Got admission


"Mr. Secretary? Can you come here for a second?" Ethan says with his gritted teeth. Jamie gulps before standing and approaching Ethan. "Yes? Sir." She replies looking anywhere else but him. He throws the file in front of her and folds his hands around his chest. She looks at the paper in front of her and finally to her boss meeting his angered gaze. She looks at him with confused eyes. He signs. "How many time do I have to tell you to check the file before giving to me."

"B-But I did check." She says with knitted brows. "Then why doesn't this file bear proper explanation and orientation. How can I sign this contract like this? Just change a few of the strategies in the list and bring it over to me."

"But what change should I make...? I thought it was good." Jamie says scratching the back of her head. Ethan signs and grabs the file shaking in the head in annoyance. "No. Just leave it. I will complete it." He says standing up and making his way out of the office. Once the door shuts close, she groans grabbing her hair and pulling it with irritation. She signs stomping her feet on the floor.

"Ugh! That crazy rude bastard. Why the hell does he think he is?" She yells with her hands raising up and down and pacing it on her hips. She pants slowly grabbing her head. "ugh... Why? I will die soon. He is making me work as a slave. My god, How am I still alive?!" She keeps using him and pitying her life. She sure had lots of anger piling up inside her as he made her work much more than she can. She had been doing this and that most of the time more than the work she should have done as a secretary. "This was my third time handling a file and because he corrupted my mind, I can't even think properly?! Ugh! God, I want to kill him." She keeps bickering with herself but she freeze when she heard a knock on the door behind her.

The door opens revealing a worker, She signs thanking God for her escape. "Yes?" She asks smiling awkwardly with her hand massaging her forehead. "Um. I came to submit this document regarding the new project. Where is the boss?" She questions.

"He is not here at this moment. You can give it to me." The worker hands her the document and leaves with a small smile. Once the worker leaves the room she collapses on the couch placed at the corner of the office near the window. She then massages her head trying to calm herself. She calmly lies on the couch with the file placed close to her chest with one of her hands. Without her knowing, She felt asleep.


"OMG! This university is so awesome and it's big. Ah... look at the surrounding! It's so beautiful." Lauren squeals scanning the big building standing in front of her. And The fact that she will be studying here made her even more excited. She smiles making her way inside as she caught attention around her as she walked. She looked around as she reached a hallway that leads to two different directions.

[Which way should I go? Ah... it's so big and I am confused.] She says to herself regretting praising the uni for being so damn big.

She glances at the people walking by her, She fidgets wanting to ask someone for help. She then nudges a person who just passed by her. That person turns around with a confused look and a raised brow. "Um... Sorry, but can you help me with this address? I am new here." She speaks with a small smile while the figure glances down at the paper held on her hand. He grabs it and examines the paper. He looks up to face her. "Uh... I am sorry. I am new here as well. I am not sure where it is. I am also looking for it." He says smiling awkwardly at her while she shakes her hands gesturing no. He hands her the paper and smiles. "okay then." Lauren says turning around before the boy could say anything.

"Excuse me?" Lauren calls out to a girl who walked her way. The girl turns around confused. Lauren runs to her. "Can you please help m with this address?" The girl examines the paper engraved with words which were the address she had been searching ever since she stepped into the building. But because of how big this was she got lost. "Ahh... Um, I am going that way. Come on. We can go together." She says with a smile on her face. Lauren nods her head smiling back.

"Um... girls? Can I tag along? I need to go the same way." The boy with whom Lauren had asked for help speaks. "Um yeah sure." the other girl replies. Then they both follow the girl with no question.

"Are you new as well ?" Lauren questions making the girl turn around facing her. "Yea. I am but I did visit her yesterday to know about dorms. And today I needed to submit my form for it."

"So You need to fill the form for a dorm?" The boy questions and the girl nods her head. "Then I need one as well. How about you?" The boy questions Lauren. Lauren snaps her head towards the boy and shakes her head no. "I live in my house here. We just moved two weeks ago." They both nod their head at her words.

"By the way I am Noah. Nice to meet you two." the boy says with a smile on his face. "I am Zoey. Nice to meet you two." the other girl replies now both of them looking at Lauren waiting for her reply. "I am Lauren. Nice to meet you guys." They smile at each other. "So friends?" Noah asks making the other two playfully act as if they were thinking. The boy pouts playfully making the other two giggle and nod their head. "Yes, friends." Both of them say at the same time.


"Honey... Just don't stress yourself, okay?" William says worried seeing Sarah stressing. "How can I not? Hmm? Tell me?" Sarah says signing as William gets lost in his own thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Sarah questions sensing her husband getting quiet. "Nothing. I am thinking what if our plan goes wrong?" Sarah whines faking a cry at her husband's words. William facepalm cursing himself for uttering those things in front of her. "No. No. I mean ..." He stops when he feels at loss of words.

" I don't know why they hate each other. What if they deny marrying each other? What will we do then? I don't want to lose her." She says going silent once she finishes her words. She really was having a hard time with all these thoughts. Whenever Jamie came home cursing for Ethan for all this week, She had grown more worried and stressed. William signs "Barbara would have done something to solve this problem. She got some awesome moves every time we talked. But she is not here now. I miss her even more." Sarah says smiling slightly with her teary eyes. " I really miss her."

"Just don't stress over it. I will talk to Oliver and do something about this. Okay?" Sarah nods her head and leaning in for a hug which he gladly accepts. "Make sure they don't hate each other. Okay?" William nods his head patting her head with one f his hands while the other wraps around her back.

"don't worry. I will make sure everything will go as we decided. And about Barbara, I am sure she is up to something tho she is not here among us. She will always look after them as their shadow." Sarah pulls back smiling at him. "Ah... That so cheesy. Hope so." She replies going in for a warm hug within her husband's hold.