First relation?

Oliver suddenly pulls Liam for a hug, "Cry all you want, Liam. I am here for you." Oliver says hugging Liam close to him, "What is with you all… everyone is saying the same to me…" Liam mumbles as tears make their way out his eyes. Liam burst out crying hard but his words made both of them sad.

"She… f-finally said it. She a-abandoned m-me."

"W-What?" William stutters out totally shocked with the sudden revelation of the news. Oliver who knew what Liam had gone through understood what he meant, he knew Liam was going through a hard time.

"It's okay… you have me and Ethan. " Oliver says patting Liam's back while Liam nods his head still crying his heart out. William just lost for words keeps staring at Liam who was crying hard, he felt bad for him-really bad.