Marry Ethan

"Hello? Brother, you arrived in the company?" Ethan says once his call gets received. 

"No, I am heading to the company as I dropped Lauren back at home. " Ethan nods his head despite the fact that he was talking to Liam on a call, "Why?" Liam questions back curious why Ethan had called him all so sudden and seeing lots of miss calls made him think if Ethan was in trouble. 

"Uh... as Jamie can't work... I need someone to accompany me to our project location. " Ethan responds back to which Liam hmms making Ethan confused if he agreed to him or not. "So?" Ethan questions again waiting patiently for his brother's response. 

"So? What?" Liam says chuckling later, Ethan scoffs in annoyance. "Don't start with that beg me ego okay? I need you to join me, it's the CEO's order!" Ethan yells out placing the phone in front of his mouth, Liam laughs hearing his brother's order.