hiding spot and pounced on the down harpy, after being bit by Teviki and dragged down to the ground. "Ursura, take that left harpy and I'll get the right one! Minahaba, get Rishnu away!"

Ursura made a quick work of the harpy I assigned to her, while I wounded my own harpy with the gun. Once the monster was disoriented, the dagger I hid inside my right arm finished the creature with a thrust to the neck.

"Chief!" the others emerged from their hiding places and were reunited with us, "Let's get out of here!"

"The problem is, we need a boat." I looked around as I wiped the blood off my blade. "That's the land of the Avinus, right?" I asked, referring to that looming island before us.

"Yes, Chief, that's my home." Minahaba nodded, "A few leagues of water to cross, and we're there."

Yeah, one look, and I could tell that it was a short boat ride, or swim away. However, the place where we were right now was infested with harpies, and there's not a single tree in sight—only dead tree stumps.

Well, if there's anything we'd be thankful for, it's the fact that there's no leviathan nor groundworm around.

"We can't stay here for long," Ursura reminded us, "and the 'long sleep' is fast approaching."

"If we had to, then we should retreat to the mountains for the meantime." I proposed, "Let's search for some wood up there, then bring it down here to make a boat."

"Alright then, Chief!" Minahaba then went around, "By the way, where's Rumia and Luka?"

"Huh?" Indeed, while the others were with us, the dog-children were missing.

"You don't say…"

"No! I saw Rumia and Luka go somewhere while we're distracted fighting the harpies." one of the rabbit-boys, Gero, revealed, "I tried to follow them, but I'm scared to go out of my hiding spot."

Ursura, Minahaba, and I exchanged glances. We were all tired from the battle against the harpies that attacked us earlier, but we just couldn't stay put and wait for those two to come back…

…if ever they'd come back.

"Ursura, stay here." I told the bear-woman, "You're in charge of the children while I and Minahaba look for those two—"

"Chief! There's no need for that!" Teviki grabbed my hand and pointed towards a certain direction, "There are Rumia and Luka, coming in with food!"

Our attention fell on the returning dog-children. While they were safe, their clothes were tattered and parts of their bodies were wounded and bruised. Luka was also carrying something like a sack behind his back.

"Where the hell did you go?" Minahaba met them half-way and gave the two a slap on their heads, "You almost had us worried!"

"I'm sorry Chief, Big Sis!" Rumia bowed apologetically, "But we suddenly smelled something while we're fighting. We followed the scent, and look…"

On his sister's cue, Luka carefully brought down the sack and opened it.

"!!!" Every one of us was shocked to see the contents. It was a Beastman, his body was soaked in blood. However, much to our relief, he was still breathing, according to Rishnu. But the surprise didn't end there…

"B-Brother?" Minahaba exclaimed. We couldn't describe the horror that was on her face as she unwrapped him from the sack.

"Someone you know, Big Sis?" it was Luka who asked.

"Y-Yes…h-he's my blood brother from the Chicken tribe, Ruja."


In the end, we had to retreat to the safety of the mountains and plan our next course of action. I had Rishnu and Minahaba take care of the rescued Chicken tribesman, whom the falcon-girl claimed as her 'blood brother'. Meanwhile, I tasked Ursura, Rumia, Teviki, and Yufos to search for some tree logs we could make into boats, and Yufa, as well as the rest of the children, were off to find food for us.


Heh, I find it odd that these mountain passes are much safer than the plains in this land…

"You idiot!"



My train of thoughts was interrupted when I heard someone shout, and seemed to have hit something. I immediately looked towards where Rishnu and Minahaba were, and much to my surprise, I found the latter holding her head, while the former looked on with a horrified expression.

"What the hell happened here?"

Minahaba, still wincing from her aching head, pointed towards the new guy. And indeed, the chicken tribesman was up and glared at us.

"I guess I shouldn't ask if you're okay?" I chuckled, "If you could bash Minahaba's head like that, then it means you're fine."

"Who are you?" he asked, his hands were raised as if he ready to fight.

"He's the chief I'm telling you about, brother!" Minahaba explained to him.

"A chief? But he's human!"

"It's a complicated story…" the falcon-girl quickly averted her eyes.

"Basically, your blood-sister got involved in some dangerous stuff, and almost had herself and the other kids who are with us, executed," I revealed to Ruja.

"Chief!" Minahaba cried out.

"Ah yes, that's Minahaba's doing alright." the chicken-man finally went back to his normal self, "Being a brave idiot she is, leaving our village intending to kill some heroes of men."

Damn…so she is telling the truth indeed.

"Hey! I didn't do the goal I had in mind, but at least, I've got the second-best thing I could get!" the falcon-girl stubbornly defended herself.

"And that is?"

"Hmph!" she had her hands pointed towards me as if she's presenting me as the savior she had found.

"Err…what's up with that human with one hand?"

"Are you blind, brother? What you see before you is a human who is a friend to us Beastmen, and possesses the god-powers like Ruro of the Wolf: the one and only, Chief Kuro of the Orphans!"

Did I gain another title?

"That's some dumb shit you got there, Minahaba! Don't joke around!"

"It's…t-true!" Rishnu decided to enter the conversation, "Chief Kuro could heal you in a flash, and he can cause the weather to change!"

The chicken tribesman stared at me from head to toe. "Seriously? This stick of a human could do Saint things?"

"Chief…" it was Rishnu, "Can I break his arm? Just for you to show your powers."

"Hey, what is this kid saying?" Ruja retreated from us.

"Ahahaha…there'll be a perfect time for that." Whoa, kid! Don't do it! And what the hell? I thought you will not hurt someone! Still unnerved from witnessing that side of the mantis-girl, I diverted the talk, "Anyway, I'm Kuro and I temporarily adopted your blood-sister so that she won't be killed."

"Thanks, I guess?" he was scratching his head while muttering, "I can't believe I'm thanking a human…"

"Chief…" it was Rishnu, once again, "Can you allow me to break his arm this time?"

Chill, kid.

"Anyway, brother!" Minahaba told him, "How d'you end up on the mainland, and inside a harpy's nest?"

At that moment, the expression on Ruja's face changed to a grim one. "I suppose I'm the only one whom you rescued, no?"

We nodded.

"Damn…so Aji and Eruki must've been eaten." the chicken-man muttered, before explaining, "You see, our village was starving. So together with some of my kin, we set off to find food, only to be ambushed by the harpies. Aji, Eruki, and I stayed behind to let the others escape, but I guess I'm the only one who lived."


Ruja's tragic story served as a grim warning for us of what to expect in the islands of the Avinus. Upon returning from their respective tasks, I gathered my companions to decide whether to continue on our way. Ursura immediately dissented; Minahaba was urging us to go, while the rest of the children had said that they'd be leaving the decision to us 'adults'.

"And where do you suppose we go, bear-woman?"

"You're trying to get us all killed and eaten, falcon-girl!"

They continued to trade insults and accusations of stupidity. And since it's not helping us, I moved to intervene and make them stop. However…

"And what about you, Kuro?" they turned to me, "What do you think we should do?"

Passing the responsibility on me, I weighed our options. Minahaba's village offered a haven for us, and the opportunity to grow our base of support if ever we wanted to contest Ruro and Konka seriously for Cherwind. However, getting there was the problem, alongside the fact that the Chicken tribesmen were also in a dire situation.


If we decide to go to another place, like say, for example, Ursura's village, we risk the possibility of being driven out (Ursura's banished). Plus, the relative absence of dangers on the way could also mean that Ruro's forces could easily track us.

In a way, the harpies, and the sea, present an obstacle to any attacking armies…

"Well, if we could only get to your village safely, then I'd say we give it a go."

Minahaba smiled and turned to her brother, while Ursura shook her head in dismay.

Ruja offered a plan, "Well, I know of a way to return to the village. However, don't expect to find anything there. We're hungry ourselves."

"You said before that you were captured because your group is foraging, right?" I asked, "But before you were forced to look for food, how did you get by with the food supply?"

"The other tribes of the Avinus were trading with us before, but since we lived on a hill and the valley passes became infested with the harpies, the caravans stopped."


"Yes, we're trading coal to the other villages and towns of the Avinus."

"You ever tried farming?"

"Chief Kuro…" Ruja stared at me like I said the dumbest thing he could ever think of, "…again, we're living on a hilltop. How could we even plant when water is missing?"

"Indeed, that's a problem." I continue to ask further, "Well, in any case, do you have any nearby sources of water? Because that got me asking if you have no proper water supply, then how did you pick the location of your village?"

"Well, we got a stream on a nearby hill." it was Minahaba who answered, "That's where we get our water before, right, Ruja?"

"And that hill was now infested with harpies," Ruja added.

"Hmm…alright, next question. How do the caravans deal with the harpies before?"

"Ah, those monsters love meat, so we hunt for those, and throw it for them to eat. While distracted, the caravans would pass and the warriors would deal with the harpies who would run after us." the chicken man continued, "However, the game that could be hunted in our islands were now gone, so we had no other way to bait the harpies…that's why the caravans stopped."

"Really, brother?" Minahaba interrupted him, "I didn't know of that!"

"That's because you can fly higher than us!"

"Yeah…haha! I'd rather escape the harpies by flying rather than throwing those disgusting slabs of meat at them."

My eyes instinctively went to Ursura, who was also staring meaningfully at me. I suppose she had something in mind. Then the bear-woman gave a sigh, "Hey, chicken-man! You said that those cursed creatures eat meat; do you think other kinds of meat would bait these harpies?"

"I don't know about that. But well, I suppose they eat everything, as long as there's meat on them."

"Hey, Kuro, I got an idea."


"I'm a member of the West Ursus tribe." Ursura smirked, "It'll be stupid if I don't know how to catch a fish…"


And so I decided to take the risk and head to the Chicken tribe village. The second attempt to cross into the Avinus lands was as dangerous as the first one, but we came prepared this time. Once we finished constructing the boats at the foot of the mountains, we had to carry those down to the beach infested with harpies.

Carefully, we positioned ourselves to our designated hidden spots, making sure that the harpies were unaware of our presence. Once we deemed that we're ready…

"Here we go!" I gave the signal to my companions, "Run!"


Everyone sprang up and dashed from our starting points, across the open beach, and into the sea. I guess we're really fortunate that Cherwind's sea was as calm as the water in a tub—with no waves to crash on us.

Think of watching a D-Day movie, only that we're doing it on the reverse, going to the water instead of heading inland.


Hmm…I can compare those diving harpies to warplanes swooping down to strafe us. But whatever, I need to focus on our escape!

I divided our group into two: the smallest members carried our watercraft, while the rest fought the attacking harpies. Rishnu, though she was the tallest, remained hidden inside one of the boats along with the oars. I think we killed a harpy or two that tried to ambush us.

Then, when we reached a certain distance in the water and deemed it was safe from the harpies, Ursura jumped and began fishing.

I just hope our vessels could carry in some more extra load…


***Navaren, a port village of the Eagle tribe at the Safe Havens region***

Serving as the Avinus tribes' connection to the mainland, as well as to the humans, Navaren was home to a lighthouse built by the Eagle tribesmen copying the architectural styles of men. Several coastwatchers were stationed in it to scout the seas for any incoming human trade ships.


However, since the news of the destruction at Malvette and the breach on the 'Outer Wall' reached the settlement, no ship had visited Navaren again. Commerce was dead, and the coastwatchers slackened off.

"Don't you ever get tired watching the empty seas?" an Eagle tribesman coast watcher asked his companion, "We could be drinking and eating at the tavern, and yet, here we are looking at the unknown."

"Well, our elder ordered us here, so I guess we have no choice." the other coast watcher shrugged, "Plus when you think about it, we get food and shelter even though we sit here all the while idling. What more can you ask for?"

"It's boring."

"At least we're pretty safe than the others being sent to forage for food. Come on, stand upright; the more you slump the more you'd feel sluggish."

The first coast watcher did as his companion told him. Nevertheless, he silently wished that something would happen, rather than watch the calm waters before him.

And then…


"What? You're still bored?"

"Well, yes, but it's not about that! Look!" he pointed towards the open sea and to the two dots on the horizon. "Don't you think that those are boats?"

"Hmm…yeah, it does seem like boats."

"Right? Are those human boats?"

"I don't know, shall we check it out?"

The two coastwatchers then sounded the bells, signifying an arriving ship. Once they alerted the entire village, they set out to investigate what they've seen. Soon, they were escorting back two boats made crudely from wood, with thirteen Beastmen, a human, and a stockpile of fresh fish.



And so we finally set foot on the land of the Avinus, in what Ruja was referring to as the 'Safe Havens' region. He led us to this place since it was dangerous to land in other areas of the Avinus territories. Upon arrival at the village called Navaren, we were greeted by the enthusiastic Eagle tribesmen, all because they thought we're bringing in some fresh catch.


Of course, we didn't let them take our fish. Not only was Ursura indignant, but it was also meant as bait for the harpies on our journey to the Chicken tribe village. When the Eagle tribesmen realized this, they got angry. And only the timely arrival of their chief prevented a bloodbath between us and them.

"So, your name is Lawrence?" the elder of the Eagle tribe brought us to her hut, which was in the middle part of the village. She wanted to 'talk' to us, and not wishing for trouble, we had to oblige.

"Yes, err…" while she did introduce herself earlier, I did forget her name because I'm still tense from the confrontation earlier. Nevertheless, though she was called an 'elder', I think that the chief of the Eagle tribe was a young teenager beastgirl.

"Just call me Chief Gislaine. I lead the Eagle tribe as an elder; though I don't get it, I'm still a young maiden."

"Haha…" I tried to let out a laugh, just to diffuse the awkward situation. Behind me, I could feel my companions' bloodlust directed toward the Eagle tribe chief.

"Excuse me, Chief Gislaine!" Minahaba suddenly spoke up, "He's Chief Ku—I mean, Lawrence, like you!"

"Oh? What tribe? I can see that he's a human!"

I could only smile, "I-It's a long story, Chief Gislaine…"

"He's our chief!" it was Rishnu, "And we are the tribe of Orphans!"

"Hah?" the eagle-girl almost stood up in surprise, "It's the first time I heard of such tribe!"

"It's really a long story, Chief Gislaine!" I intervened to divert the topic, "But yes, these children are looking up to me as their chief. However, though I'd like to talk with you more, I feel we should get down to the important matters at hand."

"Yes, you're right, Chief Lawrence. What are we here for again?" the chief of the eagle tribe pondered for a few moments, "Oh right! The fish that you brought! Look, we are not bad people; it's just that we are hungry since the trade between our land and the Enclave stopped. We would like to buy those fishes from you!"

"A great offer, I assure you. However, we can't sell those fishes!"

"And why not?"

"We simply need those for our journey ahead."

"What do you mean?"

"We're trying to reach the Chicken tribe's village. Those fishes are meant for the harpies that could attack us along the way, see?"

"Huh? The Chicken tribe village?" Chief Gislaine had a horrified expression on her face, "Are they still alive?"

"Well, if you didn't stop the caravans, my kin would certainly be alive!" Ruja could not keep himself from lashing out, "You're the most powerful among the Avinus, yet you didn't keep your word to protect us!"

The eagle-girl was visibly shaken by what Ruja said. Minahaba decided to pull him back, and not wishing to anger our host, I moved forward. "Please forgive my companion, Chief Gislaine. He just escaped from the harpies, and is quite stressed-out because of that."

"I'm sorry for what happened, chicken-man." Chief Gislaine stood up and bowed, "However, we had to stop the caravans, or it's my people who'd suffer from the harpy attacks."

Well, for someone relatively young to be an elder of her tribe, Chief Gislaine surely cared about her people. And, yeah, I understood her reasons for stopping the caravan trade to the Chicken tribe village. However, though they may talk like that, I didn't think that all was lost.

Sensing that the eagle-girl was someone I could talk to, I tried to ask some probing questions, "Chief, though it may be rude of me to ask, we'd like any information you have about our destination. Can you tell us news from the Chicken tribe village?"

"Hmm…well, we could negotiate for that." Chief Gislaine countered, "Are you willing to allow us to buy those fish from you?"

"Even better! How about I give you an eighth of our catch?"

"Ku—I mean, Lawrence!" Ursura cried out, "Those are for—"

I quickly shot her down with just a stare. Don't worry, I got this.

"Sweeten the deal! How about giving us the half?"

"I could part with a quarter, take it or leave it."

Chief Gislaine pondered about my proposal for a few moments, and she nodded. "Alright, I guess I have no other choice than to take it. That'll help my tribe…"

I could feel from her speech that the young elder wanted to parley for the rest of our catch. I looked at my companions—they, on the contrary, couldn't believe I'm giving away our fishes. But yeah, I had something else in mind…

I flashed them a 'don't-worry-it's-alright' smile. Ursura had to stop herself from laughing, and the children were weirded out instead of understanding my message. I think only Minahaba and Ruja got what I meant?

Ah, whatever! "Thank you, Chief Gislaine! Now, I'd like to ask how dangerous is the journey from here to the chicken tribe village."

"If you're asking for the numbers of the harpies, I'd say a lot. In our estimates, it'd take an army of Beastmen to traverse the distance."

"Can you provide that army?"

"Huh? Don't joke around, Chief Lawrence. While we certainly can muster an army of eagle tribesmen, I'm worried about the foragers and hunters. We might end up losing people, and we can't afford that!"

This argument again. Honestly, it's been a while since I last heard it. But, I'm more prepared to bargain this time…

"Yes, I understand your reason, Chief. However, isn't it the reason you need more men to search for food, is because of the dangers involved in foraging and hunting?"

"Yes, that's mainly the reason. See, though this part of the land was safe from the monsters, the other tribes have settled in with us and are competing for food. And expanding our farms can't be possible either, for the space isn't enough to cater to both the population and the farmlands."

"So you turn to foraging and hunting to augment the supply?"

"Exactly! Ever since that news of destruction in Malvette and the breaching of the Outer Walls, the humans never visited us to trade again, so we're short on food."

Heh…just what I wanted to hear, "Chief, what if I tell you of another—much safer—way of obtaining food? You know, like, you won't be running the gauntlet against the harpies?"

The eagle-girl's eyes sparkled, "Ooh! Then why didn't you tell me before? If your method is true and effective, then you can have my army to protect your tribe!"

"Ah yes…" I went to my companions and grabbed Ursura.

"What?" the bear-woman was surprised and furiously whispered to me, "Why are you grabbing my hand?"

"Trust me; our problems about the harpies would be solved in no time!" I replied, taking care not to let Chief Gislaine hear us before announcing, "Chief Gislaine, meet Ursura of the West Ursus. She's a great warrior and an expert fisherwoman."