I don't have tasty brain...


This was the only noise echoing all over the house. William and Oliver were laughing there ass out with there eyes dripping tears and hands curled over their stomach which was aching due to too much laughing.

"I asked why are you both laughing like a hyena? " Sarah yells furious with them laughing like an idiot, just there laugh never coming to a halt. She was too furious that she had her chest heaved up and down, nose flaring out hot breathe.

"I-I *snort* haha a-am sorry, dear but *snort* your expression was p-priceless. " He says snorting in between and stuttering due to lack of air. His face had gone pale and so did Oliver's. With their response, she grew more angry and irritated. She had her hands clenched in fists and her eyes turning red with anger and jaws clenched. She was having too much of them laughing at her and the reason? She was totally clueless. It was pissing her off to limits.

She groaned and grabbed the pillow placed on the couch. She raised it in the air and William caught her action but he blocked his face with his hands as an instinct. The pillow hits his arms and drops down to the floor and William hiss in his laugh. Seeing them, Oliver controlled his laugh not sure if he would be next for an attack. Who knew if she could? Because anger makes one blind in rage to process what they say and do.

Oliver clears his throat as he prevents himself from bursting into laughter once again seeing the couple fighting like kids. William too stops laughing but few giggles left his mouth. Sarah stood in front of them with her hands crossed against her chest and eyes throwing daggers at the two figures seated on the couch.

"Uh... um... Sorry. Just we couldn't control ourselves. " Oliver apologizes and Sarah sighs walking back towards her seat.

"But why were you two laughing?" Sarah questions with a stern look and William chuckles just to stop receive a glare from his wife.

"Uh... that, Ethan hates girls but it doesn't mean that he likes boys in ... you know... that way. " William says with a smile on his face wanting to laugh at his wife's confused expression.

"Then why does he hate girls?" She questions again.

"Because his ex left him for money... uh... like that somehow. He hates those types of girls and its that he thinks all girls are the same. " Oliver tries to explain her the matter and Sarah finally nods her head as if she got what they meant. Soon she burst out laughing making the other two look at her in shock and bewildered. William and Oliver exchange a glance with a mocking smile gestured towards Sarah.

"Oh my God!! I thought he wouldn't want to marry my baby. I am relieved. How in the world did I think that way? I am so stupid. " she says to herself and laughed out loud. William nods his head finding his wife funny.

"Okay, then?" Oliver questions distracting them from their own thoughts.

"Then what?" William questions him back confused.

"I mean, now, when should we let them know about their marriage?" Oliver continues.

Sarah replies, "Why don't we say that we have prepared a contract when they were small in presence of Barbara. Ethan wouldn't deny if he knows it's his mother's wish. And for Jamie, we will handle. "

The other two take her words into consideration and give it a thought. Oliver nods his head. "I think he would definitely. "

"Yea I guess. " William says in approval with them. "But when?" Sarah questions again with a sigh. "I wonder if it would be appropriate to let them know this after a few months so that it wouldn't be long they know about this. Like few months before their marriage. "

Sarah and William nod their head at Oliver's word. "Okay then. Let's do as we decided. " Sarah says smiling widely.

They talk for about a few more hours. As Oliver realizes that it was getting late, he stood up. "I need to head back. "

"Why? You can leave after you meet the girls. " Sarah says standing after William. Oliver shakes his head no. " I planned to have dinner with Ethan. I feel bad that after getting free from all works, still, I am not spending time with my son. " Oliver says with a sad smile. The other two smile sadly patting his back.

"After losing the two most important people in my life, I only have my son and you all. I at least need to protect that. I feel like I need to reduce the father-son distance and shower him with love. " Oliver completes making the other two nod their head.

" I can understand, Oliver. " Sarah says patting his forearm with a slight squeeze trying to soothe his pain. Oliver gives a small pat on her hand on his forearm.

"Then I don't feel like stopping you here. " William says with a smile. "Next time, bring Ethan along. We can have a family dinner. " Sarah says.

"Of course! This should have been done long ago. I wonder why you said it so late. " Oliver mocks Sarah while William laughs and Sarah smack his forearm which she was grabbing just a while ago.

"Sorry, But yea. I will make a day and inform you two. What do you say?" Oliver says expressing his thought. "No need to think, just come this weekend with Ethan. I will prepare his favorite dish. " Sarah says getting excited. Oliver chuckles glancing towards William as William nods his head. "Okay then. See you at weekend, then. " Oliver says making his way towards the door. Sarah and William follow behind and walks him out. They bid goodbye and the couple head inside.

"I really feel like if we could go back and make things correct. I really miss them. " Sarah says with a sigh following behind. "Don't worry, they are together now. At least I hope she is happy there. " William says voice filled with concern. "I feel the same. Just remembering how much Barbara cried when they lost him was dreadful. " Sarah says taking a seat on the couch as her voice seemed cracking when emotions took over her.

"It's okay dear. " William says pulling her into his embrace. " I really can't imagine myself in her position, as something I think I would be the same if something happened to Jamie. " Sarah says as her eyes filled with tears wanting to free themself from the barrier and flow down. William sense Sarah tense under him and he pats her back and whisper sweet words trying to calm her down.

"It's gonna be fine, honey. Calm down. " Willaim says and Sarah listens to him sniffing. Sarah pulls back with a sad smile on her face.

" I know honey. I need to stay strong and I will. Nothing will happen to our children. "She says smiling and wiping away the drop of tear that escaped her eyes. William smiles widely nodding his head.

"I will go to the kitchen then. Lauren and Jamie may arrive soon. They will want to eat and if there is nothing they will eat my brain and if not enough yours as well. " William giggles shrugging his shoulders.

"Who knows? And moreover, I don't have tasty brains. " Sarah chuckles hitting him on his chest. She pulls herself away from his hold and pecks him on his lips making her way to the kitchen. William stays still observing his wife disappearing into the kitchen with a blissful smile on his face.