Crazy, Stupid girl

"What? Then? What happened?"

Jamie exclaims excitedly listening to her sister briefing her exhausting day all along.

"What then? I left university with them and went to the cafe. And there in the cafe, I embarrassed myself as I was cursing that bastard loudly." Jamie burst out laughing listening to her sister. Jamie never thought she would be laughing out this loud after how her dad had gone by. But here she was listening to her sister's sorrowful day and laughing her ass out.

"Yah! Can you stop laughing? HUH?" Lauren yells annoyed at her sister who had been laughing at her ever since she had started telling her about her day. Jamie tried to control her laugh but as she looks at Lauren's pouted face she snorts laughing again. Lauren raise her pillow up in the air and smacked on her face with much force that a yelp scream escaped Jamie's mouth.

"Ya! How dare you hit me with that pillow? It hurts!"

Jamie yells grabbing her face with her hands and caressing it. Then She grabs the pillow and threw it at Lauren ho fell on her butt at the sudden attack. Lauren curse under her breath massaging her paining butt. "Yah!" Lauren yells still caressing her butt. "Serves you right. " Jamie says tucking her tongue out mocking her sister while Lauren widens her eyes.

"Get out. I haven't even started the real part and you are already mocking me. I won't say anything. Let me sleep.!" Lauren says with a scoff and stands up making her way to the bed. Jamie gulps at the sudden change of situation. As Lauren enters inside the duvet, Jamie clears her throat and makes her way inside the duvet beside her sister.

"I am sorry. I won't laugh again. Please." She pleads then hugs Lauren while Lauren just pushes her away. "Come on~ Forgive me and tell me what happened after that. I will tell you about my day too. Okay?" Jamie continues tickling her sides as Lauren starts giggling and pushing Jamie away. "Yah! Stop! Jamie~!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha no. I won't. First, say you forgave me." Jamie kept tickling but now the duvet was down on the floor and the pillows scattered over the room. Jamie starts tickling her towards her stomach and then to her armpits going further down to her feet, everywhere she got.

"Ahaha... Stop. Hahaha, stop! I said haha Stop! Okay. Ahaha Okay." Jamie stops as They both looked at each other with smiles but their chest heaving up and down because of how deep and shallow they were breathing due to their exhausting stunt and laugh. "Okay, what?" Jamie says still chuckling at the younger under her. "Okay, I forgive you. No stop doing that and let me breathe." Lauren says pushing Jamie away from her and sits squarely on the bed chuckling.

"Okay now continue. I won't laugh."

Lauren nods her head shifting into a comfortable position. Jamie does the same and they again sit facing each other.

"So after that embarrassing moment, We came out. Noah and Zoey had works to do so we parted our way. I walked back to the parking area. I had lots in my mind that was troubling me that I couldn't hear or see anything."

"Then?" Jamie says concentrating on her words.




"Yah! Hey!!"

"Move! Hey!"

Lauren flinch once she heard someone yell but instead her eye caught the car dashing towards her. The person inside the car was busy tapping his mobile screen as he wanted to call someone. But once her eye falls on the car approaching her with much speed, she could only stare at it coming as her feet froze on the road.

She felt herself trembling and shivering with the thought of her dying and she couldn't move as well. She felt her soul leaving her body with extreme fear and anxiety. She felt slightly dizzy. Just as she thought she was gonna get hit by the car. The driver glanced upward to widen his eye in utter shock.

Lauren blocks herself from the hit with her hand and she felt her body being jerked forward with a pull. She closed her eyes tight trembling and anticipating for the impact and the pain but she felt nothing. She clutched onto the thing that she was supporting as she had no idea what that was or was that someone?

She heard the car opening and closing with hurried footsteps approaching her. "Is she okay?" The man questions worried about the girl. Lauren felt a movement and deep breaths of someone hitting her face as her hair blew on its impact. "Yes." A subtle reply came making the older sign in relief. Lauren moved a bit trying to stand properly on her feet those were trembling. She then fell slightly but the figure supporting her caught her before she landed on the floor.

Lauren was taking deep breaths as she was panicked to the extend that she was having difficulty in breathing. "Sir. You should know that driving must be done with focus and what were you doing? Huh? So careless." The boy speaks with his voice filled with anger and dominance. "I am sorry. I need to call someone urgently so I had my attention on my phone. I will make sure this won't happen again. Just don't take this seriously. okay?"

The boy scoffs " Look at you. A girl just got hit by your car. Instead of feeling sorry for her you are thinking for yourself. And about your job... I will make sure not to take it seriously." He says with gritted teeth while the older widens his eyes scared. "No please. It is my fault. I accept it." The older say begging but the boy rolls his eyes turning around on his feet carrying Lauren bridal style as she fainted because of her state and panicked self.

He then walked inside the university making his way to the nursing room. He observes Lauren's figure who had her face against his chest. He frowns looking at her figure but scoffs once he remembers calling out for her to move but just he got was he standing there as a statue. It was the first time he got so much scared about someone after many years. He didn't want anyone to die like that because it reminded him of the incident he wanted to forget forever.

He opens the door and make his way to the empty bed. He place her on the bed and call out for a nurse. A lady in her late thirties came with a concerned look on her face. "What happened to her?" She questions as she examine Lauren's body.

"She just fainted." He said not wanting to talk more. "Okay. But how?" She questioned him again confused. " She just almost got hit and she fainted." The lady nods her head observing Lauren. "Then she will wake up soon. I will give her IV drip. She will be fine." The lady says smiling at the boy. She then looks around and adjust her with the drip and leaves the room.

"Look who we got here?" He scoffs looking at Lauren. "It should be you among all these people." He says rolling his eyes at her figure as he speaks to himself. "This will be the first and last time I am helping you." He says walking to the door. He opens the door but he stops glancing back. His lips slightly turn upwards as he looks at her shaking his head. "Crazy stupid girl."

With that he makes his way out of the room closing the door.


"But who was that?" Jamie questions

"I don't know. When I woke up I was alone in the room. The nurse said that a boy brought me here." Lauren says avoiding eye contact with her sister.

"Look at you avoiding my eye. Something must have happened. Tell me." Jamie says wiggling her brows.

"Nothing. That nurse just asked if he was my... ugh... my... b-boy friend." Jamie laughs seeing her sister flustered. "So was he?" Jamie questions making Lauren raise her brow annoyed. Lauren then picks up one of the pillow from the floor and threw at Jamie. And their fight continued.