One Family To Another

Atop the tallest hill sat three beings, two humans and a giant cat. Juno lay on the ground relaxing as Hitsu lay with his hands behind his head across her back gazing up to the starry sky. Nox sat a few feet away as she took in the sight as well. The three had sat there for an hour, silently taking in the world's sights and sounds. The wind blew gently and shook the green of the trees in the forest below creating the light sound of rustling leaves. The sky above was painted dark by the moon and was filled with countless shining stars.

"Hey Hitsu," Nox said softly without looking away from the decorated sky, "do you think it's a good idea to be away from the house?"

"Don't worry," Hitsu assured, "There's no way someone could prepare anything this quickly. They were expecting those five shadows to get the job done and they would have done it themselves if they didn't need them. We have a few days before they try anything."

Nox seemed satisfied with Hitsu explanation and lay back with her hand folded over her stomach.

"Can I ask you something," she said.

"Sure," Hitsu responded as he stretched his arms.

"What's your family like?" Nox asked.

Hitsu stopped his stretching dead in his tracks and Juno's head perked up suddenly.

"What did you say?" Hitsu said without looking at Nox.

Nox similarly didn't look at the one she was having a conversation with, the two of them only staring at the night sky above.

"Your family," Nox responded, "what are they like? I doubt they're anything like mine, I imagine they are nothing alike."

Hitsu didn't say anything at first, he remained silent as he thought.

"Well," he said eventually, "I wouldn't say that."

Nox didn't say anything and allowed Hitsu to continue.

"I can't speak for my dad," Hitsu proceeded, "I never met him. He disappeared sometime after I was born but before I could remember anything."

"What about your mom?" Nox inquired.

"My mom..." Hitsu said quietly, "This might be odd but she's a lot like your mom."

This piqued Nox's curiosity enough that she rolled onto her side to look at Hitsu.

"What do you mean," She said confused, "you hardly know my mom."

"Well," Hitsu started, "people say my mom is kind, a woman with a constant smile, someone you can count on. She is nice but will give you tough love if you need it. Even when times are rough she always finds a way to make it through and carry on. She's an inspiration to all and when she should worry about herself she can't help but worry about others. She made me the way I am today and the world is lucky to have someone like her."

Hitsu turned his head to look back to Nox.

"Does that sound like your mom too?" He asked with a grin.

"Yeah... It does," Nox as she smiled, "I guess you were right."

After a moment the two returned to their backs as they once again stared at the night sky.

"Hey Hitsu," Nox said.


"Just one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Tell me everything is gonna be okay."



"Alright, everything is gonna be okay."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

That was the end of their conversation, neither of them said a word and eventually, they both climbed onto Juno and rode back to Nox's house.


"Several days passed without incident, it was as if there was no threat at all. Hitsu and Juno practically took over the couch and had been living there, but surprisingly, things were nice while they were around. It turns out Hitsu is a really good cook which was nice considering my dad can't cook to save his life. During the day he would watch Joy, my sister, while my dad and I focused on selling jewelry. He even started getting closer to my mom. He listened to me and never entered her room, he would simply stand outside and talk to her. I would walk in and catch them in the middle of whatever they were talking about and it made me happy.

I think my mom was glad to have someone to talk to while we were busy. I heard them talking about all sorts of things. Hitsu would tell her stories about his heroic journeys and missions while she would tell him about all the things she's done in her life. The two of them started to sound like best friends and while I was happy for my mom I couldn't shake the emotions I was holding deep inside of me. All I could think about was how little time my mom might have left and my sister whos birth put her on this clock.

That wouldn't be my only worry. These happy times ended as quickly as they started and in the end, they were just the beginning. The beginning of my adventure, the beginning of my new life, the beginning...

...of The Voyage."


Hitsu, Nox, and Juno sat on the porch as they watched the sunset, something they had made a nightly tradition. Silently the sun disappeared behind the horizon and soon after night set in. With the first stars starting to show, Nox stood and stretched.

"Time for bed," she announced as she started for the door, "I've got a busy day tomorrow."

Hitsu said something that stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Your sister," he said without his usual smile, "you hate her, don't you?"

Nox's smile vanished in an instant as she froze.

"That's a big question to ask so suddenly," Nox replied, "don't you think?"

"It is," Hitsu said bluntly, "that's what I thought too."

Nox understood what Hitsu meant.

"My mom said something, didn't she?" Nox asked.

"Yeah," Hitsu responded, "she's worried."

"We can talk about this later," Nox said as she grabbed the front door handle.

"You better hope later isn't too late," Hitsu said sadly.

Nox didn't reply. She stood still for a moment before she opened the door and walked inside, closing the door quietly behind her.

Now alone with Juno, Hitsu let out a sigh.

"Was that too harsh Juno?"

Hearing nothing in response Hitsu turned to Juno. The feline stood on all fours with her back arched. Her ears pointed straight to the night sky and her eyes were wide with concern.

"You hear them," Hitsu said, "the shadows are coming."

Juno nodded in confirmation.

Hitsu pulled himself to his feet and cracked his knuckles, small sparks of pink flying from them.

"Looks like it's showtime," Hitsu said with a grin.

Juno leaped off the porch and upon landing began to glow her usual pink.

"All right you freaks...

...bring it on."


End of Episode 11