Back at Base

The reformed party moved past the lines rather easily due to the allies pushing forward after the Battle of the Somme. The six bots quickly drove through the allied camps until they reached the main British camp Scorcher was "stationed" at. They rolled through the camp slowly and returned to the motor pool, parking in an empty yard. The six vehicles stopped and each opened a door, sending out a facsimile of a human. Scorcher's doll looked around, seeing the other five members of his team taking their own personal shape. 

Bee, since he was posing as a French tank, had disguised himself as a French man, long slicked back hair and a pencil-thin mustache. Barrage and Bombard were almost identical to one another, being two short men with military cuts; the only difference being that they both had an eyepatch on their eyes: Barrage on the left eye and Bombard on the right. Cliff Jumper had taken the form of a man who could have been a German if not for the uniform making him a British soldier. Finally, Legate had taken a form similar to Scorcher's, However he had bright red hair instead of Scorcher's dirty brown. 

Almost immediately Scorcher saw a familiar face: the commanding officer that had helped them against the gas Decepticon. William looked to the man who imply stared at the mimic of a human. After a moment, he had turned his focus to Scorcher's real form, making it appear as if he was still talking to William. "I don't recall your unit having this many vehicles. Are these allies?"

Scorcher was taken aback by the directness of this human and almost forgot he had a body he was using to communicate. William blinked in disbelief before clearing his throat. "Y-yes, Sir! These four be with us. Jus' got back from beating the bloody piss outta some Jerrys." William's Scottish accent slowly came into place as he spoke. "Figured we could use a li'l Rest and Relaxation, being that we came back from behind German lines."

The officer sighed, focusing on William as the rest of his "men" closed ranks, forming behind him. "Sorry to tell you lad, but you're needed elsewhere. Please, follow me to the command tent." The officer turned and began walking, expecting William to follow. William turned and looked to Barrage and Bombard.

"Brothers, make sure we've got munitions and ordinances. We need to be stocked up for whatever assignment command is sending us on." The two nodded and scattered, grabbing shells and ammo crates. He then turned to Cliff's form and pointed to his tank. "Clyde, make sure your vehicle is in operating condition. We don't know how well we can trust german engineering." Cliff nodded, grabbing a toolbox and returning to his body, repairing himself from the inside. Leaving Bee and Legate with him, he nodded that they followed, approaching the command tent. 

The tent was filled with activity: officers arguing as to what strategy they should take, commanders trying to read every telegram given to them, and ensigns running about giving the commanders letters and telegrams. William spotted the officer and approached, joining him alongside Legate and Bee. The officer looked to the three tankers and pointed to a map of the world. William studied the inaccurate parchment, commenting to himself at how large Europe was portrayed compared to the rest before he focused on what the officer was pointing at specifically. It was a rather ancient region of their world, some believing it is where all life stems from: Africa. 

We have an operative in Ottoman territory who just requested support. His operation is making some headway in our efforts to liberate the Arabs, but for this next phase he's planned out, he's requested armor support." William looked to the officer with an expression of confusion. 

"What about the lads here? We are still needed out here, sir." William said, gesturing to the commotion surrounding them. The officer raised his hand, shaking his head.

"We Brits are a hardy bunch, I'm sure we'll hold these lines well enough alone." William saw that the officer winked at him and he couldn't help but smile. "If God seemed fit to send some of his angels down to fight Germany and the devils they have employed, it's proof enough we will win this war. Besides..." He returned his focus to the map, pointing to a specific city close to the so-called Red Sea. "..He reported finding a large metal object buried under the sand. Something that the Ottomans and the Arabs believe to be a monster of old. He was almost killed for bothering the site." Hearing this caused the three to look to the officer. "Possibly something related to you." 

William focused on the map as well then looked back to the officer. "Thank you for the opportunity, I'll get my men ready for departure." The officer nodded and saluted them, causing William and the other two to salute back. 

"God speed, you angels of war. You are doing God's work down here. "

"We truly are." Legate's body replied before dropping his hand and walking off. Hearing the strange bot say that made Scorcher uneasy, but now wasn't the time to dwell on that. William and Bee's body walked out of the tent after the officer handed William the required information. 

Returning to the group, William held up the papers and grabbe dhis soldier's attention. "Alright lads, listen up! We're heading to Africa."


The Great Pyramids of Giza


The pyramids stood tall above the bustling city, the people unaware of the ancient structure hidden underneath. Hooded figures walked through the main entrances, entering the hidden facility underneath. The tip of the pyramid collected sunlight and transformed it into Energon supplements, the only way the Decepticons and Predacons have been able to survive for so long away from home. 

One Con walked around the facility, inspecting the small blue cubes. the bot sniffed the cube and small jolts of electricity connected the two for a moment before he cheerfully placed the cube back in the line. "That process is creating ever-more potent supplements. It's as if the sun is putting out twice the energy it was when we helped craft these pyramids." The bot said, looking up along the pipes that ran along the pyramids which transferred the solar energy into the processors. 

"Divebomb, sir?' The bot heard someone call to him, immediately dampening his demeanor. 

"What is it, whelp?" The Predacon asked, looking up to the lowly Decepticon minion. 

"We found...something..." It replied, unsure of how to to tell the deadly Con. Almost instantly, the Con took flight, taking the shape of a great hawk. It soared up to the balcony the minion was standing at and cocked it's head inquisitively. 

"A new plaything? Where?"