Chapter 11.5: A Plea to the Human Saint

***The main camp of Maddie's coalition army***

The sudden and unexpected defeats suffered by her army at the hands of a few villainous nobles came as a shock to Maddie, who expected that her enemies would capitulate easily, considering their forces' few numbers. However, just as the sting of loss lingered in her heart, she knew she had to persevere, to bring into justice the men who harmed Kuro.

Fortunately, her soldiers had the same sentiments as her.

Though battered, the spirits of the coalition forces remained high. After all, since most of them came from commoner ranks, the soldiers see their fight as a battle against the hubris of the nobility. They always say, "We'll kick their butts next time!", which Maddie greatly appreciated.

However, she knew she had to deliver as well.


Gone were the days when swords and spears dominated the battlefield. After Kuro's introduction of the 'demon weapon', the wars they fought increasingly developed into one where distance and firepower mattered over physical prowess and numbers. Maddie was trained in the latter, and though she may be the famous Nerfes general, 'Flower of the Dawson Valley', she knew she had to adapt to the innovations of the battlefield…or waste the lives of the people willing to fight for her name.

And so, taking to note the abilities of the 'demon weapons', she ordered her soldiers to construct breastworks in a considerable distance from the opposition's fortifications. This was to make the enemy's volley fire ineffective, while pinning down the Count of Hermon and his allies. From there, she could starve them into submission, to which, she was willing to sit and wait instead of needlessly throwing lives away.

"Hey, Maddie…"

Her train of thoughts were cut when Lily came to her as she sat inside her tent. "Yes?"

"I brought someone who wants to talk to you…are you willing to meet him?"

"Well, if it's important, then you may let him enter."

"Actually…" the Head Maid averted her eyes for a bit, and then revealed, "…the matter is important to him. However, I don't think it matters much to us."

"In any case, I'll hear it directly from the person himself."

"Alright then…" Lily went to the entrance of the tent and called the man to enter.

"!!!" Maddie was startled when she saw the former king of Nerfes, James Walter Reed II, appear beside Lily. He was still in his simple clothes, which he got during his stay in the Holy Palatial Gardens' dungeon, and he bowed before her to show his respects.

"James wanted to join your coalition in apprehending the Count of Hermon and his fellow villains," the Head Maid explained.

"You're joining us? Why?"

"Maddie," the former king began. "I'm not wishing for you to forgive me for what I did, nor do I want another chance. But this, I beg of you: let me join your fight to avenge myself of what these people did to me. Give me a sword, let me fight as a common soldier, I do not care as long as I can have my revenge."

Lily and Maddie stared at one another. The latter, in particular, was unsure of what to do with James' request. Though the former king did something they didn't agree with, he was still their friend, and granting his wish to let him fight on the field as a common soldier was something unthinkable, given his former rank. On the other hand, they were also doubtful if he could be given a command, since the soldiers knew what he did.


"Maddie, please…" James clasped his hands and got down on his knees to plead. "At least, grant me this request."

"Lily…?" the Human Saint turned to her Head Maid for an answer.

"Well, we can use a temporary commander for the vanguard," Lily revealed. "During our last battle, their captain was killed, so we need someone capable of leadership."

"What about the soldiers' sentiments?"

"Don't worry about it, Maddie. I'll convince them," Lily winked at her.