Where is the box?!!

" Yah! Can't you just work properly! Aish you got me scared!" 

Ethan yells blowing air on Jamie's fingers but he was totally unaware of the fact that the people around him went silent surprised with his outburst. Yea totally unaware that he kept mumbling on his own as he blew over her burnt fingers. The smile never leaving Jamie's face which even grew further. 

Liam and Lauren started laughing out loud as it was too much for them to digest. And since they were both sharing awkward glances between them and over to Jamie and Ethan, they just couldn't see them getting cheesy. 

Jamie flinches as she came back to the world thanks to them and their hysteric laugh. The smile on her lips flattered away as she started pulling her hands away from Ethan's who actually was blushing and froze on his spot. Even his hands were frozen as he couldn't pull his hands back even after Jamie had taken her hands away from his.