Late for work

"Dad! Let's go home." Jamie says as she got bored staring at her dad working. She has been doing the same once she returned from the tour of the company. Oliver takes his leave and goes to his office and continues with his works. She did admit that her father had done a nice job decorating the company. She sure was fascinated with the beauty of the company.

She loved how classic as well as modern vibes arises upon scanning the company. She then pouts her lips showing puppy eyes hoping that he would fall for her tricks. And as always It works. William signs arranging the documents and stands up making his way to the door.

"I love you Dad!"

She follows back making the older smile happily. He loves how his daughter always making him happy and giddy with her presence. He truly feels grateful for having her. They make their way out of the office down towards the exit. As soon as he steps outside, a car was already there waiting for his arrival. He then enters inside with Jamie following him like a lost child. The diver starts the car heading towards their house.

"So? Do you think you are ready? Since tomorrow I won't be coming to the company like I always do. You and Ethan will be handling everything."

"Yes. Dad. Believe in me!" William giggles nodding his head.

Soon the car ride goes silent with Jamie observing the view out of the car. The car stops in front of their home. They get out of the car and enter inside.


"I seriously don't get why my dad is doing this all of a sudden.," Ethan says throwing himself on the couch. "What? Don't you want to be a CEO? Huh?" Liam questions with a brow raised. "No~ I don't want a secretary. I can manage. And that boy... I feel something is fishy there." He says with a finger patting against his chin. Liam laughs making the other eye him with an intense glare. "What?" Ethan scoffs.

"Are your jealousy? That your dad would prefer that cute boy more than you?" Ethan jolts upon his place and fists his palm. "I see today you are getting on my nerves. Are you thirsty for my punch?" Liam stops laughing and eye his with an awkward smile. He moves backward gulping and then dashes out of the room.

Ethan then signs and sits back on the couch.

"But still I see you are Jealous. Don't worry I won't leave you!" Liam says peeking his head inside the door. Ethan stands up and runs towards the door with gritted teeth and clenched jaws but Liam runs away laughing hysterically that whole house echoed his laugh. Ethan then groans letting himself fall back onto the couch. He then stands up heading to the washroom for a cold shower so that he could keep himself sane.


"What did you just say? CEO?"

"Yes, Mom. From tomorrow onwards he will be working as one. I have been called to." Liam replies with a smile on his face. But it was the complete opposite for his mother. She showed a fake smile but she was burning in anger.

"MOM! I am calling you. What are you thinking?" Liam says with a confused and worried gaze. "No... It's nothing. Just go and fresh up I will prepare your lunch." Liam nods his head and heads towards his room.

[This is not happening. No! Why so fast? Ugh!]

She curses inside her mind. She signs making her way towards the kitchen.



"Yah!! Jamie! Wake up!"

"Ugh! Let me sleep some more~" Jamie groans at the person trying to wake her up.

"What the hell Jamie! It's almost 7 o'clock! Isn't today your first day at work?"

Upon this statement, Jamie jolts up on her bed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. She then pushes away her cover rushing inside the washroom. Laugh evolved her room as Lauren couldn't stop herself from controlling her laugh seeing Jamie running with trembling legs and feared gaze.

"F**k Me! Ugh!! Among all these days I had to sleep this long on my first day of work." She opens the shower but she shrieks when cold water contacts with her skin. She curses again for having such a bad fortune. "Why ME!!"

After a short shower, she brushes her teeth then puts on her clothes making her way out of the room. She picks an apple and bid a goodbye rushing out of the house. "Look at her, she is late on her first day," William says laughing at her daughter rushing out of the house. Sarah joins him and laughs eating peacefully.

Jamie enters the car and drives herself to the company wishing for her dear life.

(In the office)

Ethan reached his office at exactly 7 in the morning but his secretary seems to be late. Now it was 7:15 Am but he got no sight of his secretary and it made his angry. He got no access to his schedule for the day and just kept staring at the office ceilings and counting seconds. He was burning with rage. Just then the door opened with a figure rushing inside with deep breaths and unsteady pants. He eyed her with a flaring nose and a scary facade. She trembled once she meets his gaze boring daggers into her. She gulps unable to find any words.

"I-I...I am s-sorry Sir." She had her head down, Ethan slowly walks to her silently. She was scared of her boss and at this instant, her heart was beating so that in terror that it could leap out of her chest any moment. He stood in front of her. She could see his lower half as she had her head low.

"I see you are on time... Mr. Secretary." He mocks her with his scary voice as she trembles under his gaze. Ethan felt his anger reaching his high as he got no response as Jamie, who stood still in front of him was probably avoiding him. He raises his hands and grabs her chin pulling it up making her face him. She had her eyes wide open at his sudden move but still fear made her weak in front of him. It was the first time fr her to interact with people but here she was being dominated by the scary boss. But most of all, She was not sure why she felt so small under him trembling when she is tough enough to fight for her.

"Don't you dare try to ignore me!" He says making her nod her head in agreement. He then notices their position making him widen his eyes. He leaves her from his gip and maintains distance. He clears his throat walking back to his chair and took a seat.

He extends his hand in the air while Jamie eyes him confused. "Yes?" She replies still confused and brows knitted. He signs with a groan following behind. " Just hand me the damn schedule!" He says pushing his hair back as a habit of his to distract him from losing his sanity. It was a common habit of him, as a way to control himself from showing his true emotions.

"Oh! Yea." Jamie replies with an awkward smile and approaches him with a file she had got a hold off while making her way upstairs. She hands him his schedule and he observes it with a hmm escaping his lips. Jamie sighs in relief once she felt at ease. He then hands her the schedule back and glances up at her. "Cancel that lunch meeting with Mr.Chen. He is not gonna attend." He says standing up. "But why? It has not been informed?" She questions trying to recall such notice. He again signs and speaks "He already did to me. So That cleared your doubt?" He looks at her with a fake smile and gritted teeth. She gulps nodding her head.

"Yes, sir..."She responded with a low voice. He walks towards the door then stops side-eyeing her figure. "Aren't you coming?" He speaks, she jumps at his sudden voice and faces him. "W-Where?" She stutters and he signs. "Are you sure you are good enough for this post. Are you my secretary or am I yours? Shouldn't you know that we have a meeting to attend in 10 minutes?!" He yells making her flinch at his loud voice. She nods her head and approaches him as he turns around and making his way towards the meeting room.

[F**k YOU! Rude monster! I swear If you were not my boss I would have killed you! AH! My life. Please save me, Lord!] She curses under his breath and follows Ethan to the meeting room.