Double date

"Dad... what are we actually doing in your school at this time? I mean no one is around. " Ethan mumbles looking around once he walks out of the car. Oliver and William exchange a look while Ethan sighs walking around and examining the surrounding.

"Is this where you studied... Woah, I didn't think I would be coming here like this. " Ethan mumbles with his eyes still looking around. Oliver and William's smile looking around then approaching Etan, they stand side by side with Ethan in between.

"Shall we start the search?" Ethan speaks up eyeing his dad, "Oliver, should we find that place?" William says making Ethan frown.

"Which place? Hurry up... Jamie must be waiting for us. " Ethan says getting excited but Oliver sighs. "I don't know if this the place we must be looking for but one incident back then had me think of this place. " Oliver admits truthfully but he seemed stressed, why wouldn't he when Jamie's living depends upon him.