It Worked...

Scorcher felt light as a stone once the flash enveloped him. He had shut his optics to save them from receiving damage, so he had not seen where exactly the device had flashed them to. The only thing he could make out was the odd sound rushing past his audio receptors. It almost sounded like the sound that enveloped him whenever he would drive in his alt form, the air of Cybertron resisting his speeding form as he drove through the planes.


Scorcher opened his optics and saw nothing but blue around him. He turned his head and noticed that they were no longer on solid ground.

They were falling.

Scorcher, very aware of the current situation, reoriented so he was facing the direction they were falling. Holding his limbs out to try and control the speed he was descending at, he looked around, hoping to see one of the three that had been sent with him. All he saw was blue, and that did not bode well. He focused on the roster that was set up before they had left Cybertron.

All three of their names were listed alphabetically; first Barrage, then Bumble Bee, and finally Cliff Jumper. Along with a functionality indicator, there was also a symbol which indicated whether or not he could contact them. Both Barrage and Cliff Jumper were out of range that even their functionality was not registering. Only one of his allies popped up.

Bumble Bee.


Scorcher started to look around once more, hoping to spot the yellow through all this blue. He tried contacting him, but all he received was a negative attempt. Then, a speck of yellow caught his eyes, and Scorcher began to angle his arms to fall towards it.

As he got closer, the yellow speck took the shape of Bumble Bee, and the connection symbol grew. A small success, but a success none the less. Scorcher began diving towards Bee and saw that he was unconscious. "You blasted glitch, wake up!" Scorcher shouted through the intercom, finally being able to get a stable connection. He continued to fall towards him, and he watched Bee jump to life, confued.

"I'm not the glitch, you're the glitch, ya damned Fra-" Bee almost finished his reply before finally taking in his surrounding. "Scorcher, where in Great Xal are we?!?!" Scorcher winced as Bee's voice pierced his audio receptors.

"That device malfunctioned or something. Hold on, I'm almost there!" Scorcher replied, hovering over Bumble Bee. Just as he was about to dive for his ally, the static returned, shrouding the world in that annoying snow. Scorcher writhed in pain before hearing a familiar voice.

"Scorcher, I have imprinted you with a flyer form. My Master claims ceasing function in this way would be quite embarrassing." The monotone voice of Sound Wave filled Scorchers existence, the static and wind vanishing. "Don't worry about your other allies, they will survive this as well."

Then, as if it hadn't existed, the static vanished, revealing that Scorcher was closer to Bee now. "Scorcher, I'd love to see how you get us out of this!" Bumble Bee shouted, being close enough so that Scorcher received an echo through the communicator.

Scorcher was trying to figure out what Sound Wave meant. He had never been able to turn into a flyer before. Flyers called him a Groundpounder for a reason. He was wheels only. Then, looking within his past forms, there was now once that took a similar shape. He thought it was a dossier on Star Scream, showing his alt form, but then he realized it was an optional shape for him to take.

"Alright Bee! I need you to hold on to me!" Scorcher said, focusing on trying to transform into the flyer form.

"What so we could fall to our end together! Yeah, I'd rather just fall to pieces by myself thanks!" Bee replied, facing towards the surface now.

Scorcher finally managed to shift, albeit parts of him were still popping out due to the uncomfortable way his body shifted. It appeared as if one of the wings were going to fall off, and other plates along his body were peeling. "This is gonna need some practice." Scorcher said to himself before diving towards Bee and flying underneath him. Bee connected with Scorcher's body and focused on the flyer.

"Star Scream!" He shouted, pulling out his blaster and ready to blast Scorcher where his head would be in this form.

"Please, don't compare me to that bit-brain!" Scorcher replied, jerking his new body to make Bee unstable. Bumble Bee, hearing Scorcher's voice, looked at him in confusion, tilting his head.

"Scorcher? You can fly?" Bee asked, now holding onto Scorcher's form as they slowed their descent.

"Now I can. Now will you hold on? We're getting closer to the surface of this world." Scorcher replied, altering his shape to slow their descent more, almost to what they would consider a light fall.

Both looked down, seeing a vast field of white under them. "Get ready for impact!" Scorcher yelled, ready to collide with what looked like the surface. Bumble Bee prepared to jump off of Scorcher and roll onto the ground, before Scorcher stopped him.

"That's the ground!" Bee shouted as they made contact with the white stuff, passing through the material and leaving a strange shape within it.

"No, it's not." Scorcher replied blandly. "The surface is underneath this." He said as they fell through the cloud. He believed that this thing was made of a liquid of some sort, because he could feel moisture building up on his systems.

Finally they broke through, being revealed to a vast valley filled with green. Both gazed upon this world's majesty and almost forgot they were falling. Scorcher was the first to collect himself, taking flight and heading towards a cliff. It was supposed to be flight, but it was more like falling with style the way he swayed around and jerked as Bee tried to hold onto his form.

They finally reached their destination, with Bee jumping off of Scorcher and landing on the cliff while Scorcher laded face first onto the surface while he tried to shift back into his true form. A large trench had been made where Scorcher landed, and small parts of his body were now imbedded into the ground.

Bumble Bee walked up to Scorcher, offering the bot a hand up. Scorcher, almost done with this mission already, accepted it and let the small bot help him to his feet. As Scorcher stood up, water began to flow into the area he had been laying in, filling the trenches with the liquid. Scorcher wiped himself clean and walked along the trench, moving to the edge of the cliff.

He stopped and looked over the valley, taking in this world's untouched nature. Bee joined him, taking in the alien world and its environment.

"So, this is Earth, huh?" Scorcher said, admiring the valley. "Hopefully this planet won't be tainted with our war." Scorcher commented, turning to Bee. "Alright, let's find the shard of the core and head back. Quick in and out journey on this-"

"Eh, Scorcher..." Bee interrupted him, focusing on his hud. "Wasn't it just Orbital Period 572?" Scorcher looked at Bee in confusion.

"Ah, yeah, and it's still Orbital Period-" Scorcher began to reply, looking at his own system's almanac. Popping it open, however, Scorcher was exposed to the reason Bee asked him that question. The almanac revealed that the current year of Cybertron was Orbital Period 724.

"Over one hundred years later?" Scorcher murmured to himself, looking back over the valley. His core began to burn with anger. "Bee, if we see Perceptor again, remind me to rip his head off."