On the March

Scorcher and Bumble Bee sat in the British camp, walking around in their proxy forms and checking on their "vehicles". While their sector of the battle had gone rather well, other areas hadn't gone as smoothly. Scorcher assumed that they were gonna be asked to assist a different sector in taking the German trenches. His proxy pretended to tighten a lug nut on the hull, twisting his wrench around the head. Of course, this was just for show. Bee and Scorcher continued to "make repairs" As the sergeant had approached them, grabbing Scorcher's attention.

"Brown, just received word from command. You and your crews are to go to the other sectors and assist in pushing the Germans back." He said, handing the figure a clip board. 'William' grabbed the object, looking at the small map with locations that were still struggling to remove the German presence. There were a lot of sectors where the Germans were holding back the allies. William sighed, moving to his tank and marking the areas that needed aid.

"Don't worry, Sir, Me and Frenchies will make certain the Jerry's lose those trenches." He replied, moving back to the sergeant and handing him the clip board. The man stared at William, then towards the tank before nodding and saluting. William saluted back and turned away, heading back to his main form. Bee's proxy stared at Scorcher's, a thin eyebrow arched in confusion.

"Frenchie?" the figure asked, a deep French accent almost making the english almost unrecognizable.

"Shut up and mount up." Scorcher said, his fake accent gone since it was just the two of them. Bee laughed, climbing into his light tank. Once both figures entered their tanks, they vanished and the tanks turned their engines on. "Bee, have you been able to make contact with Cliff and Barrage?"

"No. I've been hearing some stories about an artillery unit being highly accurate, and another story about a squad with an insanely durable armored car, but that's about it." Bee replied. While they weren't taking part in the battle, Bee would wander around the camps and talk to the soldiers, looking for their lost comrades: Cliff Jumper and Barrage. All four had been transported back on Cybertron, but Cliff Jumper and Barrage had landed at different locations compared to Scorcher and Bumble Bee. Before this human war started, they had been stuck hiding in dense forests, trying to find suitable forms to take amongst this world. Now, with this bloody war, they had a good place to hide.

"Well, I wasn't sure what Barrage was capable of, so maybe that artillery unit is him. Maybe he is like the Constructicons or something..." Scorcher said, beginning to roll out of their covering and towards the dirt road. Bee followed close behind. "That armored car story has to be Cliff Jumper though. There's no way these human's basic weaponry could damage one of us." He continued, making sure not to roll over any of the passing humans, trying to blend in. "You know where these stories originated from?"

"From what I can tell, the artillery story traveled from Verdun, and the armored car..." Bee paused, thinking about where exactly the humans said the armored car came from. "Its not a name specifically, but it is o this continent. They kept saying the Eastern Front."

Scorcher cursed under his breath. That was way behind enemy lines, and would require a long trip either around the place called Germany or a journey through it. He didn't really want to kill these humans, but he had agreed with Bee that if they tried to get in their way and fired upon them, they would make their deaths as painless as they could. "Well, we have to get over there eventually. I want us to be grouped up before we start looking for the Shard."

"I agree. the more man power we have, the better chance we have of securing it." Bee commented, turning his turret around as he looked over the battle they were going through. The place they had landed had been so lush and green; this place they were currently in looked dead in comparison and it saddened the Autobot scout. "This planet could be so beautiful, yet these people destroy their world with little regard to their planet."

"They aren't so different to us and Cybertron. You realize that, yes?" Scorcher said, looking over the same direction. "It's just the reality of conflict." Their conversation was disturbed by the sound of distant gunfire as they approached the other sectors that required help. "I don't know if we'll run into more Decepticons on this battlefront, but be on guard." He said, speeding up towards the British line in the sector. Bee sped up as well, following Scorcher.




The Russians and Austro Hungarians were stuck in a stalemate, trading volleys behind their trench walls. They shouted over the gun fire at each other, flinging insults towards one another along side with their bullets.

The Russians began to cheer when they heard the sounds of vehicles coming from their line, and began setting up some planks over their trenches. The Austro Hungarians were confused. As far as they knew, they were stuck in a stalemate, and had been for the last few months. Their confusion was answered when a vehicle rolled over the Russian trench, speeding through No Man's Land and towards the Austrian trenches. The turret on the top of the vehicle began unloading on the stunned soldiers, mowing them down. The vehicle drove down the trench line, killing the Austrian forces, the Russians cheering on as the battle turned in their favor.

The people in the vehicle stared down the lines, no emotion on their faces. An Austro Hungarian soldier shot at the vehicle, his bullet breaking through the class and he saw the bullet connect with the head of the driver, but the driver simply turned to look at him, his eyes flickering and revealing that the driver was some kind of apparition. The turret then turned directly at him and mowed him down.

The car continued to mow down the enemies, the Russians running and taking the trenches the car cleared out. The car simply continued to fire, the strange triangle mark on the hood of the car barely visible in the snow and battle debris.