I love you soo much...

"I said stay with me! Please~" Laurens begs with puppy eyes and Jamie narrows her brows questioning her unusual request. Lauren kept her hold firm around Jamie's wrist and Jamie stops going against her pull once she gets enough off it.

"What happened? Why do you want me to stay with you? I have some files I need to go through. " Jamie says trying to dismiss her request of staying together.

"Okay then. " Laurens says acting sad with a pout, her lower lip hanging low. She turns around and starts sulking as she makes her way to the door. Just as she reached the knob of the door, she turns around and whines showing her puppy eyes.

"Ngh... This girl!!" Jamie says stomping her legs as she approaches Lauren.

She sighs and says "Do you need to say something? Why do you even wanna stay with me without something serious? Huh? Tell me?" Jamie says leaning down facing her eye level and watch her expression waver in nervousness. Jamie feels something strange, something fishy around her. Now, she sure was curious to know what?

Lauren gulps looking away feeling trapped under her sister's gaze.

"Okay. Go and bring your notes and prepare them here. Let's have a sister night... and do spill the things. " Jamie says with a smirk and whispers the later making it hard for Lauren to understand. But hearing Jamie agreeing for her request she felt all giddy inside.

She rushes out of Jamie's room to her own. She opens the door and makes her way to the study table. She grabs her notes lying on the table with her purse and makes her way out of her room. She goes back to Jamies'. As Lauren enters Jamie's room, she saw Jamie dusting off the bed. She then grabbed her file and placed them on the nightstand beside her. She sat on one edge and patted on the other edge.

"Come sit here and prepare notes. " Lauren smiles nodding her head and walks to the other side. She sits comfortably and opens her notes. Jamie eyes Lauren, who was now concentrating on her work. Jamie frowns watching her.

"Why do you have so many notes to copy when you go to college every day. " Lauren frowns as she raises her head to look at her sister laughing sheepishly but she stops when she got glared by Jamie.

"You do know, why?" Lauren says with a sigh as she gets occupied on her work.

"Is the boy troubling you too much?" Jamie questions with a crooked eyebrow. Lauren nods her head.

"What did he do again? Tell me?" Lauren says slightly concerned for her sister.

Having her daily coming to her stressed and with anger spitting out of her mouth with curse words made her think if today was the same. She did feel bad for Lauren. Like having a bully, is not something to be taken so lightly. What if she gets hurt? What if she gets depressed if this goes on like this? Lauren was having trouble coping up with all these problems.

Tho being homeschooled, Jamie knew nothing about how the school life works and feels like. But she had watched lots of dramas which gave her a fine scenario to understand what it is and what happens. She just grew more worried wondering if she has a hard time at her university. She just wants to help her out. She is at least glad that she shares her about her problems and feelings but she questions herself if she can help her?

[Can I? But what do I do other than listening to her?] She thinks to herself staring at Lauren's figure fidgeting with her fingers.

"H-He just made my life a mess. I-I don't even know what is happening?!" Lauren says deeply agitated.

"Then tell me. " Jamie says patting Lauren's head. Lauren smile going in for a hug as a sigh escapes her lips.


"Dad!! Where are you?" Ethan says making his way inside the house looking around for his father who seemed to be missing at the very moment. Ethan received a call from Ethan to come home a little early even if he had work. Ethan grew suspicious of his words as he got no time to reply when the call ended. With all these things going on inside his mind, he panics a little when he doesn't find his dad's presence at home. It was indeed silent to the point that even a feather's movement could be heard.

And this silence was eating Ethan from inside. Ethan makes his way upstairs slightly sweating from the anticipation of what could have happened. But he made himself sure that his dad was okay. As he was walking around he heard the doorbell ringing downstairs. He hurries his way downstairs.

But before he could open the door, he was greeted by a smiling Oliver hand full with bags. Ethan sighs as he watches his dad struggling with the groceries. Ethan laughs shaking his head no in disbelief.

"This is such an amusing scene, Dad. And I am loving it. " Ethan says mocking his dad. Oliver laughs "Sure, it must have been." They both laugh. Ethan throws his coat on the couch and grabs few bags helping Oliver place them on the kitchen counter.

"But Is today something special?" Ethan says going through the grocery bags peeking inside and humming at the good his dad brought.

"Yea. " Oliver replies short. Ethan snaps his head to his dad with a confused look on his face. "What is it?" Ethan questions being curious to know what was so special today which he had no idea off. Oliver chuckles as he walks to the fridge and stuffs some groceries inside.

"It's... our bonding day. " Olver says turning around to face Ethan. "What? Bonding day?" Oliver nods his head.

"Now that I am a free old man, I want to spend quality time with my lovely son. Why can't I?" He speaks with a soft voice and Ethan, he just kept his gaze still on his dad.

"Dad..." He trails his words as he had no words, he could pick up to convey. His emotions jumbled up and he felt his eyes teary. He looked away giggling. He looks back up at his dad and extended his arms wanting to engulf his dad inside his hug. He walks to his dad and hug him. Oliver smiles as his eyes becomes glass with his overwhelming emotion. Happiness and guilt being one of them.

Oliver pats Ethan's head as he pecks his side with much love and adoration. He felt at relef as he remained inside his father's embrace. He felt loved and cared. He felt warm, he felt home... his safe home. He felt his dad conveying his love for him. He really felt happy.

"Thank you dad. " Ethan mumbles within the hug. Oliver pulls away smiling wide at his son. "No, I should be thanking for having you as my son. I Am really proud of you, Ethan. I love you so much. "

Ethan giggles feeling all giddy and happy from inside. "Okay dad I got it. I love you too. " He says pulling Oliver back into a hug as he tighten his hold around him.

"But, Dad..."

"Hmm?" Oliver says patting Ethan's back.

"I love mom more then you, sorry." Oliver giggles hitting his back as Ethan parts himself away laughing hard at his dad's response.