
After many hours of travel through the war torn lands, the group finally made it to a more calm area; an area where the grass still grew and there were no mortar shells marking the territory. The five vehicles had changed many times to blend in, and now they were a collection of transport trucks and civilian cars.

Scorcher led the group through the countryside, seeing the city that Legate had pointed them towards. They stopped near a forested area and transformed, carefully crawling through the woods to check out thr human city. Scorcher focused on his Hudson, spotting that CliffJumpe's tracker had activated.

"Our last companion is here. Be ready for anything. I don't want to have a brawl here, but the Cons could be stationed here as well. We are still not sure how heavily intertwined these Germans are with them." Scorcher stated, getting the other four to nod in agreement. Scorcher then began to point toward the city. "Barrage, Bee, you'll take that side." He commanded, pointing towards the North. He then pointed south, towards a more heavily industrialized section. "Bombard, Legate, you take that area. I'll go down the center and we'll meat on the other side of the city."

He got a collective grund of agreement from the other Cybertronians and they retreated from the woods, back into the open where they had entered from. The group of vehicles split off on the roads, heading to where they were ordered to search, with Scorcher driving alone towards the center of town.

The city looked like it had seen better days; soldiers patrolled the streets, citizens looked weary and tired, and Scorcher could hear the sounds of discord deeper in the city. He slowly drives through the town, getting odd looks from passer-byers. It threw him off at all the looks he was getting, but he continued onward.

"Scorcher, these people just keep staring, somethings off." Barrage commented over the comm.

"Yeah, and there are not many other vehicles on these roads." Legate replied, causing Scorcher to take another look at his surroundings. Indeed, there were scarcely any other vehicles on the main roads, only abandoned and damaged cars.

"Be alert, they might know." Scorcher said, driving slower through the city and towards the center. He checked the connection to CliffJumper and it was growing stronger, indicating that he was getting closer. "Move to the town center." He ordered, speeding up towards the commotion.

Scorcher drove past an archway to see a large crowd of people cheering at a man with a pitch black car behind him. To his sides were two military vehicles, both tanks. Scorcher cursed under his breath as he saw the black car, seeing that the CliffJumper signal grew strong, putting it together that he was up there.

Scorcher focused on the man, hearing him speak to the people. His words were not understandable to the Cybertronian, but his actions were, as he kicked the black car. He then pulled a rod out of one of the tanks and raised it, and Scorcher shivered at the sight of it; it was surging with dark energon.

Scorcher immediately transformed, grabbing the attention of the crowd and the man on stage. The people panicked as the vehicle transformed, but the man simply pointed towards Scorcher, causing the two tanks to begin transforming. All around him as well, vehicles he thought inoperable were just Cons in a stasis mode.

"Boss, I think we're in trouble..." Scorcher heard Barrage say over the comm.

"Obviously. Regroup in the square!" He shouted, pulling out his revolvers and blasting the two tanks, sending them into a building behind them. The man raised the staff and was about to place it against CliffJumper, but Scorcher quickly fired at the human, causing him to explode. Cliff then took the opportunity to transform, his joints creaking and moaning as he did so.

"Finally, thought I was gonna be stuck like that." The Autobot said, stretching a bit before pulling out a weapon and unloading it into one of the Cons still trying to transform.

"Let's just focus on getting out of here." Scorcher said, firing at the second con.

The two then began fighting the other Cons that had gotten up, turning the town square into a scrap yard.

Soon enough the other four reached the square, their weapons firing non stop. Scorcher standing tall, and Legate at the same height. The 6 autobots rained he'll on the town, leaving scrap all over the town. "We need to go! Now!" Bumble Bee shouted, leading the group back through the town. Most of the vehicles were gone, having been Decepticons lying in wait.

"We should head back to the British lines! Reorganize and come up with a proper plan." Scorcher shouted, his revolvers firing non stop.

"I agree!" Legate replied, grabbing a light Decepticon and ripping it's head off.

"No one asked." Barrage said, growling as the words left his mouth.

"I was gonna ask who the bot that looked like Soundwave was, and if I could shoot him or not, but-" CliffJumper said, looking towards the strange bot, studying his figure.

"Bots, stop making noise and move. We're going back the way we came." Scorcher shouted, reaching the edge of town and destroying some of the buildings. The 5 bots ran past him and transformed, driving away from the city. Once they had driven a certain distance, Scorcher transformed as well, catching up to the group.

A group of Decepticon reached the edge of town, firing at the group of Autobots, their shots not connecting. After a few moments, the Cons lost sight of the Bots and looked to one another. The remains of the head human began to take form and get back up, it's metallic frame reassembling itself from the remains of the fallen Decepticons. "Razorclaw shall hear of this. Another set of Autobots on this disgusting rock should be interesting for him."