So Much Love, So Little Time

Nox's body shook as it was overtaken by emotion. Despite this, her grip remained tight and her arms firmly in place. Juno watched from the counter with wide eyes, she didn't want to interfere. Nox continued to beg as she refused to release her grasp.

"Please," she whimpered, "you can't go in there."

"Hey Nox," Hitsu said calmly.

Nox looked up to the hero. It was the first time she had made eye contact with him since their conversation in the shopping district. She found his face was as calm as before, he seemed unfazed by her sudden attack. With a single finger from his free hand, Hitsu pointed to the arm Nox held with such ferocity.

Nox's eyes slowly lowered to find Hitsu's arm now by his side. Nox didn't know how long his arm had been dropped but the situation became clear to her. She stared wide-eyed as a small trail of blood leaked from where her nail had broken Hitsu's skin. As realization washed over Nox she quickly released her grip. She stumbled back in fear, fear of herself.

"Ahh, I'm sorry, I-I-I didn't, I don't, I," Nox's mouth released a wave of terrified attempts for words.

Her stuttering was silenced by a comforting hand placing itself on her head. Nox allowed herself to look back at Hitsu. To her surprise, Hitsu's smile was once again present, its warmth finding its way to her very core.

"It's okay," Hitsu assured.

Even with those words, Nox couldn't shake the guilt she felt. As her eyes drifted from Hitsu's they once again crossed his arm, the blood still leaking out of his would.

"I'll get you a bandage," she said weakly.

"No need," Hitsu responded.

The hero's right index finger began to glow with his pink neon. With a simple swipe over the cut, a small pink patch appeared blocking any further blood. His hand reached down to his left wrist before it traced back up his arm wiping the small trail of crimson in the process. With his arm now cleaned Hitsu turned his attention back to Nox.

"Now I need answers," he said sternly, "what's in that room?"

Nox didn't respond, she gazed at the floor below like a child being scolded. Despite Nox's silence, Hitsu continued his questioning.

"Nox, your family could be at danger here. If there is something in that room I need to know about it." Hitsu's words were firm but comforting at the same time. They guilted Nox but also made her feel safe, a feeling she found odd but impressive.

"Okay," Nox said weakly, "I'll show you, but you have to promise me..."

"Promise you what?" Hitsu asked.

"Promise me that you'll stay out here. I just can't let you in that room. It's dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Hitsu wondered, "what is she talking about?"

"Okay," Hitsu said, "I promise."

Upon hearing Hitsu's words Nox raised her head once again. When their eyes met Nox spoke.

"Thank you," she said softly.

Hitsu didn't know what to say. Her gentle words caught him off guard and he found himself in the rare position where he didn't know how to respond. Nox seemed to ignore his silence and she turned to the door. Without a word from either of them, she knocked lightly on the wooden entrance before turning the doorknob carefully and opening the door.

Light shined in from a window in the room blinding Hitsu temporarily. As his eyes began to adjust and his vision cleared more details became clear. It was a bedroom, small in size but still furnished with the basics any would have. Hitsu could make out a dresser, two nightstands, and a large bed, but what caught his attention was the person in the bed. His eyes landed on a woman, she was pale and skinny, long black hair covered her head, her black eyes were gentle and calming, and her smile could rival his own.

"Sorry to bother you Mom," Nox apologized as she thoughtfully entered the room.

"Seeing you isn't a bother at all Queen," the woman responded, her voice soft and comforting, "and who is this wide-eyed boy?"

Nox looked back to see Hitsu staring at her mother, his face overtaken with what appeared to be shock.

"Hitsu?" Nox said concerned.

This broke him from his thoughts and Hitsu shook his head before speaking.

"Sorry," he apologized, "My name is Vansu and I'm here on official hero business."

"Hero business?" Nox said obviously not impressed.

"Yes," Hitsu responded matter-of-factly, "and I told you Vansu is my hero name so I would prefer you don't call me by my civilian name."

"Are you serious?" Nox responded with an annoyed tone.

"Extremely," Hitsu said as he crossed his arms.

The pair's bickering was interrupted by laughter. The two turned their attention back to Nox's mother to find her greatly amused by their argument.

"My oh my, a real hero," Nox's mother said genuinely. "Nox why are you being so rude to our guest?"

"Rude!?" Nox practically shouted.

"Yeah Nox," Hitsu said from outside the room, "my feelings are kinds getting hurt."

"Good," Nox snapped back amusing Hitsu and her mother in the process.

After several more laughter-filled moments Nox's mother made a request.

"I'm sure you two are busy with your hero business but could I request a dance Queen?"

"A dance?" Nox asked clearly caught off guard.

"Yes, I'm going to take a nap, could you do the night sky?"

"U-uh, yeah, of course, Mom," Nox responded before she stood to close the door.

"There's no need for that Queen," Nox's mother interrupted.

"Wah, but Mom..." Nox attempted to argue.

"I'm sure the hero would love to see your dance."

The mother and daughter looked back to Hitsu. Now the center of attention Hitsu took a moment to respond. With a smile, Hitsu raised a thumbs up in agreement. A sigh escaped Nox's mouth as she made her way to the center of the room.

"Alright," she said softly, "here goes nothing."

After a few silent moments, Nox began to dance. Hitsu and Nox's mother watched as Nox began to spin and twirl, one watched with amazement while the other watched proudly. As Nox danced, her eyes firmly shut and her arms gently waving in all directions, her skin began to lightly glow. The room was slowly overtaken by a soft purple. With every second Nox danced more and more stars began to fill the purple void. Before long the room was filled with a dazzling night sky.

After several minutes Nox concluded her dance with a small bow. She raised her head to her mother to find her sleeping peacefully, a smile still present on her face. The girl turned to exit the room and was shocked to find Hitsu staring at her mother once again. But this time was different, Hitsu no longer looked surprised, instead, his face was filled with fear anger as his eyes gazed into Nox's mother's soul.

"Hitsu?" Nox said nervously, "What's wrong."

She only received two words in response, but those words shook her to her very core.

"Your Mom."


End of Episode 7