Look Like A Hero

Nox shook in fear as the looming threat of the vampire before her grew ever closer. She closed her eyes tightly and awaited her fate. What was going to happen to her? What could she do? She couldn't just attack this man right? All Nox could picture was the image of Tristram's long, sharp fangs piercing her neck and draining her of her blood. Hitsu never said how much blood he just said "your blood." Would he take all of her blood? Would she die? Would it hurt? When is it going to happen? Why is he waiting so long? Are they toying with her? Was this some kind of joke?

"All done," Tristram announced.

Confused, Nox opened one of her eyes. She managed to see Tristram drinking the last of the blood he had taken from her, it flowed from his hand to his mouth like water being poured from a glass. Hitsu laughed from where he stood behind Nox.

"You can stop being so scared now," he teased.

Nox realized she still stood terrified, her hands were balled and she stood awkwardly. Embarrassed. Nox relaxed her body.

"Wow," she said to Tristram, "I didn't even feel you bite me."

"Of course you didn't," Tristram said casually, "I said before I don't bite."

"Well yeah you did," Nox said, "But how did you drain my blood if you didn't bite."

Tristram smiled his devilish grin once again. "Dear Hitsu I do believe you still owe me some of your succulent blood. You were gone for much longer than you said and missed feeding day."

"Whatever," Hitsu said as he made his way to Tristram.

"Feeding day?" Nox asked.

"Tristram's power makes it so he can't go outside," Hitsu explained, "even at night the streetlights are too bright for him. It also makes it so he has to drink blood for food. We give him blood and a place to stay and he makes our hero outfits, that's our deal."

"That explains why you have a vampire in your basement," Nox said.

"I will say, Miss Nox, you have tasty blood," Tristram said as Hitsu reached him. Tristram reached out a used his hand to tilt Hitsu's head to the side and leaving his neck wide open. "It's sweet and would make for a fine dessert." Tristram held his pointer finger close to Hitsu's neck leaving only a small gap between them. "But Hitsu's blood..." Tristram said with a lick of his lips. Suddenly, blood leaked through Hitsu's neck and swam up Tristram's finger. The blood continued to his palm where it formed into a ball that floated gently above the vampire's hand. "...Is like the main course."

"Hey!" Hitsu growled as he watched the ball of blood continue to grow in size, "I still have to go on patrol today. Don't try to sneak extra."

"Yes, yes," Tristram sighed, "whatever you say."

With those words, he curled his finger towards his body stopping the blood. Nox looked at the extraction site with amazement as she saw no sign the draining had happened on Hitsu's neck.

"Wow, that's amazing," Nox said.

"Yeah," Hitsu said sarcastically, "incredible."

"Now they for your attire," Tristram said as he finished drinking the ball of Hitsu's blood, that speed he did so impressing Nox. "Judging by your power you will need something loose and unrestrictive but still practical."

"How do you know what my power is?" Nox asked.

"I can tell a lot about a person by their blood," Takeshi explained, "it's a very personal substance."

Nox shivered at Tristram's words, he might be a good guy but he sure was creepy.

"I will have to find a way to fix that weakness of yours," Tristram said as he brainstormed.

"Weakness?" Nox asked concerned.

"You have to charge up your dances right?" Hitsu said.

"Yeah, the longer I dance the more powerful the effect becomes," Nox explained.

"That takes time to complete," Hitsu said, "during that time you are defenseless."

Hitsu was right. If Nox wanted to perform a more powerful attack she would have no way to stop her opponent.

"Fear not," Tristram said confidently, "I know exactly what to do."

Instantly Tristram started working. The vampire dashed around the room picking up various different fabrics before he started back into the wall, closing the door behind him. Hitsu let out a sigh of relief and lay down on a pile of clothes.

"Now all we gotta do is wait," He said as Juno curled up by his side.

"Okay, but how is he going to know what size to make my outfit?" Nox asked.

"Blood man," Hitsu responded with a shiver, "it tells him more than enough."

Nox found herself shivering as well.

"Jeez," she thought, "vampires are scary."


"You almost ready?" Hitsu shouted at the girl's room door, "we have to go on patrol soon."

"Just a second," Nox shouted back, "there's a lot of parts to this costume."

Hitsu rolled his eyes. "That sounds like Tristram to me," he said as he leaned against the wall.

Juno paced impatiently, she seemed just as ready to go on patrol as Hitsu. Hitsu was already wearing his hero outfit. He hid his hands in his pockets and slid down the wall to the floor. Juno leaped into his lap as they waited.

"This is pretty weird isn't it Juno?" Hitsu asked.

Juno looked up to him confused as if asking what he meant.

"We aren't used to having to wait for other people. I know it's only Nox, but this place feels more lively already."

Juno meowed happily in response.

"Yeah," Hitsu whispered, "I hope it stays this way."

Suddenly the door to the girl's room swung open and Nox quickly stepped out from within.

"Sorry I took so long," she apologized, "I'm ready now."

Hitsu stared up at Nox and her new hero uniform. She wore a black, sleeveless top that stopped before her stomach and black shorts. Wrapped around her wrists were two small pink strips of fabric, they flowed in the wind with every movement Nox made. Connecting the top and shorts was a length of see-through black fabric that covered Nox's stomach and back. Over her mouth, Nox wore the same see-through fabric like a mask. Nox's excited smile beamed through the fabric to Hitsu who sat in silence.

"What's the matter?" Nox asked as Hitsu stared back at her, "Is there something wrong with my outfit?"

Realizing he hadn't said a word Hitsu quickly tried to reassure Nox.

"No, no, no," he said quickly, "I think you look great." Hitsu's eyes widened upon realizing what he just said. "I mean..."

"Really?" Nox asked with a smile, "that's good to hear."

Once again Hitsu found himself silent. Hoping to avoid making a fool of himself he quickly rose to his feet with Juno in his arms.

"Well we better hurry," Hitsu said, "it's already almost noon."

"Right," Nox said enthusiastically, "let's go patrol."

"Are you ready Nox?" Hitsu asked, "your first day as a hero is about to begin."

"Yeah... I'm ready," Nox replied, "and one thing."

"What's that?" Hitsu asked.

"We're doing hero work," Nox replied, "so I'm not Nox...

"...My name is Queen."


End of Episode 27