We got a problem

After the whole way in silence, Ethan and Jamie make their way out of the car. Jamie walks behind Ethan as they were now a boss and a secretary, so she just became a professional. But she couldn't help dodge the attention and eyes of people walking around from questioning their arrival. The people were surprised to see them arriving together. All the workers greet them as they make their way inside the reception lobby and walk further inside towards the lift.

They both were silent all the while but the silence was not comfortable. Actually it was killing them from inside. They wanted to talk and clear the misunderstanding or say things between them so that they could get professional with each other. That was the least they both had wished - to talk freely as they did before at least for work.

Ethan clears his throat with his fist brushing against his lips. Jamie eyes him through her lashes as she had her head hung low trying to avoid meeting his eyes. The elevator door opens with a ding~

They make their way inside and they were thankful that some staff entered along with them. They were glad that they hadn't been left alone and avoid the awkward silence. As if they were saved.

But nothing happens the way we want.

Ours pleads to avoid the problems we face are never heard... why? Because we need to pass them so that we could move on in our lives and grow strong. It a way we struggle in this world to survive. We need to face our problems rather than running away. Gather yourself and shine brightly. I hope you will do... wouldn't you?

One by one the staff walks out of the elevator leaving them alone in there. They stole glances from each other when the other was not looking at them. The silence was too much to bear. They both wanted to say something to start the conversation but they were struggling to find a word.



They try to say something at the same time but stop when they heard the other. They both felt embarrassed as they look away with pink-tinted cheeks. Ethan clears his throat and looks ahead straight and Jamie does the same. Ethan side-eyes Jamie and opens his mouth just to press his lips into a straight line.



They both again speaks at the same time. They look away but now giggle were heard echoing in the elevator. Just as they looked at each other, the door opens. Ethan gestures her to walk ahead and she widens her eyes but playing along with him. She smiles making her way out of the lift and Ethan follows behind. Once they are out, they walk towards the office.

As they walk inside, they were greeted with a presence. They both widen their eyes surprised with the sudden presence. They walk further inside approaching him.

"Hey!! I missed you both. Long time no see brothers!" Liam says smiling widely as he walks towards them. He pulls them both in a brotherly hug. He surely did miss Ethan as they had no brother time as they used to have before. Liam tightens his hold around them as they start wiggling inside his hold suffocated in the tight embrace.

"Umm, Liam you are chocking us. " Ethan speaks up trying to free himself.

"Oh! Sorry. I just got really excited seeing after so long." Jamie chuckles shaking her head. "We just met yesterday in the lobby. " Jamie says chuckling.

"I don't count that as a meeting. We just exchanged greeting. You are my little cute brother after all. I need to spend quality time with you." Ethan rolls his eyes at his statement. "Lame!!" Ethan yells scrunching his face in disgust. Liam smacks Ethan's forearm hissing at his word. Jamie laughs seeing them bicker.

"I thought I am the only one who bickers every time I see my sister but you two are also the same." Jamie laughs watching them teasing each other tucking their tongue out and pinching each other's arm.

Ethan and Liam fell silent as they watch Jamie laugh but Jamie suddenly stops laughing as she senses silence and two pairs of eyes watching her intensely. She gulps awkwardly smiling as she looks between them.

"You are right!!" Ethan says smiling brightly as he looks back at Liam. He suddenly extends his arms and jumps on Liam. "I missed you so much. Let's hang out tonight." Liam chuckles bearing Ethan's weight as he was bear-hugging him. Jamie and Liam laugh at this change in him. He was totally different from what he was yesterday. Jamie was so much amused but happy as well.

She never thought, he would change his personality and let her see the real Ethan who is like a little bubbly kid wanting to be loved and cared for. "Okay, Bear. Now let go!" Liam says patting his back. Ethan jumps down from him and smiles brightly at him.

"But did anything happen among you two? "

Jamie and Ethan share an awkward glance with each other than shaking their head no. They look away feeling flustered as they both were thinking of the scene that happened late at night. "No, why?" Ethan questions trying to avoid his gaze.

"Just you are comfortable around him. I wonder what Jamie did. You were still cold yesterday." Liam says acting suspiciously as he looks between them. Ethan chuckles awkwardly as he walks to his chair. "Nothing happened. People change you know." Ethan says taking his seat. Liam mocking smiles at him and look at Jamie. Jamie shrugs off smiling awkwardly.

"But I am glad you are comfortable. I am going to invite Jamie to our brother's times now." Liam says looking at Ethan with a stern look. Ethan crooks a brow and then looks at Jamie who had a wide smile on her face. He shrugs acting disinterested but he was looking forward to their time together within.

"Good." Liam smile and walks towards Jamie and wraps his arms around her shoulder. Ethan snaps his head up and watches them sternly. "My cute little brother, I feel you are getting more cute day by day." He says pinching her cheeks. Jamie blushes at his compliment and smiles awkwardly looking away.

"Hehe... is it so?" Jamie says trying to dismiss his wiggling eyebrows teasing her. Liam chuckles flirting with her. Ethan who had been watching them clench his fist. But as he saw himself getting irritated seeing them flirting, he looks away sighing as he loosens his fist.

[What even are they doing? And was he blushing? The hell is that?] He thinks to himself as he squints his observing them laughing and giggling. He widens his eyes as he recalls Jamie admitting her being interested in boys.

[Does he... like Liam? OMG! No... What even am I thinking?] He feels himself debating with his inner voice. He sighs as he brushes his hand against his hair.

"UGH!!" He yells standing on his seat. Jamie and Liam flinch getting startled by his sudden yell. They look at him surprised. Ethan realizes what he just did and he looks away embarrassed.

"What was that for?" Liam questions with a raised brow. Ethan chuckles awkwardly. "Nothing! I... I just saw a... um... a cockroach. " He says looking down the desk playing along with his lie. Liam chuckles frowning at his excuse but he shrugs off.

"But why are you here to be precise?" Ethan questions trying to intimidate as a boss he was. Liam widens his eyes scratching his head.

"I totally forgot... actually we got a problem."