My life has always been a joke

"I-I... am s-scared... please take me away... brother..." She stutters out her words. 

Liam frowns deeper at her words, Jamie starts sobbing out loud as those words leave her mouth. She goes in for a hug as she weeps inside his arms as if her life depended on it. Liam couldn't help but worry about Jamie as he still had no idea what was going on and to be true he couldn't even conclude this matter was now related to Ethan. 

His brows knitted together as he couldn't grasp the situation and he wanted to ask a lot but he couldn't mutter out a word. Jamie kept whimpering and tightening her grip around him as if she would get lost if she detached herself. 

But still, he just couldn't stay quiet, he needed to know what happened and after those words, he didn't care about her being uncomfortable because now he just wants to keep her safe. To do that he should at least know right?