
Scorcher and Train stood still as they studied the scene before them. The large Cybertronian shaking hands with one of the Autobot's leaders. Scorcher was taken aback; Warlord never dealt with clients in person, it was always over calls or through envoys. So what was Sentinel Prime doing shaking the Fragger's hand?

The two turned their heads towards the door, their optics studying the figures that had just witnessed them. Warlord's metal face shifted into a smirk; the kind someone puts on when a plan has been set into motion and nothing can stop it. The large leader released Prime's hand, turning his massive body towards the two. If Train Trek towered over Scorcher, Warlord towered over Train Trek; he was massive. Scorcher believed that he was even the same size as Omega Supreme after having seen the large Autobot grounded. Warlord's hand slowly turned into an axe head as he approached the two imposters.

"Sentinel, I'll make sure to inform our compatriot. You go ahead and find a suitable world for your plan." Warlord stated, grabbing one of the tables and ripping it off from the ground, using the large rectangular object as a shield. The traitorous Autobot shook his head, turning away from the three and heading into the darkness, presumably to escape. Train Trek and Scorcher didn't really care about Prime, however, because they were both focused on the massive bot slowly approaching them.

"Scorcher, tell me if I'm wrong, but has he gotten bigger?" Train Trek leaned towards Scorcher, whispering to his brother in arms. Scorcher was too shocked at Warlords new size. He was only here a few cycles ago and he wasn't a walking mountain, how did he become so large.

"Train, I'm not sure if we can take him down. I don't know how, but he is huge now. I-" Scorcher began to say, only to focus back on Warlord who was swinging his arm at him, meaning to remove Scorcher's head from his body. The Warden jumped back, avoiding the incoming axe head. Train was not as fast, raising his shield up to block the strike. The axe collided with Train's shield, sending the Autobot flying into a pillar. Train grunted as he hit the support pillar, stunned from having blocked the massive attack. Scorcher knew that hit would have definitely decapitated him.

"Why did you have to come back, brother? You could have just continued working for the Autobots in perpetuating this meaningless war!" Warlord roared, swinging once more at his traitor brother, Scorcher doing his best to avoid the axe. Diving behind a pillar, Warlord's axe imbedded itself into the metal, the sound a scratching bane to the two's audio receptors. "We would have been the rulers of Cybertron if you had just remained a loyal servant!" Warlord ripped the axe out of the pillar, moving to the side to swing at Scorcher once more. His axe struck the pillar once more, where Scorcher had been, but the smaller bot had already relocated, and Warlord now began to feel the pelting of fire on his back. Turning around, he saw his smaller foe running towards Train Trek, who was struggling to get back to his feet.

Scorcher used up his charges, popping them out of his revolvers and sliding towards his ally, bumping into Train's shield. "Come on, get up big guy, you can take him. He's just overcompensating." He said, popping new cartages into his weapons. Trek pushed himself off the ground, recollecting himself and looking up to see Warlord slowly approaching the two. Scorcher stood up as well, firing once more at his hostile brother. Train shook his head and ran forward, raising his hammer, intending to swing at the behemoth's exposed leg. Scorcher aimed for Warlord's head, firing at his eyes in order to distract him. Warlord, taking the projectiles, winced, distorting his vision, which allowed Train Trek to duck under his makeshift shield and slamming his hammer against Warlord's knee.

The beast yelled in pain, staggering as parts of him flew off. He fell on the knee, holding the table to try and support himself up. Train Trek swung at his other leg, this time with less force. The strike only angered Warlord, who swatted at Train with his axe, sending the Autobot flying once more. This time, Train landed near the corridor where Sentinel Prime had fled through, Train raised his head to see a purple figure walking into the room, carrying no visible weapon. It was Soundwave. "Wha-"

"I have alerted his other team mates. They will be here shortly. You must hold Warlord off until then Keep Scorcher functional." His robotic voice stated, watching as Scorcher began climbing Warlord, having put away one of his revolvers and pulling out his sword, slashing at the larger bot.

"I don't know why you're here, but it seems that this big bit-brain is your enemy as well. You don't you go and help Scorcher out." Train sarcastically suggested. Why was this Con here anyways? Train's face soon changed from dismissive to shock when he say Soundwave's arm transform, the weapon taking shape appearing to be one that both sides had agreed not to use.

An Energon Harvester.

"What? How? Has Megatron been keeping those blasted things in storage?" Train questioned, his voice becoming more lively seeing the treaty violating weapon in the hands of a Decepticon.

Soundwave turned his head to looked back at Train Trek, and if the Con had a mouth, Train assumed it would be smiling. "Megatron had nothing to do with my acquisition of this weapon." The Con then raised his arm and fired, metallic wires firing from the three pillars, attaching to Warlord's chest.

Scorcher saw that Warlord flinched, following what had caused it. He then saw Train Trek getting back up, with Soundwave standing in front of him, holding an Energon Harvester. Seeing the Decepticon caused much confusion to plague Scorcher's thoughts, drawing his attention away from his brother and to Soundwave. "What are you doing? Why do I keep seeing you?" Scorcher lurched as Warlord yelled in agony, light flowing from his body into the Harvester's connections.

"The reason why I am here is that my master wishes for you to survive the proceeding events. He has plans for you, and needs you to be operational for his plans." Soundwave explained, his stance unyielding as he siphoned Warlord's life energy.

"Why does Megatron want me alive? I was only working with him for a job!"

Soundwave's red visor seemed to shine when Scorcher spoke Megatron's name, and he altered his head's position to focus more on Scorcher. "Megatron is not my master. My master is much more powerful than that fool ever will be."

All Cybertronians in the room focused on Soundwave; even Warlord managed to quiet down to gaze upon the Decepticon. All three were shocked at who this master was that made Soundwave defect from the Decepticons. Scorcher spoke up once more. "So why not join me in fighting him? We could always use your tactical expertise and your knowledge of how the Decepticons work."

Soundwave recalled the Harvester's connections, causing Warlord to fall to the floor, twitching and malfunctioning. Soundwave's arm quickly reverted back to a hand, and he turned away from Scorcher. "That is not possible. I must keep my position in their ranks in order to serve my master well. Also, you were rather close to Megatron himself, there is nothing that I know that you don't know." Soundwave than began to walk away, back into the corridor he emerged from. After stopping at the threshold, He turned his head and focused on Scorcher who was not holding his sword, preparing to bring it down on Warlord's head. "He called you brother. There is only one other Cybertronian I know of that he calls brother, Scorcher." And having said that, Soundwave was gone once again, leaving the two alone with their foe.

Scorcher and Train Trek gave each other looks of unease. Who was this master Soundwave was serving aside from Megatron? Why did this master want to keep Scorcher alive? these they could not answer just yet, but one they could try and uncover: Why was Sentinel here?

Scorcher held his sword tightly while waiting for Train to approach the fallen behemoth. Warlord was starting to collect himself, the occasional twitching making his limbs falter, when Train Trek reached his left arm, pulled out his shield and slammed it into Warlord's hand, piercing the palm and pinning the hand to the ground. Warlord yelped, struggling to stay functional. Scorcher grabbed him by his chin and turned his head to face him, a look of anger on Scorcher's face. "So, big bro, why the hell was Sentinel Prime here?" He gripped his chin, scraping his fingers against the underside of Warlord's jaw.

Hearing Scorcher's question caused the defeated enemy to begin laughing, black fluid dripping from his mouth. "Boy wouldn't you like to know." He coughed, getting some of that black fluid on Scorcher. The Warden winced, wiping the goop off of his face before Warlord continued to speak. "Our world is dying, Scorcher, and Sentinel seems to be the only leader aware of this. So I made a deal with him: I'll let him leave the planet in order to reach his resource filled world If I get to be the ruler of the renewed Cybertron. He agreed." A grin formed on Warlord's face, while a scowl formed on Scorcher's.

Scorcher raised his sword and aimed to shove it down Warlord's mouth before asking him one last question. "And what would this resource rich planet be called, brother?"

The former leader of the False Wardens smiled, hearing the footsteps of new comers. Scorcher looked past Warlord towards the newcomers, seeing his team staring at the scene before them. Warlord then spoke his answer before Scorcher's sword tore through his throat. "Earth."