The Council of Primes

Train Trek and Scorcher walked down the halls of the spire, the sounds of battle faint yet ever present as the Autobots defending Iacon defend against a slow constant stream of Decepticon drones. The two friends walked in silence as they headed for the Council, the tension in the air sharp enough to cut Energel. Finally, as they turned a hall and saw the large doors that lead to the Prime's chamber, Train Trek spoke. "So, are any of us still active at the base? I assume you had to go there to report to Warlord." He said, not wanting to look at Scorcher.

Scorcher's metal lips made a scraping sound, vocalizing his displeasure towards the topic. "No, most of the 'Wardens' I saw were his savage goons. I didn't see any shells, though, so I assume our brothers in arms are being held prisoner within their quarters or something similar to that." Scorcher explained, trusting Train Trek enough to openly speak about the Warden Base. He would have to tell his three team mates eventually, but right now, they should be focusing on integrating with the Autobots. "I'm certain that Warlord is toying with them one at a time, though, because his second in command looks more bulkier than his lesser, and some of his armor looked eerily familiar." Scorcher saw Trek physically tense up when he heard this, both knowing what that meant. That poor Warden did not die in glorious combat to say the least.

"We'll discuss that later, for now..." Train Trek shook his head, raising his hands as they approached the door. He pushed on the double doors, the large objects slowly swinging outwards, allowing Scorcher and Train Trek to see the massive chamber where the Council of Primes resided. The main figure that stared at them as the door opened was a blue and gold Autobot with an orange face and bright blue eyes, a red light glowing on his forehead. This was the head of the Council, Zeta Prime. Scorcher looked forward and saw Optimus standing in the center of the room, a bright light shining down on him. He looked back and saw the two, raising his hand. Train Trek stopped, stepping to the side and allowing Scorcher to move along, standing at Optimus' side. The Primes looked down at the two, studying Scorcher.

Zeta leaned forward, his eyes squinting as he looked over the red bot. Leaning back in his seat, the head Prime spoke. "Scorcher, we have hired you for a specific purpose. It is not to fight the Decepticons, although I believe that you know that was part of the agreement..." Scorcher nods to this comment, his attention on Zeta as the Prime spoke, " but to search for Sentinel Prime, We have need of his expertise, and with him having vanished a few cycles ago, we are weakened. Optimus will inform you on this mission further." Zeta then waved to the two, commanding them to leave. Optimus bowed slightly before walking away while Scorcher gave the head Prime a glare before following Optimus. The two, including Trek when they walked by him, left the chamber, the doors shutting behind them. After walking for a but, Optimus turned to face Scorcher and Trek.

"Alright. Train Trek, since I trust you more than our new recruits, you'll be joining him on his mission to watch over him. Barrage will also join you. I hope two extra troops will not interfere, Scorcher." Optimus shifted his glance to focus on Scorcher, who gave no response in return. "There is a ship docked to act as you're base of operations; it should be well armed enough for a mercenary such as yourself." Optimus continued.

"That's wonderful, but could you give me information regarding to the actual mission?" Scorcher said, a hint of impatience in his voice. Optimus looked back at Scorcher, the tension between the two growing larger.

The tension broke when the Spire was attacked once more, sending the three falling to the floor due to the unexpected impact. The wall they were standing next to had been demolished, opening the hall to the furious battle that lie down on the surface. The Decepticons had broken through using a massive push in their assault, and the streets of Iacon were flooding with Decepticons. The three quickly got up and readied their weapons; Optimus' arm turning into a neutron rifle, Scorcher pulling out his two revolvers, performing a short flourish before readying them, and Train Trek prepared a large shield and hammer made out of the steam stack he had collected earlier.

"Let's talk about Sentinel later and focus on the current situation." Scorcher commented, getting a short grunt of agreement from the other two. The three then ran down the hall, heading to the lift to join the frey.