On Your Marks

"The fifteen minutes are up and the teams are now being escorted to their chosen relay points," Matt announced.

Hitsu looked along the track and tried to spot his teammates. The only one not blocked from view by the arena itself was Nox. Screens were broadcasting the race and were placed by the relay handoff points. From the screen, Hitsu could see Enai warming up at the starting line as a broadcast helicopter recorded a birds-eye view of the event's setup. Enai would hand off to Sel who after scaling the mountain would send Jinuske down it. Jinsuke would send Nox swimming across the water portion to meet Hitsu who had the anchor role for his team.

Hitsu looked to his side and couldn't help but feel anxious. Ida had designated Racer at the same spot. The girl stood in the lane directly on his left. She seemingly lacked any nerves at all, instead, she appeared eager for the race to begin. This combined with her name twisted a knot in Hitsu's stomach. He hoped everything would go according to plan.

She looked to her side and locked eyes with him, it was only then he realized he had been staring unintentionally. He quickly turned his head away in a not-so-subtle manner but Racer soon spoke to him making him jump slightly.

"Hey," she said sharply.

"Y-yeah," Hitsu responded awkwardly.

"Are you fast?" Racer asked.

"Huh?" Hitsu responded confused.

"Are you fast?" Racer repeated excitedly, "I want a real good race for a change."


"Tell me Mirai, Racer is just a nickname isn't it?" Takeshi asked with his eyes on the broadcast.

"Of course," Mirai responded. She watched gleefully as Juno lay on her back with Spot on her forehead. Mirai, now happily in charge of watching both pets, was ecstatic that the two got along well. Spot would lift himself into the air with some webbing and throw his body in a random direction. In response, Juno would rush to get under the spider and catch it before it touched the ground.

"That name doesn't leave her power to the imagination much," Takeshi commented.

"I'm aware, but I don't have any other name to call her by."

"What exactly do you mean by that Miss Mirai?" Shibata asked.

"Racer is the only name she's ever given me or anyone else," Mirai explained, "it's the name she's chosen for herself."

Takeshi downed a quick shot of liquor.

"You kids are in for one hell of a race," Takeshi thought


"Alright, team!" Matt announced after everyone took their places on the track, "Let's go over the rules."

A camera that broadcasted the event followed the track as Matt explained.

"All teams must stay in their lanes when applicable. If you fall out of your lane you must return to the point you left it or your progress will not be recognized. Attacking other teams is not allowed and deliberate attacks will result in a disqualified team. Lastly, you must touch your teammates to hand off the racing to them. The first four teams to have their anchor cross the finish line will move on to the next round."

The crowd cheered at the ending of the rules, the event was soon to start. In that crowd sat Futaro. On the fourth floor, each of the teams had a designated section of the arena for them to observe. These seats surrounded the arena and were separated by walls just tall enough to provide privacy even if you stood on one of the luxury seats. Futaro's attention was only taken away from the massive screen by Alice gently sitting in the seat next to him.

"You watch two teams very closely," Alice said behind her covered eyes, "is there something special about them?"

"I have a feeling I met their leaders for a reason," Futato answered.

"I see," Alice responded, "and the aggressor?"

"The same feeling."

"Today may end up being very eventful."



With the race's start rapidly approaching Enai took the time to stretch her body as she stood in her team's lane. While she tried to focus on the event at hand she couldn't help but hear the muttered words of the other competitors.

"What is she wearing?" a girl laughed quietly.

"She must not stand out enough," another added.

"What an attention seeker," a nearby boy said.

Enai and the test of The Voyage opted to bring along their hero outfits to compete in. Others had specialized suits as well but Enai's title of hero seemed to mean she was wrong for doing the same. Although she loved the teal bodysuit a part of her wished she had chosen something less colorful.

"Just ignore them," the girl in the lane next to Enai said as she approached the starting line. Enai recognized her as Stacy Nou, the short girl with black and pink hair and large glasses from The Weaving Witches. "They will talk bad about you no matter what," Stacy continued, "you can tell because nobody without a bias would think that cute outfit looks bad."

Enai smiled to the ground as she stretched her legs.

"Thank you, it's hard to pretend I can't hear it all of the time."

Enai looked at her opponent's outfit. It was similar to her own, a form-fitting bodysuit. It differed by being black with pink accents, being full over the back where Enai was more exposed, and lacking the face mask that covered Enai's mouth.

"She was chosen to start for a reason," Enai thought, "what could her power be?"

 A sharp whistle suddenly ended Enai's pondering as an employee dressed in a white and black stripe shirt approached the starting line.

"Racers to your lanes!" He announced.

"This is it folks," Matt said excitedly, "the first event is about to begin!"

The team's first members lined up at the starting line as the others watched the broadcast screens near them intently.

"On your marks!" The official shouted.

The racer's bodies as they leaned forward.

"Get set!" The official yelled as he pointed the stater gun to the sky.

The spectators all around the world held their breath with anticipation.



End of Episode 60