It is a lie...

"Yah! Leave me!!" Dylan struggle against the guards who were holding him tight against them, he wiggles around making them lose him. "You should know I can kill you all for what you have done with me?" He seethes through his blaring eyes and clenched jaws.

The two guards sigh and say, "Despite that sir, you breached the policy and rules of a hospital. If we hadn't taken you out your mother's condition would have got worse." The tone of the guard speaks trying to solve the mess with wise words and brain instead of fist and yells.

And his words did shut up Dylan, he looks around pushing his hair back in frustration. "It is only because it was for mom I am sparing you both…" He says exchanging gaze between the two guards who were intimidated by his dark eyes. They both nod their head and walk away while he turns around facing the direction to the room where his mother was.