
"Sarah, you should have said to us that he had come here." Oliver grunts in dissatisfaction while Sarah frowns looking at Oliver then at William with her questioning gaze but William just shrugs off gesturing to her he had no idea.

Sarah sighs shaking her head in disbelief for being interrogated about not telling them about Ryan's appearance and that it was going on for a while, it was pissing her off.

"And? So, what? He was looking for Lauren and I said where she is… he left on his own." Sarah says through her gritted teeth, Oliver scrunches his face in denial as he was about to speak something but sensing the situation William speaks trying not to take this thing into a problem.

"Hey, Oliver it's okay… I know you are concerned for Lauren but he seems to be a nice guy." William says looking at Sarah with a smile while he looks at Oliver with gestures asking him to stay quiet.