
Scorcher reached the Decepticon camp before his group, rolling past the guards and transforming in the headquarters. Star Scream looks at Scorcher, a growl coming on his face. "Scorcher, is there something you're hiding from us?" The newly appointed second in command walked over to him, punching him in the face. Megatron, who was nearby, swiftly slugged Star Scream in the middle of his body, denting him slightly and sending him sprawled on the floor, writhing in pain.

"Remember your place, StarScream!" The leader of the Decepticons shouted, growling at the fallen flyer. Megatron turned his attention back to Scorcher, raising his hand to reveal a small sphere. The sphere fit snugly in Megatron's hand, and Scorcher took the orb, looking at it. On the orb was a glowing sigil of a face, but it was neither Autobot or Decepticon. The face appeared to have a square face with rectangular eyes and sharp triangles going down the face, forming a sort of beard.

"So, he's calling me home, huh? The contract expired?" Scorcher said, looking back to Megatron.

The expression on the ruler's normally agitated face was one of sorrow, nodding lightly. "Yes, old friend. We knew this day was coming. I had just hoped we had defeated the Autobots by now." His face returned to a scowl, turning around as the rest of Scorcher's team entered the area. Celina, A.M.Y., Trouble, Flamewar and Deadlock walked in, standing behind Scorcher. Scorcher gave one last look to Megatron, who had returned his focus to his maps, trying to figure out his next major move in the war.

"Alright, squad, time to head home." Scorcher said to the three, causing them to become alarmed. As Scorcher left the building, the other three followed, confused beyond comparison.

"Sir, with all due respect, what do you mean home? We're Decepticons, we're already home. This is our home!" Celina shouted, trying to get Scorcher to stop moving so he could explain what he meant. Scorcher stopped, taking a deep breath and turning around.

"I'll explain everything, but we need to keep going. The boss doesn't exactly like when his agents are late." Scorcher began walking away once more, only leaving more questions for the three to contemplate.


Scorcher simply walked through the battle torn fields outside the city of Ankmor, the high plasma burnt walls defending the city from any Autobot assault. Celina, A.M.Y. and Trouble were trailing behind him, all of their metal footsteps echoing throughout the void.

"Scorcher, could you please start explaining stuff now?" Celina pleaded, beginning to droop down with every step. It had been a long and eventful time, and it was a certainty that his teammates would need to recharge soon, lest their sparks extinguish. Luckily, he could feel that their rides were ever so approaching. He stopped, his hands hanging over his holsters, the handles of his revolvers clanking against the back of his hands. He turned around, seeing his squad slagging behind.

"Take a knee, squad." Scorcher orders as he lowers himself onto the ground, resting on his knees with his head lowered. The other three followed suit, sitting on the ground. "Alright, I guess it's time to tell the truth." Scorcher looked to his shoulder, where the purple Decepticon sigil began to spark and flicker. The three watched as the triangular face they had known their entire existence popped off their leader, revealing a rectangular face with a triangular chin. Scorcher took a breath and looked at them. "I am not a Decepticon. In fact, you three are not Decepticons either." As he says this, their sigils begin to falter and pop off their bodies as well, revealing the same symbol that was on Scorcher. "We are a part of a third faction, a major mercenary guild. The Wardens. It was a group established long ago, back before there were Autobots or Decepticons. Their purpose was to keep the peace. However as time went on, they became more and more irrelevant and began selling their warriors as mercenaries. My brother is actually the leader of the group now." Scorcher said, hearing the sounds of engines in the distance.

"Wait, you have a brother?!?!" Celina jumped up, now feeling reenergized after Scorcher's little story time. New information always perked her up. The noises of the engines grew louder, two unmarked drop ships approaching at high speeds. The drop shops halted just near them and a group of savage looking bots jumped out. Each had unique looking face plates, metal lines dropping from their jaws forming facial coverings. Their plating had blue markings, an ancient language, covering it. Scorcher stood up and faced the largest one of the group, carrying a large battle axe on his back.

"Warlord wants to see you..." The large one looks to the three behind him, "And your three whelps." He did not wait for Scorcher to reply, simply returning to one of the drop ships. The newcomers slowly do the same, leaving enough space for the four to get on one. Scorcher turned around, seeing that his team had collected themselves during that encounter, and nodded for them to follow. They were heading home.


StarScream watched on the rampart of Ankmor, seeing the unidentified drop ships approaching Scorcher. The Con grinned as he watched a group of savages surround him. He hoped they would end that annoyance right there, but to his displeasure, they brought him with them back on their ships. He looked at a group of nearby drones. "Fire the guns at those ships!" The drones' simply programmed to take commands, nodded, manning the guns and beginning to fire at the two small drop ships. The shooters were not the best, every shot missing their targets. Megatron jumped up and shouted for them to stop. He then looked to StarScream, who growled in return, watching as the drop ships fled the range of their guns.