Spreading rumors

"Ah! Why did I even decide to come… ugh…it hurts." Lauren mumbles as she slowly tries to walk down the road just to grab a cab because she was sure she wouldn't afford to walk for any longer. She leans herself along the poles and the wall by the end of the hallway, she sighs looking down at her feet.

"I thought you were okay… why are you torturing me!" She says hissing at her feet which were aching after a short walk, she was angry because she had been walking on the road for hours and the way to her university never decreased. She had no will to walk to the university, she didn't want to when she was aching so much.

She looks around and pouts when she couldn't find anyone to help her nor she was comfortable asking anyone for help. She was making her way back to the house and the uni? Who cares when her life was getting sucked out because of the pain her sprain was giving her.