A Hero's Welcome

Mirai's bright green eyes shot a cold glare into Takeshi's soul as the two faced each other. Some of the nearby conversations quieted as other headmasters noticed the staredown. A hush came over the room as everyone began to brace for the worst.

"Look..." Takeshi started, but he was quickly cut off by Mirai's arms around his neck.

"Takeshi!" Mirai shouted in a higher pitched voice than before as she tightly hugged him and laughed, "I missed you so much!"

The sudden attack knocked the wind out of Takeshi momentarily even after the several drinks he consumed that day.

"Mirai," he said once he could catch his breath, "you haven't changed a bit."

Just as quick as Mirai had hugged Takeshi she was back standing before him. The joyous smile she had was replaced with the small, polite one she had when she first approached Takeshi. An air of elegance and a hint of dangerousness was restored in her appearance.

"Judging by the smell of liquor on your breath you haven't changed much either," Mirai replied as she strolled to a nearby unoccupied barstool.

"You'd be surprised," Takeshi said as he took the open barstool next to her. 

With the tensions lifted the other headmasters exchanged awkward glances before returning to their conversations.

"So tell me," Mirai said as she rested her head on her hand, "is the world coming to an end, or has The Future Veins gained new members?"

"Obviously the world's coming to an end," Takeshi replied sarcastically.

"Is it now," the man sitting on Takeshi's other side said calmly, "that's quite the shame. There were many things I still haven't accomplished."

Takeshi looked to his side confused to see an old man in the stool next to him. He must have been there the whole time but Takeshi hadn't noticed his presence. The man was bald with a long white beard that would nearly reach his feet if he were standing. He wore a simple blue and white robe. The entire time Takeshi looked at him he never opened his eyes.

"Uhh..." was all Takeshi could think to say.

"The world isn't ending Shibata," Miria said calmly.

"Ahh, that was sarcastic," the old man said, "well, isn't that a relief?"

"Takeshi, this is old man Shibata," Mirai introduced, "he's smart and powerful but he seems to think nobody is capable of lying. He's a little too trusting."

"That may be true Sweet Mirai," Shibata responded as he finally opened his eyes, "but I would rather trust one million liars than discredit one person who desperately shouts the truth."

"Like I said," Mirai continued, "smart."

Mirai shifted her stool to face Takeshi and Shibata more directly.

"Shibata," Mirai said to the old man, "this is Takeshi, the drunk I told you about before."

"Ahh, yes," Shibata said as he looked at Takeshi as if he was an old friend, "the hero. It's a pleasure to meet you in person."

"Likewise, I guess," Takeshi responded still partially confused.

It was then that the bartender approached the three headmasters. It was apparent that these employees were expertly trained to have perfect timing.

"Would you like a drink, sir?" The bartender asked Takeshi.

"Just a glass of ice,"Takeshi told him as he placed one of the many bottles around his belt on the bar top. I hope it's okay that I brought my own."

"Of course sir," The bartender replied before quickly stepping away to fulfill his request.

"How rude Takeshi," Mirai said in a playful tone, "you aren't going to offer your two best friends some of your special alcohol?"

Takeshi decided to ignore the best friend's remark.

"If you two want some you are more than welcome, just don't blame me if it knocks you on your asses," Takeshi offered.

"I can handle myself," Mirai said with a sly grin.

"I'm not much of a drinker but I would never turn down an offer from a friend," Shibata replied.

The bartender returned with a tall glass filled with ice and two shot glasses. Now Takeshi was impressed, this bartender was one step ahead of him. Takeshi poured a golden brown liquid out of his bottle and filled the three glasses. The three each grabbed their respective drinks.

"A one, and a two..." Takeshi said aloud. When he would have said three the headmasters downed their drinks. Despite having a much bigger glass, Takeshi finished his just as quickly as the two shots.

"My, my," Mirai said, her face showing a new coat of red, "you've really mastered your brewing technique."

"I must agree," Shibata added just as calm as he had been before, "that is a fine beverage."

Takeshi was surprised. That drink was specially made to be extremely strong. Any normal person would have been drunk on the floor but these two looked like they just downed some water instead.

"Well alright," Takeshi said with a grin, "I wasn't expecting to find some drinking buddies here."

For the second time since arriving a voice commanded Takeshi's attention. Compared to Mirai's confrontation only minutes ago this voice sounded full of pure rage. 

"Pathetic!" The angry voice shouted.

The three bargoers turn their heads to see behind them. It was a large man, big enough to rival Takeshi in size. His red eyes flared with anger so much so that Takeshi barely saw the man's head of short, white hair. He wore a dark cloak that covered his entire body but the way he was standing caused it to part just enough to see he was wearing some sort of white and black body suit. 

"What's his problem?" Takeshi mumbled in confusion.

"My problem?" The man shouted again as he began to approach Takeshi, "My problem is with people like you!"

"Easy Nobuo," Mirai said with a sigh, "you don't want a fight here or with him."

"Correct," Shibata said, "there is no need for an altercation."

"Why the hell should I listen to you two?" Nobuo demanded, "You have no problem being with the hero."

By this point, Nobuo stood less than a foot away from Takeshi. He glared down at the leader of The Future Veins with pure hatred in his eyes. If Mirai had made the room quiet before it was completely silent now. Headmasters from all around the world stared on nervously.

"Yeah, I'm a hero," Takeshi said before taking a drink from the bottle on the bar top, "what about it?"

"You cowards hide away in the protected cities cleaning up petty crimes but collecting money all the same. It makes me sick," Nobuo spat.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way," Takeshi responded as he stood up. He was only taller than Nobuo by a few inches but he glared down at him all the same. "Why don't you tell someone who gives a damn."

Sensing an oncoming fight Mirai and Shibata acted quickly. With a twirl of her hands, a deep black parasol with a sharp pointed end appeared where there was once nothing. On the other end of the conflict, Shibata brought his hands together which began to glow a sky blue.


"Let's go find the others," Hitsu said to Juno somewhere on the first floor. Hitsu walked at a casual pace as he admired the arena around him. Juno sat on his left shoulder. As Hitsu walked he noticed someone around his age walking towards him. The first thing he saw was the boy's angry brown eyes. They seemed to give off an unapproachable energy even though they weren't looking at Hitsu. He wore a black shirt and pants. Over the shirt, he wore a beaten-looking, white, sleeveless jacket. His long brown hair was tied off in a bun.

The two were walking towards each other heading in different directions. As they drew near, Hitsu noticed the boy's eyes dart to Juno and they quickly studied him. When they were about to pass the boy moved to put himself partially in Hitsu's path and made sure to collide shoulders before continuing. The force was strong enough to push Hitsu to the side and he stopped walking immediately. The boy, hearing the absence of Hitsu's footsteps, came to a stop himself. They stood only a foot or two away from each other when Hitsu spoke.

"You made it pretty obvious that was on purpose. Is there something I can help you with?"


Nobuo laughed a hearty laugh before returning his glare to meet Takeshi's

"You're right," he said, "I shouldn't bother talking to a waste of time like yourself. I should just ask you one thing."

"And what would that be?" Takeshi asked coldly.


"No," the boy said practically growling, "nothing at all."

Hitsu didn't bother trying to argue further, it wouldn't get him anywhere. He turned back the way he was heading.


"Your kids," Nobuo said, "your little team of heroes. Have you warned them how violent people can be towards scum like you?"


The moment Hitsu took a step in the other direction the boy acted. A thick bolt of lightning coursed over his right hand and he swung his palm forward in an upward arc aiming for Hitsu's right shoulder.


"No," Takeshi answered simply.

"Really?" Nobuo responded in a condescending tone, "And why not?"

"Because..." Takeshi answered.


The boy's eyes widened in shock. Instead of his hand landing on Hitsu's shoulder it stayed suspended in the air. Without turning around Hitsu's right hand had caught the boy's wrist and the two stood still once again.


"...I want to see the face of the idiot who tries to hurt them."


End of Episode 55