
Enai stared at Sel's wrist in utter disbelief, she felt as though her eyes were betraying her. Her eyes remained locked on the chains that dug deep into Sel's wrist, they were not weapons but instead a part of him. The skin surrounding the chain had grown used to the presence of the chain, they had been apart of him for a long time, longer than Enai could imagine.

"Hey, Spooky!" Sel shouted causing Enai's focus to return to the battle. "Pay attention!"

Sel flicked his arm towards his body causing the blade connected on his right arm to fly back to him. In one swift motion, Sel caught the blade, pulled back his arm, and launched the blade at Enai once again. As the blade left his hand his flaming palm shot out a burst of flames causing the blade to fly forward even faster.

Enai instinctually threw up her bone-covered arms to defend herself. The blade slammed into her arms and sent her sliding back across the ground, dirt was sent into the air from her dragging heels. When Enai stopped sliding she looked up to see that the distance was being rapidly closed by an approaching Sel. The closer he came the warmer the air around them became.

Enai planted her feet and swung her fist forward hoping to catch Sel off guard. The moment her arm left her body Sel spun on his toes halting his momentum. With his left hand, he threw his other blade out. Enai's eyes followed the blade as it flew between her legs and struck the ground somewhere behind her. Instead of pulling the blade back Sel used it as an anchor and pulled himself forward at a high speed. He slid on the ground and between her legs to the blade.

Enai turned her head in shock at the dirt-covered Sel's strategy. All she had time to see was Sel swinging both his blades at her bone-covered back. The flaming blades collided with the force and speed of a bullet. With a burst of fire and a loud crack, the layer of bone covering Enai's back shattered into countless pieces. The force of the blow sent Enai rolling across the ground, dirt-covered her body as she tumbled and rolled.

After what felt like an eternity, Enai came to a stop laying on her stomach. With a growl of anger, she pulled herself to her knees. She looked up to see a remorseless Sel approaching once again, the flames that followed behind him only making his sinister grin even scarier. As he grew closer and closer Enai didn't move, she remained on her knees with her eyes locked on Sel's.

Enai lie in wait as Sel grew dangerously close. Sel frowned upon noticing two things, Enai's scowl had changed to a grin and she was no longer covered in bone. In a single moment, Enai threw back her arms in an angelic pose and a bundle of bones shot from her stomach and chest. The bones swirled around each other making a large oval shield only inches from Sel's face. Sel had no time to react and slammed his face, chest, and knees into the unforgiving bone causing pain to shoot through his body.

As Sel started his stunned descent towards the ground below, Enai started her attack. The bone shield broke in half as the bones untangled themselves. Like ghostly white arms, they shot out and wrapped themselves around Sel. The bones constricted his waist, legs, and arms leaving Sel floating helplessly in the air. Enai sprang forth from where she sat and grabbed onto Sel's legs. In unison with the bones that came from her chest, she threw Sel down onto the ground. Sel slammed into the ground with immense speed and power causing a cloud of dirt to fly into the air.

Sel let out a pained sound as the pain from the landing coursed through him. The bones that wrapped around him quickly began to unwind themselves as they returned to Enai's chest. As those bones sunk back into Enai's body a different set of bones shot from Enai's left arm which was raised high into the air. The bones surrounded Enai's arm and closed hand making a heavy gauntlet. Sel's eyes locked onto the weapon that hung high in the air.

With danger lurking above him, Sel pushed through the pain. With his feet already in the air from landing on his back, Sel pointed his soles at Enai's legs. A sound resembling crackling fire filled the air causing Enai to shift her attention to its source, Sel's legs that glowed a bright orange visible through his pants. Enai leaped backward as the bones around her arm retreated back into her body. Moments later flames burst from Sel's shoes, the immense pressure pushing Sel backward. Sel shifted his weight and his feet causing the flames to push him in a circle. Sel spun his damaged back and shoulders faster and faster as he created a vortex of flames around him.

Enai quickly adapted to the conditions Sel brought to the battle and began to prepare a counterattack. Enai held out both of her arms which quickly began to become encased in bone. Sel's spinning finally came to an end as pushed his body upon his hands, momentarily balancing that way before his feet flew to the ground. With a burst of flames, Sel shot forward directly at his opponent. Enai stood prepared, a layer of bone gradually spreading from her arms to her entire body.

Both let out fierce battle cries as they launched their fist at each other. The immense power and speed of Sel's fire slammed into the rock-solid defense of Enai's bone. For a moment all seemed to stand still, nobody was able to move forward but nobody was able to move back. The combatant's eyes widened as they realized what was to come. The overwhelming power of both attacks burst and with an explosion of flames and shards of bone Enai and Sel were sent flying. The two landed on the ground with thuds, the battle finally taking its toll. Through the sounds of pained breathing and the surrounding city, the combatant voices could be heard.

"Hey Spooky," Sel said weakly.

"What do you want Freak?" Enai responded.

"You give up?" Sel asked smugly.

"In your dreams," Enai replied.

"Then come on," Sel said as he started to pull himself onto all fours, "get up and fight."

"I don't need you to tell me what to do," Enai said as she started to do the same.

Before either of them could completely rise a solid pink ball struck both of them in their backs. Filled with pain the two collapsed to the ground once again.

"Yeah, that's a no from me," Hitsu said as he walked onto the battlefield between the two, "you guys are going kill yourselves if you keep going."

"No fair," Enai complained from the ground.

"Laaaaaaaame," Sel groaned.

"Yep," Hitsu responded, "I guess you guys tie."

The two stayed silent as they pondered the idea.

"I bet I can beat you at something else to break that tie," Sel said with a grin.

"I'm going to be the only one breaking the tie," Enai responded.

"Jeez," Nox said as she walked to Hitsu's side, "you two aren't gonna stop anytime soon."

Hitsu chuckled as he placed his hands behind his head.

"Hey guys," he said to Enai and Sel.

"Yeah?" They responded.

"You guys are idiots."


"I don't believe it."

"How could he? How could he do this?" Sel yelled angrily.

"This can't be real," Enai whispered in disbelief.

"Why is this happening?" Nox whimpered.

"Why Hitsu?"


End of Episode 35