First Predacon Encounter

Scorcher and Bee were at the British line, blending in once more. They had helped keep the Germans from overtaking the British trenches, but the battle had come to a standstill. The constant sound of artillery fire filled the air as the British bombarded the Germans, softening them up for another offensive.

Suddenly, the British soldiers began to scream in fear , causing Scorcher and Bee to run from their bodies and check out what had the British in such a panic.

Five Decepticons. Not tanks or vehicles, Decepticons, casually walking in the open, shooting at the British lines. Bee and Scorcher turned to one another and nodded, their bodies revving up. The commanding officer of this line ran up to the two humans who were just standing there, a look of fear spread o his face. "What are you two doing? Don't you see those demons just marching towards us? Run!"

The Scottish driver William turned his head to the officer, his face flickering slightly as his tank began to drive past. "We don't run from this fight, sir." Was all the Scott said to him, in a relatively accent-less voice before disappearing in front of him. The French man vanished as well as the light tank drove by.

Two of the abandoned 8-inchers began to roll out of their dugout and towards the line. Bee turned his turret head to focus on the two unmanned cannons moving. "Sir, two unknowns approaching."

"Don't worry. If they were hostiles, they would have joined that gas Decepticon." Scorcher commented, not turning to see the two rolling artillery pieces. The four rolled towards No Man's Land, causing the Decepticons to stop their marching. Four of the five of them looked familiar to Scorcher, but the one leading them looked rather ancient.

Scorcher decided to fight these Cons Cybertronian to Cybertronian, shifting out of the tank form and walking upright. Bee followed closely and so did the two artillery pieces. Scorcher turned to look at the bots that were those artillery pieces, seeing that they looked the Wardens. There could only be one explanation.

"So, Barrage, it's good to see you, or rather, both of you." Scorcher said, getting the little ones attention.

"Yeah, well while falling to the planet, I lost a limb or two, and had to split apart." The Barrage said, looking up towards Scorcher. "I created a second helper, though, and you can call him Bombard." The other Barrage, Bombard, raised his arm.

"Let's handle these Cons and I'll syphon some of their parts to you so you can be complete once more." Scorcher said, rolling his fingers. His armor shifted as he moved, stopping as they approached a barren section of No Man's Land. The four Autobots stopped and entered a standoff with the five Decepticons. The leader of the group stepped forward and growled, revealing a animalistic set of teeth.

"Razorclaw ordered me to stop you in your tracks. The All Spark belongs to Lord Megatron." The con said, rolling his head and causing his joints to creak. On his chest was the shape of a panther or a jaguar. Scorcher balled his hands into fists, focusing on the enemy before him.

"Before we start, who are you?" Scorcher asked the leader, getting a grin from the yellow eyed fiend.

"Well, if you insist, I am Rampage, one of the Predacons. We have been on this blasted rock for ages trying to find the Dinobots and eliminate them from the war. They've been a pest for far to long." Rampage explained, his minions growling in anticipation. "The Dinobot Grimlock knows the location of the All Spark, and has since been hunting down all of our agents as a pastime, as well as all of his other dino buds."

"So then, All I need to do is find Grim and then I'll complete my objective." Scorcher said, pulling out one of his revolvers. Bee, Barrage and Bombard also readied their weapons.

Rampage chuckled, his own weapon coming out from his arm. "It's not so simple, Scorcher. The Core is still corrupted, and the All Spark is still incomplete. If you were to take it as is, the Core would remain corrupted. A sacrifice is required."

Scorcher ended the conversation, raising his revolver and firing. His shot went wide, hitting one of the minions instead. The fight began, and the battlefield was demolished as if it were being hit by artillery fire. The nine aliens scattered around the battlefield, sending mud and debris into the air as their larger than life bodies turned the soil underfoot. The British that had stayed to watch the two ally tanks turn into these demons were mesmerized by these aliens. Another world waging a war on their planet. Their amazing power showing just how futile their war was in comparison.

The officer who had spoke to William stared at the ensuing battle, seeing that even though they were almost matched in number, the two smaller bots that had joined William's tank were not quite as powerful. He then saw a discarded PIAT lying in a nearby trench. He hopped up and ran towards the rpg, grabbing the attention of his fellow Brits, who were amazed by this bravery. To dare try and intervene in this alien's war.

The man picked up the PIAT and placed it on his shoulder, focusing on the battle and trying to figure out who was who. They all were covered in mud at this point, and the only ones he could tell were friendlies were the smaller aliens. One of them was climbing onto a robot, slashing at the being's head. He decided to take aim at that pair, firing a rocket towards the bot, who was now kneeling in the mud.

The rocket made contact with the Decepticon, leaving a sizable hole in the alien's chest. It roared in pain, but was distracted long enough for Barrage to cut his head off, leaving a corpse. Scorcher, who had been pinned by Rampage's alternate form, a large red feline, kicked the beast off and aimed his arm towards the two. A weapon formed from his hand and a strange energy flowed towards Barrage and the body. The two were hit with this energy and began to join as one. In a matter of moments, Barrage merged with the body, and the body changed to resemble Barrage's original form. Unfortunately, his eye that had been damaged was still unrepaired.

"Ah, feel's good to stretch my legs fully once more!" The Warden said, his shoulders popping open and releasing a swarm of missiles into the air, those projectiles flying towards the Decepticons. Rampage growled at the turn of events and turned around, running back into German territory. Scorcher raised his revolver to fire, but suddenly he heard the static, a painful shrieking noise filling his world. The area around him was shrouded in black and white.

"Scorcher, the Predacons are still required." Soundwave spoke, approaching Scorcher's kneeling form. "Focus on finding Cliff Jumper and the Dinobots. You will find the Predacons eventually." Soundwave turned around, and as he moved away, the world returned to normal, and Scorcher could hear properly.

The fight was in a stalemate, three versus three. The British were firing at the three Decepticons now, trying to help the Autobots. Scorcher growled, pulling out both of his revolvers and firing at the cons. The fight was over in a matter of seconds, and the British were cheering at how the German robots were defeated. Scorcher merged Bombard with one of the wrecks and turned him into an almost replica of Barrage. Scorcher then turned to the humans and approached, holstering his revolvers. While the other three transformed into tanks, Scorcher knelt down and tried to reach face level with the humans.

"Thank you for your assistance, humans." Scorcher said in a calm voice, trying to not frighten the humans. "But I must ask you to keep this encounter a secret. We would like to avoid the unnecessary deaths of your kind. Please forget this event." The British were simply staring at him, and Scorcher transformed in front of them, turning around to rejoin his three allies. The four vehicles began to roll towards the German line. "Alright Autobots, let's find Cliff Jumper then start searching for the Dinobots."


The German city of Berlin was filled with people protesting about the war going on, saying that it was a waste of time and resources. They were starving and wanted the war to end. As the people in the streets raged on, a single automobile rolled up to the crowd, the driver staring at the crowd blankly. On the dashboard of the car was a postcard of the Alps taped to the car. and on the wheel was the horn button with a strange emblem on it.