My baby~

"Why do you keep picking up fights? And I don't need to have you as a bodyguard every second. She has a her some times." Jamie lectures him, all the way upstairs. Etha just pouts, helping her take slow yet careful steps.

His mind was focused on her steps more than her words, much like he didn't want to hear it again. He couldn't calm down if he sees her out of his sight, he wants to keep her healthy and in good condition before she gives birth.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Jamie speaks, she looks at him and she pouts seeing his eyes on her steps, she was habituated to it but somewhere she was feeling giddy and warm knowing he cares too much for her and their baby. 

Her intention to scold him and enlighten him about some good things vanish off as a shy yet wide smile covers her face, blushing slightly she lets him help her walk. He never knew what he does to her, only she could feel them.

"I love you, my baby." Jamie says, all of a sudden.