Same fate

Another three months later

"Your baby is growing up well." The doctor speaks, wiping the gel off of Jamie's stomach, Jamie smiles slowly sitting up straight with Ethan helping her, "Thank you, doctor." Ethan mumbles, smiling at the doctor as Jamie pulls her cloth back down covering her bump.

"No problem, keep up with the appointments and make sure you take care of yourself." The doctor says, Jamie nods her head and they both stand up. The bump was growing larger, enough to hold her hand if she places them on top of it.

"I have had some vitamins prescribed, then see you next month." The doctor replies, handing them a piece of paper. Ethan grabs it and examines it, "Sure." He then says, wrapping his arms around Jamie, he walks them out of the door.

"Three more months to go." Jamie speaks, caressing her bump with a wide grin.