Drunk Jamie is evil

"Ahh... my head..." 

Ethan frowns as his ear caught groans and words laced with pain, even the movement beside him getting frequent had him stir out of his peaceful sleep after a hectic night. Yet the morning seemed equally hectic knowing that he would be suffering day long. 

"What... happen?" Ethan mumbles slowly rubbing his eyes and trying to adjust to the light, "M-My... head...ouch..." He then slowly raise his head up as the movement beside him increases. He heaves out a sigh feeling his head throbbing but ignoring himself he sits up watching Jaie grab her head pressing it hard as she tosses around the bed.

"Hey..." Ethan mumbles slowly grabbing her hands, all of a sudden Jamie snaps her eyes open, she looks up at him in shock then back at the bed, "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

  "Ahhh!!! Yah!!!!"