Crash and accidents

Another three weeks later

"Hmm, Miss Byrne you are now in your seventh month, you need to be more careful." The doctor speaks as he wipes the white translucent gel off of her big belly. 

"Yeah." Jamie mumbles, nodding her head she smiles happily. 

Ethan smiles, squeezing his grip on her hand, "I will take good care of her." Ethan says, the doctor finishes wiping off the gel and Ethan helps Jamie sit straight, "We can go home now?" Ethan asks, the day went by with them doing tests.

"Yeah, many are interested in gender but it's surprising seeing none of you are asking me." The doctor speaks, Ethan and Jamie widen their eyes and exchange a glance, "Oh, because we are fine with what we get." Ethan speaks, meeting the doctor's gaze.

"Ah, then it's okay. You can go home and take care." The doctor says, smiling at them. Both of them return the smile back and make their way out of the room.