What a wonderful Day?

Ring~ Ring~

The sound spread across the building making the students happy and excited. The professor packed his belongings along with the students. As soon as the professor made his way out of the class, the students grabbed their bags and made their way out of the class.

"Ah~ Finally. These two classes got me crazy. I even dozed off in between." Noah says stretching his hands out in the air with a yawn followed by. "Same with me. It's really boring." Zoey says scrunching her face as they all laugh at their own condition. "Should we head to the cafeteria?" Lauren says being excited over the thought of the food.

"OMG! Yes. What if we didn't get a seat. Let's hurry." Zoey says grabbing her bag and made her way out of the desk followed by Noah. Lauren chuckles and follows them but She bumps onto someone as she made her way out. She fell on her butt with a shriek escaping her mouth. Noah and Zoey turn around with wide eyes and kneel down to support her. Lauren caresses her butt and looks up to meet a pair of eyes throwing daggers at her. And what pissed her as he was that so-called 'bad-boy'.

"Mind where you go! Little pests!" He says rolling his eye at her. Lauren had her mouth wide open shocked at his harsh words instead of an apology. She felt anger rising within her and she felt her body heat increasing making her breathe a deep breath. Noah and Zoey were amazed by his attitude but also angered at his behavior and act of insulting their friend.

"Hey..." Zoey speaks making Lauren eyes her but Zoey close her mouth seeing her friend's eyes burning with rage. "Can you stand up, Lauren?" Noah speaks grabbing her forearms and trying to pick her up on her feet. Lauren signs trying to calm herself and stand up with their help. As she stands, she dusts off her clothes and looked up to see people looking at her. Some were making fun of her while some felt sorry for her. She became more annoyed because of all these. She then grabbed her bag which was on Noah's hand and walked off towards the cafeteria.

"Hey! Lauren. Wait for us. " Noah says running after Lauren. "Guys, It's not that way. Stop!" Zoey says following the other two. Noah runs and stands in front of the fuming Lauren. "What?!" She shouts with an annoyed expression. Zoey catches up to them and stands with her arms on her knees panting and catching her breath. "I said this is not the way to the cafeteria. " Zoey says smiling at Lauren.

"UGH!! Do we have a class after this?" Lauren questions. Noah checks his schedule and says "NO. Not for today."

"Then I am heading outside. I don't want to be here." Lauren says turning around on her feet and heading towards the exit.

"Wait! Lauren! We are coming to!" They run after her and all out of the university premises.

Soon, they stop in front of a cafe just a bit far from the university. They make their way inside the cafe. Noah stands in the line while Zoey and Lauren make their way to the corner of the cafe and took a seat.

"Hey. Lauren. You okay?" Zoey asks with soft tone sensing her friend's serious expression. "Do you think I am?" Zoey shakes her head no smiling sheepishly.

"Here is a drink for you too." Noah joins the table with three cup of coffee. They grab one each and sip it. "I think you want to say something or anything? Hmm?" Noah questions finding his friend too silent and moody when they should be enjoying their first day.

Lauren side eye Noah, "What do you think?" She says smirking at the end. "Everything that is inside your head." Zoey says joining them with her dominant smirk. They all laugh at their own talks and act.

"But seriously I feel like killing someone or more likely that fucker." She yells slamming her fist on the table creating a loud bang that echoed the whole cafe. Every person in the cafe abruptly turned around and looked at her with a confused look. She sheepishly smiled at them bowing her head and mumbling a sorry.

Noah and Zoey had their eye wide open seeing her cursing so openly and laugh glancing between them and Lauren. Lauren now felt embarrassed with this new turn of event. The anger she had vanished leaving her all flustered. And the other two sure enjoyed seeing her being red in embarrassment. This was to unusual but cute for them as they felt that they knew more of Lauren.

"Ah... It is so embarrassing. "

They both laugh out loud at her words gaining looks from the people in the cafe. While Lauren just pouts frowning at them with a glare.

"You know Lau. You are cute." Noah speaks making Lauren scrunch her face in disgust.

"What? He is right. you definitely are." Zoey says supporting Noah and laughs as they receive nothing but a glare followed by a scoff.

"But I was saying how dare he not even apologize when he made me fall. Instead, he talked so rudely with me."

Laurens says with a scoff. Tho she started killing him in her thoughts. Not just killing but torturing him like how a psychopath does with their victims. She smiles devilishly with a smirk present on her face.

While Noah and Zoey eyed her with amazed and confused eyes. They were laughing at her as she looked completely out of the world in her sinister look. Having her like this in front of them, they sure were amazed at her. Mainly for her multi-face they saw just in a day.

"Yah! Lau, you look like a psycho. Stop it." Zoey says laughing loud with snorts in between while Noah was laughing with his back again the chair and hands on his stomach.


Lauren says embarrassed at her own behavior.

"What was that for?" Noah asks within his laughs. Lauren smiles then rolls her eye at them being a fool laughing hysterically.

"Ugh.. I just chopped his body into pieces and killed him. I swear I had lots of fun. I prefer to be a psychopath just if I get to kill that shit of a Satan.!"

The other laughed again but now too loud that the people started glaring at their inhuman act in the public. Even the staff were debating if they should throw them out.

"Shush... People are getting annoyed. Let's head out." Lauren speaks while the other two wipe out the tears that came because of them laughing too much. They nod their head and grabbed their bag and coffee making their way out of the cafe.

"So? What next?" Lauren asks

"I need to head to the dorm. I need to manage my room. Lot's of work on pending." Zoey says with a tired sign and gave them a look which screamed ' I need help'.

"I need to head to the administrator and hand them my form and get the key to my dorm. So then are we parting away for today?"

Noah questions with a brow raised up. Zoey nods her head.

"Okay then. If you say so. also need rest after this wonderful day I had." Lauren says with a sign and smile at them. "Tho it was nice hanging out with you both. See you both tomorrow."

The two nod their head at her words smiling warmly. Then with that, they part their ways. Noah and Zoey return back to their university as Lauren made her way towards the parking lot of the university.

She walked completely lost in her thought to watch where she was heading to. How much of trouble she was going to face if she didn't pay attention to her surrounding.

"Hey! Yah!! Hey!"


"Move! Hey!"

At this, she felt someone shouting but when she looked around she saw a car coming towards her. She stood froze on her legs as the car approached close.