How did you get these bruises?

"So beautiful..." 

He mutters making the other widen their eyes in shock. Ethan completely lost and unaware of the words that escaped his lips, he was still admiring her. Jamie's mouth gaped open closing and opening like a fish, she was confused if she heard right. 

"W-What? " She says stuttering, Ethan blinks his eyes rapidly at her words finally back to the real world. 

"Hmm?" He says as confused as Jamie was, "You said something. " She replies back. 

Ethan frowns waiting for her to say more as he had no idea what was going on. It was as if he was never there and he had just been there. Jamie scoffs as she assumes he was playing with her which irritated her. She shakes her head no going back to her work. Ethan blinks his eyes watching her every moves but he didn't get why she looked so offended.