Chapter 14.5: Settling of Debts


Well, I guess that's it. After the battle at the borders of Chersea and Cherflammen, we rounded up the surviving men who took part in that affair, but we found the conspirators dead. None of the final three remained alive to tell us how they got the howitzer cannons, as well as the few bolt-action rifles they had. Interviewing their soldiers produced nothing, for they didn't know what exactly happened.

All that they can tell us is that, a cloaked man brought it to their camp. Though it is strange that they can't tell how that guy passed through Maddie's siege works…


I guess I'll wait for any information from Jules.

In any case, I'll leave it for now. I got more pressing issues to attend to.


After making sure that the border crossing of Chersea and Cherflammen were secure, Maddie's coalition forces eventually left for the Holy Palatial Gardens, or went back to their respective countries, but not before a short celebration for my safe return was held.

James of Nerfes, after exacting vengeance on the people that prodded him to conspire against me, went back to Meldech and stayed away from the politics. Now demoted to a Prince of his kingdom, he spent his energies and connections in taking care of old people, and families orphaned by Chersea's countless wars. Well, if there's anything I did to him as retribution for what he did to me, it's that…


Well, I put all of my strength in that punch to his jaw. However, the former king just shook it off as I healed my hand.

Even after those adventures back in Cherwind, I'm still a wimp.

"That's a nice punch, Kuro," Rambo commented. "Are you sure it's the only thing that you want from me?"

"Even if I wanted you dead, I won't do it," I answered. "You're Maddie and Lily's friend, as well as Simon's. I won't make them sad because of my desires to get even."

"Ptu!" he spat out blood that formed inside his mouth, before speaking, "You…You're really one weird otherworld-er. I guess, Maddie and Lily didn't make a mistake in choosing you! Take care of those girls for me, please?"

"Of course." I reached out for a handshake, which he took. And goddamn…his grip will break my fingers!

Anyway, Rambo's successor, King Simon Hugh Reed of Nerfes, proved to be a popular, and just, ruler. It was King Simon who eventually allowed a royal university be founded within their borders, modeled after Cherwind's Royal Academy, and invited several 'scholars' from Salis' institution.

As for Chancellor Bellingstein, he avoided his monarch's reprimand when he suddenly took leave, along with his country's Gryphon Knights. This was because, well, Maddie made sure that Calabria's King understood that serving her cause was every Chersean's priority—even the royalty.


Heh. There really are some things that's quite hard to change, eh?


Well, so much for that. Upon returning to the Holy Palatial Gardens and escorted by Cherwind's army and air forces, we were immediately greeted by Eris the moment we appeared at the horizon. According to her, she stood by the gates waiting, ever since the news of my return reached her.

"Milord!" she screamed for joy as she ran towards me. Well, I wasn't prepared for Eris' shout, and I nearly fainted hearing it. Luckily, Lily and Maddie were quick to support my body, for the Duchess of Braunhauer threw herself at me.

"Err…uh," I was still stunned, but I tried my best to greet her back, "H-Hello, Eris…and please, j-just Kuro, okay?"

The young maid girl, nodded. Nevertheless, her arms didn't let go of me.

Following her to meet us were the people who returned with me from Cherwind: Lady Sylvia Henristone, Chancellor Sir Dane Bellingstein, Sir Loin of Steak, the Orphans, Salis of the Owl, Queen Ursura of the Beastmen, and the Beastman Saint, Ruro of the Wolf.

"Who are these people?" Maddie asked, referring to the new faces.

"Ah, they are the friends I made back in Cherwind," I told her. "Without them, I probably wouldn't survive long."

"They're so cuuuute!" Lily's eyes sparkled as she saw the younger Orphans, "Kuro, they're your friends?"

Eris and Maddie also hugged Teviki and Senna, respectively. The Duchess of Braunhauer even had her cheeks brushed against the little tiger-girl's fur, which the latter liked.

"More like they're his children, Your Highness," Sir Bellingstein quipped, followed by a hearty laugh.

At once, silence ruled between everyone, and the atmosphere went from amiable to that of full tension. Lily and Eris glared at the Chancellor, who received a light punch from Lady Henristone.

"Kuro, would you care to explain yourself?" it was Maddie, smiling. No, her expression wasn't the angry, sarcastic one that I knew of her; it was rather telling me that I clear up the misunderstanding to everyone.

"Well, they're my 'adopted' children, to be exact. I'm more like their guardian, see?"

"Huh?" the Head Maid had a confused look on her face.

"Kuro saved them from getting punished before," the bear-woman finally intervened. "So they became his 'children' and 'tribe members', known in Cherwind as the Orphans."

"Oh, so that's how it is…" Eris laughed nervously. Did you seriously thought I sired children when I was in Cherwind?

"Your Holiness," it was Lady Henristone, "may I present to you, the queen of Cherwind, Lady Ursura of the Beastmen."

"Queen…of Cherwind?" Lily was surprised when she heard that.

"Yes, Your Highness, Your Holiness," Ursura answered, along with a curtsy. "And the Lord Kuro here, is my king. A pleasure to meet you!"

Lily and Eris gave me a long stare. The Head Maid had an annoyed expression on her face, "Care to give us another explanation, Kuro? What does she meant by 'king'? Did you just abandon us?"

"No!" I fiercely denied, "But, uh…well, where should I begin…"

"It's alright, Lily! This is Chersea, and Her Majesty the Queen Ursura is from Cherwind," it was Maddie who suddenly spoke. "My jurisdiction as the Saint is limited only to this land, and not the others. As such, the law of this land applies only to me, and not hers."

"What are you saying, Maddie?" I blurted out.

"Isn't this cute Ursus woman wanted to be your mate?" Contrary to my expectations, Maddie was rather genuinely happy to meet Ursura. In fact, there's something strange on her face, as she slowly walked towards the bear-woman, never taking her eyes away from Ursura's fluffy ears, "I mean, come on, with her oozing with cuteness, why would you even refuse her, Kuro?"

"Err…because I'm faithful to you?" I mean, you're the cutest in my eyes, Maddie. Why would I look for anyone else?

"Ahem. Setting that aside, Chersea's traditions allow up to five partners, while Cherwind has no concept of marriage!" the Human Saint stared at the Beastman Queen with a dreamy expression in her eyes.


Maddie, however, never paid attention to me. She just went ahead and—biting her lips for a bit—asked Ursura, "Your Majesty, what do you say? Would you like to stay with Kuro and us? Don't deny it; I can see through your heart and mind! You're welcome here! And I would really love to cop a feel of your—mphf!"

Lily knew what would happen next, so she moved to have her friend's mouth covered. "Please pardon Her Holiness the Human Saint, Your Majesty! She's just tired from the long journey!"

"A taste of what?" it was Teviki who asked, her eyes sparkling. "Is it delicious food?"

"Trust me, little tiger-girl," Eris smiled at her, while blushing. "You don't want to know…just yet."

"I was talking about her ear, Lily," Maddie desperately defended herself. "The ears! Look at those cuddly, fluffy ears!"

"Ears, huh?" the Head Maid looked at her with suspicion. "Or is it something else? Your face is becoming that of an old man, you know?"

"Tch. You're a prude, Lily, don't you know that?" the Human Saint clicked her tongue, and turned her back on her friend.

"Kuro…" Ursura was quick to hide behind me. "Is…Is Her Holiness okay? I'm sensing weird vibes from her."

"Ahaha! She's the Human Saint, alright! Madelaine Ann Rubinforth, the girl I love, and a closet pervert…" I whispered that last part.


For all the happy talk that was happening, Ruro was only watching from a distance. She honestly wanted to enter the conversation, but at the same time, she felt she was unworthy, after all that she had done. Finally, when she realized she shouldn't even have shown her face here, Ruro turned and was about to leave when…

"Ruro, wait!"


The Beastman Saint stopped from her tracks when she heard Maddie call out to her. Then, facing her, Ruro put on a brave front and asked, "So what else do you need from me, Human Saint? I already returned Kuro, and opened the border crossing between Chersea and Cherwind. Why would you—ah!"

The wolf saint was interrupted in her words when Maddie gave her a slap. It was such a powerful strike that it made us watching fell silent, utterly stunned.

"Oooh…just like your typical afternoon soap opera!" Sir Loin quipped.

"Heh, yes, this is what I deserve…" Ruro said, though she was smiling, there's a hint of pain and bitterness in her voice.

"Yes, that's for you," the Human Saint answered. "I hope you're awake by now. I put all of my anger and sadness in that slap, after all."

"I do. I'm already awake, don't worry. I've seen through my mistakes already…"

"Then it's all good. I hope next time you'd ask for my permission before hogging Kuro for yourself. I'm destined to be his first wife after all."


"Kuro told me everything. Now I understand the reason you did what you've done," Maddie smiled at her saint friend. "So, let me tell you, I can lend him for a few days if you want to spend time with him; that's my limit for a compromise. And that also goes to all the other girls present here, including some of the beastgirls who are with us!"

I noticed Rishnu, Minahaba and Salis hide their blushing faces.

"Thanks for your leniency, Maddie…" there were tears welling up in Ruro's eyes, and her voice was shaking. "I'll always remember this generosity you accorded me."

"No problem, Ruro!" she hugged the Wolf Saint.

"Uh…do I have any say in this matter?" I asked.

"I think your opinions are unnecessary," Sir Loin commented. "You're a harem MC after all! By this time, someone should've been kicking or hitting you for no reason at all! Now, would you like me to enter your harem as well Kuro mah boy?"

"Shut up, Loin!"

"I'm sorry, Kuro," the Human Saint had a nasty smirk on her face. "I guess you have to satisfy every girl present here who loves you!"

"Ah…" I could only sheepishly say, "…please take care of me."

Now I got to think about it; Maddie's pretty cool about Ruro's intention to bring me to Cherwind. If only Her Fluffy Holiness had talked to Her Holiness before taking the matters to her own hands, then this all that I've gone through wouldn't happen! Come on guys, next time, please negotiate with each other first!