Ethan will take care of her

"Hey, easy.. slow down, we don't want to be back at the hospital. " George says as she holds Mary firmly as she almost stumbles on the stairs down back on the floor, Mary awkwardly chuckles grabbing George with one of her hand while grabbing the railing of the stairs with her other hand. 

She had one of her casted leg folded back avoiding any impact and injury while she jumped the stairs one by one with support from George. George sighs as he eyes Mary limping upstairs, he had offered help but being a stubborn girl she was she protested, and here she was talking for an hour just to climb up the stairs when he would have already dropped her in a minute if she only agreed. 

She was only there for troubles and he couldn't even bring himself to point it out and scold her. He had never done it before despite how much he regretted later for being blinded by her words and acts just to support her dark side giving her the hope that he would always be there for her.